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RE: Repair Organ
<179hp 294m 442mv 10234tnl> c 'repair organ' self
You grunt as you force your damaged organs to twist into their proper places.
You feel the toxin being flushed from your system as you repair your organs.

<257hp 239m 442mv 10234tnl> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 40 hours.
Spell: 'repair organ' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'repair organ' modifies constitution by -1 for 24 hours.
Spell: 'metabolic quickening' modifies dexterity by 4 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'ocular enhancement' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'ocular enhancement' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'calcify' modifies dexterity by -2 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -3 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'petrify flesh' modifies dexterity by -5 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'corporeal hardening' modifies dexterity by -2 for 3 hours.

Still affected by poison, despite what the message said.

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