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ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Gorbosh the Desecrator of the Most HolyDeath_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 11:52 PM150
Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Gozdrukin the Master of CopperDeath_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 09:28 PM174
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ajdeeik the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 08:44 PM196
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Thewlse the Mistress of Song, Imperi... [ View all ]Death_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 07:35 PM346
Reply RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Thewlse the Mistress of Song, Im..., Thewlse (Guest), 30-Dec-03 10:41 AM, #1
     Reply I know the feeling, Taluven (Guest), 01-Jan-04 09:00 AM, #2
     Reply RE: I know the feeling, Thewlse (Guest), 03-Jan-04 09:25 AM, #5
     Reply Hrm how about Xargornek?? 'member me?, Bajula, 02-Jan-04 10:35 AM, #3
          Reply sure do!, Thewlse (Guest), 03-Jan-04 09:19 AM, #4
               Reply haha., Bajula, 03-Jan-04 07:35 PM, #6
Topic (AUTO) [None] Zememman the Master of BronzeDeath_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 06:12 PM211
HOT Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Careron the Student of History [ View all ]Death_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 05:15 PM586
Reply RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Careron the Student of History, Kopiteous (Guest), 29-Dec-03 12:36 PM, #10
Reply When You Don't See Me, Scrimbul, 29-Dec-03 12:46 PM, #11
Reply Okay, okay. I guess I owe some explanation., Scrimbul, 29-Dec-03 11:55 AM, #8
Reply Your cover?, Keiigrahv (Guest), 29-Dec-03 01:15 PM, #13
Reply Every time you ever saw my nightwalker before you spout..., Careron (Guest), 29-Dec-03 03:11 PM, #14
     Reply RE: Every time you ever saw my nightwalker before you s..., Zwick (Guest), 29-Dec-03 03:57 PM, #15
     Reply No idea what the orc did, but the log of you on Dio's d..., Theerkla, 29-Dec-03 04:04 PM, #16
     Reply That was after what I'm talking about, so I didn't care..., Careron (Guest), 29-Dec-03 08:00 PM, #17
          Reply Always knew I could count on you for learning., Hasbrom (Guest), 31-Dec-03 10:03 AM, #20
     Reply You're delusional., Keiigrahv (Guest), 31-Dec-03 12:36 PM, #21
Reply Well, Scion App (Guest), 30-Dec-03 12:25 AM, #18
Reply RE: Okay, okay. I guess I owe some explanation., Etarekoth (Guest), 30-Dec-03 10:54 PM, #19
Reply Well, since you mentioned me, Soucivi (Guest), 03-Jan-04 05:15 PM, #22
Reply RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Careron the Student of History, Sardinthal (Guest), 29-Dec-03 12:05 AM, #7
Reply Sad Day, Durissa (Guest), 28-Dec-03 11:28 PM, #6
Reply I always Respected you, Vly (Guest), 28-Dec-03 10:05 PM, #5
Reply Bye . . . pal. ;-), Keiigrahv (Guest), 28-Dec-03 09:59 PM, #4
Reply I hate you. I hope someone kills you quickly. nt, Scrimbul, 29-Dec-03 11:56 AM, #9
     Reply Huh?, Keiigrahv (Guest), 29-Dec-03 01:13 PM, #12
Reply RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Careron the Student of History, Brenna (Guest), 28-Dec-03 04:14 PM, #3
Reply No last thoughts Careron? (n/t), Felar serpent (Guest), 27-Dec-03 08:40 PM, #2
Reply RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Careron the Student of History, Kackrik (Guest), 27-Dec-03 08:10 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Nadia the Saint [ View all ]Death_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 04:55 PM294
Reply RE: (AUTO) [None] Nadia the Saint, Orodreth, 02-Jan-04 03:45 AM, #3
Reply Yuppie dee do da, Meladori, 03-Jan-04 04:41 PM, #6
Reply Ewww... auto delete, Meladori, 30-Dec-03 11:37 PM, #1
     Reply Fun character., Halaquith (Guest), 01-Jan-04 12:18 AM, #2
     Reply RE: Fun character., Meladori, 03-Jan-04 04:44 PM, #7
     Reply Meladori.. you.. you wench! hehehe, Khanazh (Guest), 02-Jan-04 12:32 PM, #4
     Reply Nyah nyah ni nya nyah!, Meladori, 03-Jan-04 04:51 PM, #8
     Reply I wouldn't have guessed, Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:30 PM, #5
          Reply I say I say I say, good day sah, howdy do?, Meladori, 03-Jan-04 04:55 PM, #9
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Rasmish the ShadowDeath_AngelSat 03-Jan-04 11:32 AM182
Topic (DELETED) [None] Gabeldi the Baron of HurricanesDeath_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 11:52 PM179
HOT Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 11:06 PM560
Reply Guess it's over, Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:14 PM, #12
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster, Larsettaa (Guest), 02-Jan-04 11:01 AM, #9
Reply The pleasure was all mine. heh, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 05:42 PM, #20
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster, someone (Guest), 02-Jan-04 03:16 AM, #7
Reply Haha, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 05:32 PM, #13
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster, Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:40 PM, #19
Reply Con died a long time ago..Lialnst was my last char. heh..., Youtserp (Guest), 02-Jan-04 02:31 AM, #6
Reply Heh wow, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 05:33 PM, #14
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 01:56 AM, #1
     Reply Remember some that I forgot, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 02:01 AM, #2
     Reply Its been a while, but we had a whole bunch of fun plann..., Youtserp (Guest), 02-Jan-04 02:13 AM, #3
