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RE: Flying through a locked door.

<1204 - 864 - 781 - 9 PM outdoor> whe
People near you:
(PK) an osprey Far above the city of Galadon
(PK) a falcon Far above a Manor
(PK) Barduk An Alcove

<1204 - 864 - 781 - 9 PM outdoor> flyto barduk

<1204 - 864 - 781 - 9 PM outdoor> murder barduk
You fly to Barduk.
An Alcove

The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
A large pile of copper, which could only be the Lord's hoard, is here.
Barduk is sleeping here.

<1204 - 864 - 776 - 9 PM indoor> <1204 - 864 - 776 - 9 PM indoor> Barduk yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
You fade into existence.
Barduk parries your claw.
Barduk is gushing blood.
The place were Barduk is sleeping is normally behind a locked
door. You get the key from the treasure guardian (as you know).
I know I can't pass that door with the my translucence spell,
cause I've tried that (several times). Yet I was able to fly to
Barduk and in doing so I must have passed that door.

Now, a falcon can fly to a person from/to inside, but not through
a locked door. I was thinking about this way after this fight. This
may be just a tiny detail, but I figured I'd just mention it and leave
it up to you guys.


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