RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
27-Feb-21 08:46 AM, #3
RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
27-Feb-21 10:38 AM, #5
RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
27-Feb-21 10:51 AM, #6
You are contradicting yourself. ,
27-Feb-21 10:56 AM, #7
RE: You are contradicting yourself. ,
27-Feb-21 11:54 AM, #8
RE: You are contradicting yourself. ,
27-Feb-21 04:53 PM, #11
I never felt bored.,
Leuoa (Anonymous),
27-Feb-21 03:57 PM, #10
RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
Leuoa (Anonymous),
26-Feb-21 11:55 PM, #1
Well done.,
27-Feb-21 08:30 AM, #2
RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
27-Feb-21 10:14 AM, #4
RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
Leuoa (Anonymous),
27-Feb-21 03:49 PM, #9
Very Well done!,
Neajess (Anonymous),
27-Feb-21 11:41 PM, #12
RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi...,
Cedany (Anonymous),
28-Feb-21 11:25 AM, #13
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Jhyrbian | Sat 27-Feb-21 08:46 AM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#140811, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi..."
In response to Reply #0
6 pks at hero, level sitting a char to age death sounds boring
Jhyrbian | Sat 27-Feb-21 10:51 AM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#140814, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi..."
In response to Reply #5
Jhyrbian | Sat 27-Feb-21 04:53 PM |
Member since 04th Mar 2003
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#140823, "RE: You are contradicting yourself. "
In response to Reply #8
how am i a constant douche to ther players? that is factually incorrect, quit being a drama queen. you don't have to attack me because I have different opinions than you.
#140822, "I never felt bored."
In response to Reply #3
I don't think being below hero stops any of the fun. I started killing hero's in the mid-40's. Any experience after level 47 just makes your PK range smaller.
Yeah, 6 kills at level 51 isn't much. You act like the 85 kills before that weren't exciting. They were.
#140807, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi..."
In response to Reply #0
This was a super fun character for me. I hope it was fun for others too. It started out as wanting to perfect assassinate, but I tried develop a good role along the way.
Leoua's philosophy was inspired by that show Dexter to start. Later, I through in some of Muhadin's ideals, but with a twist. She wanted to learn to use the tools of evil (like deception and chaos) against evil. That is why she followed Nalasul. She also saw no problem with using evil "allies" to fight evil enemies as long as she didn't work too closely with them. In her mind, she wasn't putting others of the Light at risk when using evil pawns, and it was always to fight evil so it was fine.
I tried to be bloodthirsty, but CF good. I didn't kill neutral npc's for amror, except a few conjurers or tribunal types. I never killed a good PC. I only killed neutral PC's that were killing good mobs, helping evil PC's, hunting me for being a Baron (threatening the Light), or something like that. The lines got a little blurry with the village sometimes, but for the most part I stuck to evil PC's.
Nalasul: it was a blast. There was more too the religion than I expected going in. You were a patient teacher while keeping a super creepy vibe. I was glad it worked out because I didn't think of it until mid-30's or something. I told one character about the lounge before I died.
Argothus: it was fun talking with you. Not sure if it's one imm or multiple, but Argothus is a cool character. I never really expected to get into Entropy. It was another thing inspired late in life by Neajess. I feel like detect poison was meant to be a useless spell, but it really came in handy when I was wanted and could know which steaks laying around were poison. Rolling the dice at the end was another really nice bonus.
Neajess: I was sort of hoping too kill you again, but I didn't expect the Barons to disperse. Hah! Really, Leoua thought Neajess wasn't so evil because you always encouraged freedom. Once I thought I could maybe stalk and kill you, it was too much fun going after Imperials together. It took people a while to figure out I was a Baron.
Cedany: you were Leuoa's only friend-ish person. She had to use you a bit to impress Nalasul and felt sort of bad about it. That's why you got to hear the whole story in the end. Too bad you aged died so soon. I waited to long to have you tell my story.
Harharhar: you were the one that inspired me to try and pull the Muhadin con. It was always fun fighting you and I really appreciate you letting me live when my internet went down. I figured out how to log in with my phone and expected naked at the altar since our fight had just started. You were always classy and fun.
Burzbog: you were my favorite orc at the end. It was weird to have a sort of orc ally, but Leoua kind of saw orcs as freedom lovers. She still hunted them all the time. But she really liked that you were a gift giver. Also, she wanted some orc allies to help her bash Tribunals in her old age.
