#24461, "tracking mobs open door they probably shouldn't be able to open"
I was in the Veran lab and stayed too long at which point the door closed and I became trapped. Before killing myself I decided to take some time to look around. During that time, a fezard hybrid tracked me into the lab and attacked me, leaving the door open for me to exit.
Happy that I lucked out, but it seems like this probably shouldn't be possible given a fezard hybrid isn't holding and using the item that opens that door.
#24473, "RE: Requires more info"
In response to Reply #1
Edited on Fri 16-Sep-22 02:08 PM
When you kill the THING you get an item that you DO STUFF WITH door to the PLACE. The PLACE is the place where the coolthing is. There's a prog where the door automatically shuts again in a short-ish amount of time (i.e. not when the area resets), at which point the PLACE IS BAD.
Given the MOB DIDNT DO STUFF it shouldn't have been able to open the door.