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Thu 22-Aug-24 09:33 PM 89 topics
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Sun 04-Dec-22 08:05 AM 28 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Protection tweaks [ View all ]ZulghinlourWed 05-Nov-03 06:42 PM885
Topic Stealer thieves gain Eye of AvariceZulghinlourWed 05-Nov-03 06:39 PM708
Topic Racial helpfile expansions: Elf and ArialValguarneraMon 20-Oct-03 01:47 AM766
Topic Small bits of area consolidation.ValguarneraWed 15-Oct-03 01:21 AM690
Topic Updates to the Transmuter class, courtesy of Arvam:ValguarneraSun 12-Oct-03 01:41 AM831
Topic Charmie looting capacity diminished. Also....ValguarneraFri 26-Sep-03 12:41 PM881
Topic Get back on your feet/paws/hooves/talons: Outfit expand... [ View all ]ValguarneraThu 25-Sep-03 02:52 AM1208
Reply Awesome idea., Balrahd, 25-Sep-03 01:02 PM, #3
Reply If you keep this #### up how are we going to justify ra..., Laearrist, 25-Sep-03 11:25 AM, #2
Reply *sniff* I just love you guys., Bajula, 25-Sep-03 11:25 AM, #1
Topic A little anti-ganging technology. [ View all ]ValguarneraSat 20-Sep-03 03:25 PM1741
Reply You guys are seriously just too cool for words. nt, Vladamir, 21-Sep-03 02:15 AM, #1
Topic All hero deletions now treated as rage deletes [ View all ]ZulghinlourThu 18-Sep-03 05:52 PM1316
Topic SUCCUMB added next reboot/crash. [ View all ]SebeokSun 14-Sep-03 08:37 AM943
Topic Some practicing echoes added [ View all ]ZulghinlourTue 09-Sep-03 07:30 PM1006
Topic Inherent abilities [ View all ]ZulghinlourTue 09-Sep-03 04:37 PM1328
Reply More on Inherent abilities, Zulghinlour, 05-Sep-03 04:42 PM, #1
     Reply RE: More on Inherent abilities, Chalupah, 09-Sep-03 04:36 PM, #2
          Reply You're broken, Zulghinlour, 09-Sep-03 04:37 PM, #3
Topic Healers: Ironskin replaced by Ardent FaithValguarneraThu 28-Aug-03 02:10 AM741
Topic Couple of tweaks with the last reboot [ View all ]SebeokWed 27-Aug-03 08:38 PM1100
Reply RE: Couple of tweaks with the last reboot, Circuits Edge (Anonymous), 27-Aug-03 10:20 PM, #1
     Reply hear hear!, incognito, 28-Aug-03 08:30 AM, #2
Topic Hurl, assassins, and the Sleep spell. [ View all ]ValguarneraWed 06-Aug-03 01:21 PM1190
Reply RE: Hurl, assassins, and the Sleep spell., Bullseye, 06-Aug-03 12:34 PM, #2
Reply Any plans to tweak knife, for the same reason as sleep?..., Vladamir, 06-Aug-03 12:34 PM, #1
     Reply I thought about that..., Valguarnera, 06-Aug-03 12:38 PM, #3
     Reply RE: Any plans to tweak knife, for the same reason as sl..., nepenthe, 06-Aug-03 01:21 PM, #4
Topic Locate Object changed for 3 classes. [ View all ]ValguarneraTue 05-Aug-03 12:54 PM1201
Reply Good work...., Anal_Retentive, 07-Aug-03 08:31 AM, #6
Reply RE: Locate Object changed for 3 classes., Vladamir, 05-Aug-03 08:49 AM, #4
Reply Nope., Valguarnera, 05-Aug-03 12:54 PM, #5
Reply RE: Locate Object changed for 3 classes., Trayner, 03-Aug-03 08:11 PM, #1
     Reply No intention of it., Valguarnera, 03-Aug-03 08:13 PM, #2
          Reply Okay. tha's cool, Trayner, 03-Aug-03 10:43 PM, #3
Topic Small change to 'scan' and the Underdark. [ View all ]ValguarneraMon 04-Aug-03 01:09 AM845
Reply very cool, incognito, 05-Aug-03 08:49 AM, #1
Topic Final PK range expanded [ View all ]ZulghinlourTue 29-Jul-03 01:21 AM1169
Reply 47+ all in hero range together (n/t), Zulghinlour, 29-Jul-03 01:21 AM, #5
Reply Has there been any thought, Anal_Retentive, 25-Jul-03 09:58 PM, #1
     Reply Yes...yes there has (n/t), Zulghinlour, 25-Jul-03 09:58 PM, #2
          Reply Necromancers!, Soren, 28-Jul-03 01:07 PM, #3
               Reply Are you trying to stop me from making 47+?, Zulghinlour, 28-Jul-03 02:58 PM, #4
                    Reply RE: Are you trying to stop me from making 47+?, Soren, 29-Jul-03 12:41 PM, #6
                    Reply Doh! Im blind, Soren, 29-Jul-03 12:41 PM, #7
Topic Minotaur Goring [ View all ]ScarabaeusMon 28-Jul-03 10:50 PM1035
Reply RE: Minotaur Goring, jaynus, 29-Jul-03 12:41 PM, #1
Topic Trap Thief TweakZulghinlourFri 11-Jul-03 01:25 PM718
Topic Death Angel is back on rampage [ View all ]YanorethSun 06-Jul-03 10:59 PM933
Reply TMS button thingy is accurate again., Valguarnera, 06-Jul-03 10:59 PM, #1
Topic Donations!YanorethSat 05-Jul-03 02:02 PM774
Topic A small boost in leveling [ View all ]ZulghinlourTue 24-Jun-03 04:25 AM2306
Reply Other changes to skill improvement:, Valguarnera, 20-Jun-03 03:51 AM, #1
     Reply Tuning the above changes:, Valguarnera, 24-Jun-03 04:25 AM, #2
Topic Barter changes coming to a shop near youZulghinlourSat 21-Jun-03 06:01 PM937
Topic Library SubmissionsScarabaeusFri 20-Jun-03 11:40 AM814
Topic Small change to cranial. [ View all ]ValguarneraThu 12-Jun-03 04:00 PM1192
Reply What about damage?, Charlie Sheen, 12-Jun-03 04:00 PM, #1
     Reply RE: What about damage?, Valguarnera, 12-Jun-03 04:00 PM, #2
Topic Forcing rage deleters to take a break [ View all ]ZulghinlourWed 11-Jun-03 10:28 PM1186
Reply Damn you. nt, Jhyrbian, 13-Jun-03 10:49 AM, #2
Reply Now that's some harsh lovin. Much appreciation. n/t, Trayner, 12-Jun-03 10:54 PM, #1
Topic The Save command and some housecleaning. [ View all ]ValguarneraSun 08-Jun-03 02:58 AM945
Topic Email to/from AOLValguarneraSat 07-Jun-03 10:02 PM791
Topic More Blood? More Blood for the Blood Gods? [ View all ]ValguarneraMon 26-May-03 03:29 PM1852
Reply Apropos teeth and claws., Urden, 26-May-03 03:29 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Apropos teeth and claws., Valguarnera, 26-May-03 03:29 PM, #2
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