Zraldar: you made the Imperial wars pretty fun. You were always a good sport about getting assassinated. I really wanted to get you after you had piercing gaze, but only got the partial a couple of times. Always enjoyed our fights and banter.
Others: Leoua was around so long it's hard to remember everyone, or I've said goodbye on other death threads. Feel free to post and I'll respond. Discord goes a little too fast for me to keep up. I had this character for over a year and pretty much all experiences were positive by enemies and allies alike. There were a few occasional borderline OOC whiners, but it was really rare.
Now, I'm going to try something other than assassin for a while. It was fun, but I was loosing patience for stalking towards the end. I think the end count was 51 assassinations and assassinate was at 93%. I think a lot of people under-estimate the number of stalks required to have decent odds of success.
Nalasul | Sat 27-Feb-21 10:14 AM |
Member since 07th Nov 2019
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#140812, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi..."
In response to Reply #1
My drinking buddy!
I knew you were close, but not this close. Sorry I wasn't there to see you off. Leuoa was an interesting character. I would say you weren't the Platonic ideal of a Nalasul follower, but you were super consistent with it and very on-the-ball with respect to giving me attention and keeping me "entertained". There was always some "scheme" you had in the works.
One thing I'd add: you really skirted the line between good and neutral. That was fine Nalasul follower role-play, but arguably questionable good-aligned role-play. But that's kind of the way it's going to go for a good-aligned follower of mine. Had you done a couple things differently I could easily see you being made neutral, so count yourself lucky it didn't go down that way.
Also: 51 assassinations is pretty impressive to me in today's game. Ten years ago, maybe not, but today? Near as I can tell that's the most since 2015.
#140821, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi..."
In response to Reply #4
I was bummed I couldn't go to the smoky lounge for my final departure.
I was hoping to get above average lifespan hours, but I think I was about 10-15 below average. I would have con-died if it weren't for getting to roll the dice for more con.
I regularly checked my score to see if my alignment had been changed. I figured I at least had the partial shift. Part of the fun of it was walking the line.
I figured sort-of working with evils and telling lies to goodies is in some ways better than goodie tribunal/villager/outlander actually killing other goodies. In the end, I think Leuoa as "CF good" can be justified by 81 evil kills, 10 neutral, and 0 good. Also, I think respecting neutral NPC's counts for something.
I do count myself lucky I didn't get the alignment change. Lots of things were questionable for sure. I wouldn't have put up much argument if I had gotten switched to neutral.
#140826, "Very Well done!"
In response to Reply #1
Leuoa was there from the beginning of Neajess, you were my second kill. I died to you a few times. Never trusted you IC, and I think that was mutual. But really really liked you and had fun with you. Argothus asked me what I thought of you and I told him the only reason you wanted to get into Entropy was to assassinate me inside the tower. Neajess thought that was very chaotic and free and hella respected you for being honest. I tried to keep your secret and I'd even tell people I was hunting you. Great job all around definitely stretched the limit of "good" and I'm surprised you never got turned neutral. I'm sure it was because you walked the line to the very edge and you should be commended. Impressive kill count also.
Well done. Neajess
#140837, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Leuoa the Baroness of Inscrutabi..."
In response to Reply #1
Ah, my favorite shadow.
It was so sad to me to hear that you finally fell. You were always there during Cedany's long life, so it was a bit shocking when you finally age died.
Cedany always thought Leuoa needed a hug more than anyone else - not because of her being isolated and alone (though that factored in), but because of the imposed distance that Leuoa put in between herself and other people.
I was always interested in hearing from you and I loved how wonderfully deceptive you were with the religion angle. Even after Einoh called you out, you never missed a beat. Cedany was suspicious from that point onward, but she could hardly throw away a friendship over that. It was both wonderful and sad to learn about your backstory, and I think you played it super well. I also thought your take on chaotic good was superb. Even though Cedany could never condone such actions against evil characters - OOC I was like "Yes! Turn their tricks against them! Betray them! As long as they die, let's go!"
After Cedany died, I watched your progress with another character. When I saw that you got Nalasul's tattoo, I was *thrilled* for you. All that time, all the effort of becoming a Baron, and you were finally rewarded for your guile, roleplay, and skill. It was a wonderful showing, and I think you really excelled on so many fronts with this character.
P.S. Props to you and Nalasul for being cool/chummy drinking partners. I knew something was up at the Inn! ... But I thought it was just Nalasul being creepy. Hmph.