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ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (DELETED) [None] Lorran the Seeker of RedemptionDeath_AngelSat 21-Feb-04 01:56 PM182
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Hrejial the Master of Bronze [ View all ]Death_AngelSat 21-Feb-04 01:55 PM443
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Hrejial the Master of Bronze, Hrejial (Guest), 17-Feb-04 08:06 PM, #2
Reply Couldnt reccomend you for one reason..., Rahno (Guest), 17-Feb-04 08:52 PM, #3
Reply I thought he was the best villager I've seen in a LONG ..., Pringung (Guest), 18-Feb-04 01:58 PM, #7
Reply Was my response deleted? Why? n/t, Hrejial (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:42 PM, #10
Reply RE: Couldnt reccomend you for one reason..., Hrejial (Guest), 18-Feb-04 10:20 PM, #12
Reply I never understood a word you said, Jinroh (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:24 AM, #4
Reply mino speech and the rest, Baendra (Guest), 18-Feb-04 07:31 AM, #5
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Hrejial the Master of Bronze, Betraal (Guest), 18-Feb-04 10:08 AM, #6
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Hrejial the Master of Bronze, Hrejial (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:55 PM, #13
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Hrejial the Master of Bronze, Betraal (Guest), 20-Feb-04 09:55 AM, #15
Reply Well damn, Vronwei (Guest), 18-Feb-04 03:07 PM, #8
Reply about imms and booting, Daurwyn (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:47 PM, #11
Reply RE: Well damn, Hrejial (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:56 PM, #14
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Hrejial the Master of Bronze, Vex (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:28 PM, #9
Reply Bard songs and minotaurs, Mairra (Guest), 21-Feb-04 01:55 PM, #16
Reply hey why?, jarsharlax (Guest), 16-Feb-04 10:26 PM, #1
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Darithlan the Baron of HurricanesDeath_AngelSat 21-Feb-04 01:00 PM176
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Bashadar the Baron of Fire [ View all ]Death_AngelSat 21-Feb-04 06:14 AM302
Reply Ok well my second warrior ever, Xaannix-- (Guest), 20-Feb-04 03:56 PM, #1
     Reply Hey dude..ill trade you this wide copper for that.....n..., Gabe_ (Guest), 20-Feb-04 04:15 PM, #2
     Reply ?!, Xaannix, 20-Feb-04 04:21 PM, #3
     Reply regarding practicing, incognito, 21-Feb-04 06:14 AM, #4
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, Sound... [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 07:09 PM460
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Ecthael (Guest), 19-Feb-04 11:01 PM, #4
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Nhiala (Guest), 19-Feb-04 11:20 PM, #5
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Ecthael (Guest), 20-Feb-04 12:21 AM, #6
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., shokai, 20-Feb-04 01:11 AM, #7
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Ecthael (Guest), 20-Feb-04 03:54 PM, #8
Reply *grumbles*, Vorondel (Guest), 20-Feb-04 04:02 PM, #9
Reply About elves.., Lorthieral (Guest), 20-Feb-04 04:20 PM, #10
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Velkurah, 20-Feb-04 06:26 PM, #11
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Ecthael (Guest), 20-Feb-04 07:09 PM, #12
Reply Nice job from what i saw of you., Lerrik (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:13 PM, #3
Reply Damn, Obaznuk, 18-Feb-04 08:50 PM, #2
Reply RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ecthael Des'tai the General, S..., Bobbobimb (Guest), 18-Feb-04 07:28 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Zulfindor the OccultistDeath_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 05:56 PM136
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Glesphar the Grand Master of Changel...Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 04:00 PM183
HOT Topic (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 12:57 PM549
Reply I have a question..., Lerrik (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:31 PM, #36
Reply RE: I have a question..., Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:39 PM, #37
     Reply maybe i was wrong.. hehe it was a 'someone' who called ..., Lerrik (Guest), 20-Feb-04 01:36 AM, #38
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Verv (Guest), 19-Feb-04 02:06 AM, #15
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 06:32 AM, #18
Reply Yep, first you didnt give me a good bye, and second I a..., Rahno (Guest), 18-Feb-04 04:50 PM, #2
Reply RE: Yep, first you didnt give me a good bye, and second..., Hyshrawr (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:10 PM, #3
     Reply Got me ALL wrong bud, Rahno (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:25 PM, #4
          Reply Oh and I always talked that way, before I even knew Kac..., Rahno (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:26 PM, #5
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Hyshrawr (Guest), 18-Feb-04 04:08 PM, #1
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Vex (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:41 PM, #6
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Hyshrawr (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:04 PM, #8
