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ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Anchored Topic Code Changes Forum RulesUmironFri 06-Nov-15 10:03 PM1036
HOT Topic August 2013 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 15-Sep-13 07:57 PM2052
Reply awww, Bajula, 02-Sep-13 01:33 PM, #12
Reply RE: awww, Daevryn, 02-Sep-13 01:54 PM, #13
Reply RE: awww, Jevo (Anonymous), 15-Sep-13 07:56 PM, #14
     Reply RE: awww, Daevryn, 15-Sep-13 07:57 PM, #15
Reply RE: August 2013, Elerosse, 25-Aug-13 11:58 AM, #7
Reply RE: August 2013, Daevryn, 25-Aug-13 12:00 PM, #8
     Reply Got nuttin' but love fer ya., Bajula, 25-Aug-13 03:22 PM, #9
     Reply Will an AP get charges from bad teleports now as well? ..., Lhydia, 25-Aug-13 06:06 PM, #10
          Reply RE: Will an AP get charges from bad teleports now as we..., Daevryn, 25-Aug-13 06:22 PM, #11
Reply I see how you are., Zephon, 04-Aug-13 06:58 PM, #4
Reply SWWWWEEEEETTTT!, Vonzamir, 04-Aug-13 02:03 PM, #1
     Reply You read this totally differently than I did..., Lhydia, 04-Aug-13 05:44 PM, #2
          Reply RE: You read this totally differently than I did..., Daevryn, 04-Aug-13 05:45 PM, #3
               Reply RE: You read this totally differently than I did..., TJHuron, 08-Aug-13 06:50 PM, #5
                    Reply RE: You read this totally differently than I did..., Daevryn, 08-Aug-13 06:52 PM, #6
Topic September 2013 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 22-Sep-13 02:55 PM1898
Reply Thanks for making changes to under used skills., Zephon, 15-Sep-13 07:56 PM, #2
Reply RE: September 2013, Vilhazarog, 13-Sep-13 12:52 PM, #1
Topic Code Changes August 2012DaevrynMon 06-Aug-12 10:38 AM951
Topic October 2013DaevrynWed 16-Oct-13 09:10 PM1014
Topic December 2013 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 19-Jan-14 09:42 PM2389
Reply Frost Giant Shaman NCR, Scarabaeus, 29-Dec-13 10:44 PM, #8
Reply Ancestral Spirit, Rangeriffic (Anonymous), 27-Dec-13 10:00 PM, #7
Reply You just buffed bloodthirst....nt, Artificial, 20-Dec-13 07:41 PM, #4
Reply RE: You just buffed bloodthirst....nt, Daevryn, 20-Dec-13 07:42 PM, #5
     Reply I assume that includes neuro and pain shaman supps., Murphy, 25-Dec-13 09:47 PM, #6
Reply RE: December 2013, Scarabaeus, 16-Dec-13 09:36 PM, #3
Reply Savage blow clarification, -flso, 14-Dec-13 08:14 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Savage blow clarification, Daevryn, 15-Dec-13 10:43 AM, #2
          Reply If you have it practiced to 100%, xrus, 19-Jan-14 09:40 PM, #9
               Reply RE: If you have it practiced to 100%, Daevryn, 19-Jan-14 09:42 PM, #10
HOT Topic January 2014 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 25-May-14 11:17 PM3846
