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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
HOT Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Gretta the Overlord Pages 1 | 2 | 3 Death_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 04:36 PM579
Topic (DELETED) [None] Dursten the WeaponsmasterDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 04:36 PM155
Topic (AUTO) [None] Droath the Baron of FireDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 04:28 PM140
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Kwalin the Weaver of the Elements Pages 1 | 2 Death_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 03:28 PM478
Topic (AUTO) [None] Nari the Master of the ElementsDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 03:04 PM127
Topic (AUTO) [None] Rugassin the Master of the Elements, Anat...Death_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 12:52 PM130
Topic (AUTO) [None] Maneocartes the Wizard of WaterDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 09:44 AM119
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kalimehtar the Master of CalcificationDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 07:12 AM122
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ludovyco the Inceptor of DivinationDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 05:12 AM141
Topic (DELETED) [None] Quevven the Communer of PoisonDeath_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 03:36 AM130
Topic (AUTO) [None] Dindinalin the Master of the Invisible Re...Death_AngelFri 09-Apr-04 02:20 AM145
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Muggud the Master of IronDeath_AngelThu 08-Apr-04 10:28 PM145
Topic (DELETED) [None] Blyne the Baron of Meteors Pages 1 | 2 Death_AngelThu 08-Apr-04 07:19 PM333
Topic (DELETED) [None] Bixadin the Baron of ThunderDeath_AngelThu 08-Apr-04 04:56 PM149
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ulsiu the Entrance to OwazaDeath_AngelThu 08-Apr-04 10:32 AM167
Topic (AUTO) [None] Fehrzine the Disruptor of OrgansDeath_AngelThu 08-Apr-04 07:00 AM141
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Manethrall the Avenger of the Righ... Pages 1 | 2 Death_AngelThu 08-Apr-04 12:01 AM567
Topic (AUTO) [None] Jaltrienne the Overlord of the ForestDeath_AngelWed 07-Apr-04 01:40 PM160
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Oeretai the Master of SteelDeath_AngelWed 07-Apr-04 12:37 PM291
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Zhardrin the Entrance to Owaza, ...Death_AngelWed 07-Apr-04 07:00 AM188
Topic (AUTO) [None] Sevlatrian the Healer of PoisonDeath_AngelTue 06-Apr-04 05:20 PM147
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Izhmash the Weaver of the ElementsDeath_AngelTue 06-Apr-04 08:47 AM453
Topic (AUTO) [None] Tinsuashi the ShinanDeath_AngelTue 06-Apr-04 02:20 AM183
Topic (AUTO) [None] Hereirgar the LightSlayer, Anathema to th...Death_AngelMon 05-Apr-04 05:53 PM337
Topic (DELETED) [None] Yoilern the Father of the FlowersDeath_AngelMon 05-Apr-04 05:44 PM273
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Drakazar the Weaver of the Elements,...Death_AngelMon 05-Apr-04 03:56 AM249
Topic (AUTO) [None] Valastrak the Baron of TornadoesDeath_AngelMon 05-Apr-04 03:12 AM179
Topic (AUTO) [None] Tordamier the Baron of ThunderDeath_AngelMon 05-Apr-04 12:48 AM161
Topic (DELETED) [None] Daemar the Prideful Outcast Pages 1 | 2 Death_AngelSun 04-Apr-04 09:04 PM562
Topic (DELETED) [None] Thradriendil the Grand Master of Chang...Death_AngelSun 04-Apr-04 01:35 PM239
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