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RE: Teleport into the middle of a too high level area while a ghost
wilderness <100%hp 56%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> c tel
Amidst the Towering Trees

A shining mithril shield inset with colored dragonscales rests here.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> get all
You get a mithril shield faced with dragonscales.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> Your incorporeal body feels restrained by some force.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> n
Your incorporeal body feels restrained by some force.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> e
Your incorporeal body feels restrained by some force.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> s
Your incorporeal body feels restrained by some force.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> w
Your incorporeal body feels restrained by some force.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> d
Alas, you cannot go that way.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> l d
Beneath your feet, the fallen leaves and dying plants piles up, obscuring
the rich earth below. Small nubs of what appears to be broken and discarded
bone peek up through the leaves.

wilderness <100%hp 41%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> c tel
You lost your concentration.

wilderness <100%hp 34%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> c tel
You failed.

wilderness <100%hp 20%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> sca a
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

wilderness <100%hp 20%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> recall
People near you:
(PK) Melia Amidst the Towering Trees

wilderness <100%hp 20%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> The gods have forsaken you.

wilderness <100%hp 20%m 71%mv 6800tnl (-25.93%) 2 AM> sleep
You go to sleep.

Teleported into a spot that I cannot recall from, teleport from, or move inside of while a ghost.

The bug I believe is that I can teleport into an area I'm too low level to be in the middle of, I don't remember this happening before the deal that let you teleport into guilds and stuff.

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