Reply Gentle Walk, Eh... (Anonymous), 20-Feb-14 05:35 PM, #18
Reply Assassin kicks, Calion, 03-Feb-14 01:52 PM, #15
Reply Here:, Calion, 25-May-14 11:17 PM, #20
Reply Teleport, Java, 28-Jan-14 07:27 PM, #13
Reply RE: Teleport, Vilhazarog, 01-Feb-14 03:27 PM, #14
Reply What do you think about letting leverage initiate comba..., Marcus_, 27-Jan-14 02:58 PM, #11
Reply I think you missed a decimal point on the 'fly' change., Halifan (Anonymous), 27-Jan-14 07:47 AM, #10
Reply RE: I think you missed a decimal point on the 'fly' cha..., Daevryn, 28-Jan-14 01:01 PM, #12
     Reply My experience thus far, Halifan (Anonymous), 05-Feb-14 01:08 PM, #16
          Reply That's because you're not a goodie., TMNS, 05-Feb-14 03:51 PM, #17
Reply RE: January 2014, Wayward Knight, 24-Jan-14 11:34 PM, #9
Reply Hows does Weight Carried affect shifters?, Sarien, 20-Jan-14 02:27 PM, #7
Reply RE: Hows does Weight Carried affect shifters?, Daevryn, 21-Jan-14 04:59 PM, #8
Reply Post title says January 2013, Mort, 16-Jan-14 02:29 PM, #3
Reply hunter skills, hunterguy (Anonymous), 15-Jan-14 05:20 PM, #2
Reply Did hunters get boosted recently?, Eskelian, 16-Jan-14 02:29 PM, #4
Reply Some, Tsunami, 16-Jan-14 11:07 PM, #5
Reply thank you for listening (n/t), keijrai (Anonymous), 18-Jan-14 08:51 PM, #6
Reply Flaming Arrows, Just Curious.... (Anonymous), 20-Feb-14 05:35 PM, #19
Reply I <3 you., Zephon, 10-Jan-14 11:48 PM, #1
Topic February 2014 [ View all ]DaevrynTue 25-Feb-14 10:32 PM2295
Reply Predator's Stance, Wayward Knight, 15-Feb-14 09:49 PM, #4
Reply Mind if I tout my own idea for predator's stance?, Murphy, 17-Feb-14 07:33 PM, #5
Reply - Some Silent Tower items which screw with you are more..., Onewingedangel, 15-Feb-14 09:49 PM, #2
Reply Not sure if it should be Jan or Feb, Treebeard, 05-Feb-14 01:08 PM, #1
     Reply Its in the January one, Vilhazarog, 15-Feb-14 09:49 PM, #3
Topic March 2014 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 23-Mar-14 07:36 AM2493
Topic April 2014 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 27-Apr-14 04:35 PM1826
Topic May 2014 [ View all ]DaevrynSun 25-May-14 09:31 PM1611
Topic September 2022 [ View all ]IshuliFri 16-Sep-22 02:15 PM689
Reply Corpse stuff, Ishuli, 16-Sep-22 02:15 PM, #5
Reply Quests, Ishuli, 16-Sep-22 02:14 PM, #4
Reply Arrow Quivers, Ishuli, 15-Sep-22 11:46 AM, #3
Reply New tier 1 water form: an enormous starfish, Ishuli, 14-Sep-22 09:54 PM, #2
Reply Dwarven Armor Deflection, Ishuli, 03-Sep-22 07:54 PM, #1
Topic October 2022 [ View all ]IshuliTue 25-Oct-22 08:38 PM650
Reply Undead, Ishuli, 25-Oct-22 08:38 PM, #5
Reply Shapeshifters and gaining a level, Ishuli, 21-Oct-22 04:11 PM, #4
Reply Ktengs Laboratory, Ishuli, 20-Oct-22 07:15 PM, #3
Reply Animist Zephyr boost, Ishuli, 04-Oct-22 08:01 PM, #2