     Reply Yeah we did, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 02:16 AM, #5
     Reply RE: Remember some that I forgot, Parick (Guest), 02-Jan-04 02:14 AM, #4
     Reply RE: Remember some that I forgot, Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:35 PM, #15
          Reply thanks, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 05:42 PM, #21
     Reply RE: Remember some that I forgot, Odelius, 02-Jan-04 03:28 AM, #8
     Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster, Leesah (Guest), 02-Jan-04 11:58 AM, #10
     Reply Heh, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 05:36 PM, #16
          Reply RE: Heh, Leesah (Guest), 02-Jan-04 11:06 PM, #22
     Reply Well it's about damn time!, Khanazh (Guest), 02-Jan-04 12:28 PM, #11
     Reply HAHA!, Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 05:37 PM, #17
     Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Agraemas the Cursed Weaponsmaster, Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:38 PM, #18
Topic (DELETED) [None] Drasen the Secret [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 10:10 PM280
Reply Laters, Muhryl (Guest), 02-Jan-04 08:14 PM, #1
     Reply No guessing he just had a hell of a time ranking, Trannie (Guest), 02-Jan-04 10:10 PM, #2
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Ruhbilon the Greater Golem Maker... [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 10:00 PM322
Reply Heh. nt, Nivek1, 02-Jan-04 10:00 PM, #1
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ibabanango the Baron of Hurricanes [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 05:53 PM248
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Ibabanango the Baron of Hurricanes, Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:53 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Taleekan the Grand Mistress of Artistry [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 05:23 PM264
Reply RE: (AUTO) [None] Taleekan the Grand Mistress of Artist..., Lopner, 02-Jan-04 05:23 PM, #2
Reply Heh Oops..., Agraemas, 02-Jan-04 02:13 AM, #1
Topic Hi, Vladimir. [ View all ]ValguarneraFri 02-Jan-04 04:16 PM311
Reply Take a much needed break Vlad (n/t), Zulghinlour, 02-Jan-04 04:16 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kraelen the Communer of the DeadDeath_AngelFri 02-Jan-04 03:08 AM159
Topic (AUTO) [None] Araekor the Grand Master of ArtistryDeath_AngelThu 01-Jan-04 09:00 PM162
Topic (AUTO) [None] Chahani the OverlordDeath_AngelThu 01-Jan-04 06:44 PM170
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Urrisius the Master of Guile [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 01-Jan-04 06:35 PM256
Reply RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Urrisius the Master of Guile, Urrisius (Guest), 01-Jan-04 12:34 PM, #1
     Reply Bye., Kopiteous (Guest), 01-Jan-04 06:35 PM, #2
Topic (DELETED) [None] Graanter the Ranger BaronDeath_AngelThu 01-Jan-04 03:24 PM180
Topic (AUTO) [HERALD] Wistus the Elder Transmuter [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 01-Jan-04 12:44 PM217
Reply Why?, Odelius, 01-Jan-04 12:44 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Drummond the Ranger Lord [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 31-Dec-03 09:57 PM232
Reply But now what will Arnold, Willis and Kimberly do?! nt, Vladamir, 31-Dec-03 09:57 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Narvin the Master of OwazaDeath_AngelWed 31-Dec-03 04:28 PM140
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Segrobso the Baron of Tornadoes,...Death_AngelWed 31-Dec-03 07:44 AM171
Topic (AUTO) [HERALD] Zherive the Baron of HurricanesDeath_AngelWed 31-Dec-03 03:28 AM168
Topic (AUTO) [None] Morghul the Baron of Tornadoes, Bloodoath...Death_AngelWed 31-Dec-03 02:28 AM153
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Tyohleib Meh'Vhyn the Empathic Fan... [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 30-Dec-03 11:33 PM523
Reply RL claims another one., Charlie Sheen, 26-Dec-03 09:05 PM, #1
     Reply Just when team goodie looks like it has an upswing., Dryzzel, 26-Dec-03 11:09 PM, #2
     Reply Wow..thanks, Charlie Sheen, 29-Dec-03 07:59 PM, #9
     Reply Damn RL, Obaznuk, 27-Dec-03 01:34 AM, #3
     Reply WOOT!, Charlie Sheen, 29-Dec-03 08:00 PM, #10
     Reply A shame., Beltantis- (Guest), 27-Dec-03 07:12 AM, #4
     Reply Nice one, Lariya (Guest), 28-Dec-03 02:45 AM, #5
     Reply RE: RL claims another one., Kastellyn, 28-Dec-03 10:30 AM, #6
     Reply Heh, Gough..., Charlie Sheen, 29-Dec-03 08:04 PM, #11
     Reply RE: RL claims another one., Vorondel (Guest), 28-Dec-03 09:54 PM, #7
     Reply I love trannies!, Charlie Sheen, 29-Dec-03 08:06 PM, #12
     Reply Remind me not to become a Talon..., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 29-Dec-03 04:19 PM, #8
     Reply Thanks., Charlie Sheen, 29-Dec-03 08:10 PM, #13
     Reply damn you were cool., Bajula, 30-Dec-03 07:14 AM, #14
     Reply Great job, Rogardian, 30-Dec-03 09:09 AM, #15
     Reply RE: RL claims another one., Jirash (Guest), 30-Dec-03 08:20 PM, #16
     Reply Well one less person to impale me., Aiekooso, 30-Dec-03 11:33 PM, #17
Topic (DELETED) [None] Hignar the Baron of HurricanesDeath_AngelTue 30-Dec-03 02:36 PM182
Topic (AUTO) [None] Karapikuiba the High Wizard of the ArcaneDeath_AngelTue 30-Dec-03 11:36 AM174
Topic (DELETED) [None] Ravok the Master of Copper [ View all ]Death_AngelMon 29-Dec-03 11:42 PM306
Reply Couple things.., Ravok (Guest), 29-Dec-03 11:42 PM, #1
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