Type SCORE EXP Exploration, Observation, Commerce, and Immortal experience all help you acquire edge points. Successful PK and old age will too.
1. Go everywhere you can as early as it is safe to do so. Do not go as a ghost. This will get your explore experience.
2. Look at every unique mob and container, handle unique objects. This gets you observation experience.
3. Buy, sell, barter, and heal at healers. This grants you commerce experience.
4. Write roles, and more importantly, get caught roleplaying and doing impressive things. This can get you immortal experience, if you are lucky enough to have someone watching you.
5. Win at pk several times.
6. Don't con die or delete before you are gray haired.
7. I believe you can get a few edge points when you hero, too. ------
Look at the edges you could theoretically take. Read their help files, and for those that seem interesting, type DISCUSS GUILD PREREQ |edge name|. This will tell you requirements above and beyond edge points.
Good luck!