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RE: A minor display bug regarding the fortress
who fortress
[51 Storm Pal] [FORTRESS] [SCRIBE] Zacharyn Rengate the
Avenger of the Righteous
*20 Felar Thi* (PK) [FORTRESS] [SQUIRE] Jirash the Initiate

here the [SCRIBE]/[SQUIRE] is present, but if done on
individual names the following appear:

whois ji
[20 Felar Thi] (PK) [FORTRESS] Jirash the Initiate

whois z
[51 Storm Pal] [FORTRESS] Zacharyn Rengate the Avenger of the

Just wondering if the [SCRIBE]/[SQUIRE] shouldn't be apparent
here as well.
Thank you for you time.


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