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RE: Room Directional changeup
Walking through either Aran'gird or the Underdark mines (only know because Jaldean's name was on the entrance) and in this room, it looks like the directions are a bit mixed up for looking up and down:

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look
In a cave
You stare around this small room in amazement. It is obviously not a
naturally occurring cave, holding an approximately square shape. Every
surface showing signs of scratches, possibly from whatever tool was used
to dig this room out. Even more notable, however, are the massive quantities
of bones strewn about. All sizes and shapes, from bones taller than you to
tiny ones that crunch under your feet as you walk. Oddly enough, you see no
skulls among the other assorted bones. A scratching sound suddenly fills the
cavern then just as suddenly goes silent. Looking about, you can see no
obvious source.

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look n
It appears the rocks to the north are blocking a small opening.

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look e
The walls are roughly square, and covered with scratches.

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look s
The walls are roughly square, and covered with scratches.

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look w
You see only darkness as you look out toward the ledge.

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look u
The floor here is littered with bones.

<594hp 1018m 500mv 23350tnl> look d
The low ceiling is also squared, and covered with scratches.

U and D should probably be switched.

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