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RE: Eyes of flame (check time)
- This is always somewhat confusing (not to mention unrealistic), as eyes of flame trigger (the yell) BEFORE they are even in the same room. In the log snippet below Viera apparently even has the longest polearm ever to keep Makdran at bay in the adjacent room already. :p So any chance this could be tweaked to trigger only right AFTER the two have arrived, like all (?) the other auto-attack abilities?

Silvery-white flames flicker in Makdran's eyes as he attacks you!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Makdran!'
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
Above the Chasm

Makdran is here, fighting YOU!
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A crackling hiss from a shadowy Nightwalker breaks the silence of the abyss below.
(You intuitively sense that a shadowy Nightwalker just greeted you.)
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Makdran yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES Makdran!
You keep Makdran at bay with your polearm.
Makdran's noxious force DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Makdran's noxious force.
You fade into existence.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Makdran!
Your defilement MASSACRES Makdran!
Your defilement MASSACRES Makdran!
Shadowy coils emerge from a pitch-black lance, encircling Makdran before sinking beneath his skin.
Makdran has some small but disgusting cuts.

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