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, auraack (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:49 PM, #7
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Hyshrawr (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:09 PM, #9
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Auraack (Guest), 18-Feb-04 11:49 PM, #14
          Reply Probably won't return and here's why, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 06:43 AM, #19
     Reply it's not really a rager thing so much as, Daurwyn (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:53 PM, #10
     Reply Thank you., Hrejial (Guest), 18-Feb-04 09:06 PM, #32
     Reply He did the same to me, and I only did it in raids. I th..., Woopy (Guest), 18-Feb-04 05:53 PM, #11
     Reply My character, my beliefs, sorry if you didn't like them, Jinroh (Guest), 18-Feb-04 08:32 PM, #12
     Reply Ah, Vronwei (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:26 AM, #21
     Reply Pathetic, Dryzzel, 19-Feb-04 07:42 AM, #31
     Reply A quick comment about "our" beliefs, Dryzzel, 19-Feb-04 07:41 AM, #24
          Reply RE: A quick comment about, Jinroh (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:17 PM, #34
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Jegec (Guest), 18-Feb-04 09:48 PM, #13
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:19 AM, #20
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Kardok (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:00 AM, #16
     Reply Answers, Situationals and lastly Why, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 06:28 AM, #17
          Reply RE: Answers, Situationals and lastly Why, Kardok (Guest), 20-Feb-04 02:55 AM, #39
               Reply And furthermore, Kardok (Guest), 20-Feb-04 03:17 AM, #40
               Reply RE: Answers, Situationals and lastly Why, Hyshrawr (Guest), 20-Feb-04 12:57 PM, #41
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Kazadan (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:36 AM, #22
     Reply Heh, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:45 AM, #25
     Reply You had guts., Dryzzel, 19-Feb-04 07:37 AM, #23
     Reply RE: You had guts., Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:53 AM, #26
          Reply Your view is limited, I'll give you that., Dryzzel, 19-Feb-04 08:32 AM, #27
     Reply Liked you, and hoped to work with you more, Betraal (Guest), 19-Feb-04 09:22 AM, #28
     Reply RE: Liked you, and hoped to work with you more, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 09:31 AM, #29
     Reply And I'm alone in the shadows once more...., Marballa (Guest), 19-Feb-04 01:18 PM, #30
     Reply Oops, Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 02:08 PM, #33
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Vronwei the Kaiden, Zulghinlour, 19-Feb-04 03:46 PM, #35
Topic (DELETED) [None] Durissa the Student of Owaza, Anathema... [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 09:32 AM269
Reply PURGE!, Durissa (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:32 PM, #1
     Reply RE: PURGE!, Fharnen (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:41 PM, #2
     Reply Always a pleasure Log, Vly (Guest), 19-Feb-04 12:55 AM, #3
     Reply Was wondering what happened to you. I was hoping you wo..., Dryzzel, 20-Feb-04 09:32 AM, #4
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Dhacknath the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 07:24 AM269
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Lerrik the Weaponsmaster, Seeker of t...Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 06:40 AM232
Topic (AUTO) [None] Imnagron the Evil Knight, Anathema to the... [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 03:28 AM270
Reply Anathema?!?!, Jaegrudai (Guest), 17-Feb-04 10:08 AM, #1
     Reply I'm 58% sure about this one, Kardok (Guest), 20-Feb-04 03:28 AM, #2
Topic No more skulls to the throne.... [ View all ]Jormundgaand (Guest)Fri 20-Feb-04 03:08 AM472
Reply You were a beast and good to have around., Jinroh (Guest), 19-Feb-04 11:03 PM, #14
Reply er... ouch.., Lerrik (Guest), 19-Feb-04 07:40 PM, #13
Reply I had a good time traveling with you., Nivek1, 19-Feb-04 05:37 PM, #12
Reply Aiite man, good try, village is goin under a test.. Lat..., Rahno (Guest), 19-Feb-04 05:01 PM, #11
Reply Liked everything except one incident., Dryzzel, 19-Feb-04 07:45 AM, #10
Reply Well I can't blame you, Vronwei (Guest), 19-Feb-04 06:59 AM, #9
Reply Maan, Jaalek (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:54 AM, #4
Reply RE: Maan, Jorm (Guest), 19-Feb-04 04:42 AM, #6
Reply Riiiight., Jaegrudai (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:46 AM, #3
Reply RE: Riiiight., Jorm (Guest), 19-Feb-04 04:44 AM, #7
     Reply Well.., Jaegrudai (Guest), 20-Feb-04 01:19 AM, #16
Reply RE: No more skulls to the throne...., Kardok (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:16 AM, #2
Reply RE: No more skulls to the throne...., Jorm (Guest), 19-Feb-04 04:40 AM, #5
Reply What are you talking about?, Kardok (Guest), 20-Feb-04 02:59 AM, #17
Reply RE: No more skulls to the throne...., Hyshrawr (Guest), 19-Feb-04 06:52 AM, #8
     Reply I, wholeheartedly second what is stated here. n/t, Jinroh (Guest), 19-Feb-04 11:05 PM, #15
     Reply RE: No more skulls to the throne...., Kardok (Guest), 20-Feb-04 03:08 AM, #18