Reply Shapeshifter forms and disembowel, Ishuli, 04-Oct-22 11:19 AM, #1
Topic November 2022 [ View all ]IshuliTue 29-Nov-22 06:06 PM653
Reply Frost giant racial edge, Ishuli, 17-Nov-22 10:24 PM, #4
Reply Martial Trance, Ishuli, 15-Nov-22 12:39 PM, #3
Reply Socials, Ishuli, 11-Nov-22 08:37 AM, #2
Reply Legacies, Ishuli, 15-Nov-22 12:38 PM, #1
Topic January 2023 [ View all ]IshuliThu 26-Jan-23 08:29 PM583
Reply Greater undead, Ishuli, 26-Jan-23 08:29 PM, #5
Reply Aspect of the Devil, Ishuli, 24-Jan-23 09:21 AM, #4
Reply The Veil, Ishuli, 19-Jan-23 01:04 PM, #3
Reply Hydrophobia, Ishuli, 17-Jan-23 07:06 PM, #2
Reply Some Stuff, Ishuli, 16-Jan-23 11:24 AM, #1
Topic December 2023IshuliThu 02-May-24 05:36 PM630
Topic August 2022 [ View all ]IshuliFri 26-Aug-22 05:34 PM684
Reply Plainsrunning, Ishuli, 26-Aug-22 05:34 PM, #3
Reply More greater undead tweaks, Ishuli, 26-Aug-22 05:34 PM, #2
Reply Gloomwraith, Ishuli, 25-Aug-22 04:23 PM, #1
Topic August 2024 [ View all ]IshuliThu 22-Aug-24 09:33 PM304
Reply More stuff, Ishuli, 22-Aug-24 09:33 PM, #2
Reply Assorted stuff, Ishuli, 20-Aug-24 07:52 AM, #1
Topic April 2022 [ View all ]IshuliWed 20-Apr-22 06:39 AM792
Reply Centaur socials, Ishuli, 20-Apr-22 06:39 AM, #1
Topic March 2022IshuliWed 16-Mar-22 08:29 PM608
Topic February 2022IshuliThu 03-Feb-22 06:17 PM538
Topic December 2021 [ View all ]IshuliSun 02-Jan-22 03:02 PM926
Reply Santa's (Code) Presents, Umiron, 02-Jan-22 03:02 PM, #1
Topic November 2021 [ View all ]IshuliThu 18-Nov-21 09:50 PM817
Reply Troubador, Ishuli, 18-Nov-21 09:50 PM, #4
Reply Shaman Path Change: Anarchy, Ishuli, 18-Nov-21 09:50 PM, #3
Reply Learning Bonus, Ishuli, 12-Nov-21 03:20 PM, #2
Reply Shaman Path Change: Life's Champion, Ishuli, 12-Nov-21 03:18 PM, #1
Topic October 2021 [ View all ]IshuliFri 22-Oct-21 03:14 PM766
Reply Daunting Presence adjustment, Ishuli, 22-Oct-21 03:14 PM, #1
Topic September 2021 [ View all ]IshuliThu 07-Oct-21 09:03 AM868
Reply Saurian mages, Ishuli, 07-Oct-21 09:03 AM, #2
Reply New seasonal shapeshifter forms, Ishuli, 28-Sep-21 02:22 PM, #1
Topic August 2021 [ View all ]IshuliFri 06-Aug-21 06:18 PM729
Reply Beastmaster bear kinship, Ishuli, 06-Aug-21 06:18 PM, #1
Topic June 2021 [ View all ]IshuliWed 30-Jun-21 07:00 AM783
Reply Mounts and charge, Ishuli, 30-Jun-21 07:00 AM, #2
Reply Changes to Greater Undead - Banshee, Ishuli, 20-Jun-21 08:25 PM, #1
Topic April 2021 [ View all ]IshuliThu 08-Apr-21 12:50 PM1049
Reply April 2021 - Real stuff, Ishuli, 08-Apr-21 12:50 PM, #2
Reply RE: April 2021, NoobAgain, 01-Apr-21 08:39 PM, #1
Topic March 2021 [ View all ]IshuliMon 15-Mar-21 09:33 PM902
Reply RE: March 2021, dolt, 15-Mar-21 09:32 PM, #1
     Reply RE: March 2021, Ishuli, 15-Mar-21 09:33 PM, #2
Topic September 2020IshuliTue 22-Sep-20 07:52 PM736