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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Mon 23-Sep-24 02:05 AM 31358 topics
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Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
84409 messages
Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (DEL) <BATTLE> Tuinthilaxas the Assassin HeroDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM509
Topic (DEL) <None> Myrlokon the Keeper of the GladeDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM496
Topic (DEL) <None> Kroverdan the GodfatherDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM514
Topic (CON) <SCION> Shyntlara Auvryndar, Heroine of Alteratio...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM570
Topic (DEL) <NEXUS> Maendin the AlchemistDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM463
Topic (DEL) <None> Siennes the Adept of the Outer PlanesDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM527
Topic (DEL) <SCION> Landreanise the Inceptor of the AstralDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM475
Topic (DEL) <HERALD> Ghaelok Sutur, the Watcher of the CircleDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM498
Topic (DEL) <DAWN> Caterina the Evaluator of Male Members, Se...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM510
Topic (DEL) <None> Mordrian the SpectreDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM469
Topic (DEL) <WARLOCK> Llastarius the Inceptor of the AstralDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM481
Topic (DEL) <SCION> Ivonercus the Master of MithrilDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM470
Topic (DEL) <None> Grajah the OverlordDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM484
Topic (DEL) <None> Sovemn the Baron of MeteorsDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM472
Topic (DEL) <HERALD> Dowanhowee the Herald of Tales, First of...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM493
Topic (DEL) <SCION> Irinxor the Baron of TornadoesDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:46 PM438
Topic (DEL) <ENTROPY> Taishyrr the Master of Nage WazaDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM471
Topic (DEL) <None> Cryshnak the Infamous Crime LordDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM482
Topic (CON) <None> Okdeo the Learned of OwazaDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM534
Topic (DEL) <SCARAB> Kiaspiflas the Taiotoshi, Initiate of th...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM534
Topic (DEL) <TRIBUNAL> Juxeedsis the Baron of Meteors, Magist...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM528
Topic (DEL) <None> Gwendyln the Mistress of DivinationDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM564
Topic (DEL) <None> Ckogsodii the Knight HeroDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM497
Topic (DEL) <None> Dularenth the Adept of FaithDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM453
Topic (DEL) <NEXUS> Valceer the Baron of TornadoesDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM495
Topic (DEL) <SCION> Thezixson the Adept of the Outer PlanesDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:45 PM460
Topic (CON) <DAWN> Hiro the Assassin Hero, Servant of the Daw...Death_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:44 PM564
Topic (DEL) <BATTLE> Mefero the SukuinageDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:44 PM437
Topic (DEL) <None> Aquinas the Ippon SeinageDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:44 PM499
Topic (CON) <MARAN> Aluria the Holy HeroineDeath_AngelFri 16-Mar-01 11:44 PM539
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