Reply Please please please, Guesser (Guest), 18-Feb-04 09:21 PM, #1
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Alvariohn Fehas the Avenger of... [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 20-Feb-04 03:00 AM1073
Reply RE: (RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Alvariohn Fehas the Avenge..., Nimuweh (Guest), 18-Feb-04 03:04 AM, #1
     Reply Hey thanks, Catastrophic, 18-Feb-04 11:57 AM, #2
          Reply Aw, Sevarecan, 18-Feb-04 12:18 PM, #3
          Reply Well, I'm not sure we ever talked, Catastrophic, 19-Feb-04 06:24 PM, #9
          Reply Well,, Catastrophic, 18-Feb-04 01:13 PM, #4
          Reply Aw ####e.., Vorondel (Guest), 18-Feb-04 01:34 PM, #5
          Reply RE: Hey thanks, Kazadan (Guest), 18-Feb-04 03:27 PM, #6
          Reply Yep, Catastrophic, 18-Feb-04 04:23 PM, #7
          Reply RE: Hey thanks, Bobbobimb (Guest), 18-Feb-04 07:33 PM, #8
          Reply And thank you., Felar Serpent (Guest), 20-Feb-04 03:00 AM, #10
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Solias the Master of BeguilementDeath_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 11:00 PM152
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Chugli the Master of Euphony [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 09:58 PM330
Reply PURGE!, Chugli (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:26 PM, #1
     Reply Ugliest dwarf I ever saw. n/t, Jaegrudai (Guest), 19-Feb-04 03:48 AM, #2
          Reply RE: Ugliest dwarf I ever saw. n/t, Icliob (Guest), 19-Feb-04 09:58 PM, #3
Topic (DELETED) [None] Izhan the Master of IronDeath_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 08:52 PM171
Topic (AUTO) [None] Malekith the Baron of ForestsDeath_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 06:24 PM145
Topic (AUTO) [None] Glovan the OgoshiDeath_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 02:32 PM126
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Arkaniea the Rumor, Flunky [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 12:45 PM367
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Arkaniea the Rumor, Flunky, Odelius, 19-Feb-04 12:45 PM, #2
Reply Boy did I get tired of you stealing super limited sword..., Kardok (Guest), 19-Feb-04 02:38 AM, #1
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Emerson the Baron of StormsDeath_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 06:24 AM192
Topic (DELETED) [None] Vessila the Mistress of the Invisible ... [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 19-Feb-04 01:07 AM277
Reply PURGE!, Vessila (Guest), 18-Feb-04 06:29 PM, #1
     Reply Bye-bye!, Mairra (Guest), 19-Feb-04 01:07 AM, #2
Topic (DELETED) [None] Jormundgaand the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 11:32 PM234
Topic (AUTO) [None] Brill the Guardian of the Forest [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 11:28 PM196
Reply You died. A whole lot., Gargargh (Guest), 18-Feb-04 11:28 PM, #1
Topic (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 09:18 PM321
Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, Graeterok (Guest), 15-Feb-04 11:22 PM, #1
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, Verv (Guest), 15-Feb-04 11:35 PM, #2
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, Tiynal (Guest), 15-Feb-04 11:37 PM, #3
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, Sastine (Guest), 16-Feb-04 03:02 AM, #4
     Reply My Favorite Herald, Graeterok (Guest), 16-Feb-04 06:20 PM, #8
     Reply shame you had to go, Baendra (Guest), 16-Feb-04 05:24 AM, #5
     Reply RE: shame you had to go, Graeterok (Guest), 16-Feb-04 06:15 PM, #7
     Reply Sad to lose you..., Optomkiptum (Guest), 16-Feb-04 08:20 AM, #6
     Reply RE: Sad to lose you..., Graeterok (Guest), 16-Feb-04 06:23 PM, #9
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, soucivi, 17-Feb-04 05:17 PM, #10
     Reply Quips, Whips, and Wicked Historians, Graeterok (Guest), 18-Feb-04 09:18 PM, #13
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, Bobbobimb (Guest), 18-Feb-04 07:42 PM, #11
          Reply RE: (DELETED) [HERALD] Graeterok the Master of Iron, Graeterok (Guest), 18-Feb-04 09:12 PM, #12
Topic (DELETED) [None] Fringlestyne the Baron of TornadoesDeath_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 06:04 PM176
Topic (AUTO) [None] Narg the WarmongerDeath_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 05:48 PM166
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [TRIBUNAL] Lunyare the Abomination, Magis... [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 08:21 AM361
Reply Hrm..., Optomkiptum (Guest), 18-Feb-04 08:21 AM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Rohaid the Master of the PackDeath_AngelWed 18-Feb-04 04:16 AM143
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Kyrshramal the Grand Master of Chang... [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 17-Feb-04 11:13 PM295
Reply Short Farewell, Kyrshramal (Guest), 16-Feb-04 12:17 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Short Farewell, Laes (Guest), 17-Feb-04 08:07 AM, #2
     Reply Whoops..., Kyrshramal (Guest), 17-Feb-04 11:52 AM, #3
     Reply RE: Short Farewell, Njaal (Guest), 17-Feb-04 03:13 PM, #4
     Reply You had great forms, Marisela (Guest), 17-Feb-04 11:13 PM, #5
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