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Forum Name Santa Zulg 2012
Topic subjectGechoes:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=72&topic_id=82
82, Gechoes:
Posted by blackbird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
are always exciting and enigmatic.

Frustratingly so when they're truncated. I am computer stupid, but is there a way to make Twatter show the whole damned thing, or a magic script that would automatically make new posts in a protected subforum here on officials, showing fun gechoes in all their glory?

It's been so long since we've heard from any kobolds...
216, Santa Zulg abides
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Global echoes are always exciting and enigmatic.
>Frustratingly so when they're truncated. I am computer stupid,
>but is there a way to make Twatter show the whole damned
>thing, or a magic script that would automatically make new
>posts in a protected subforum here on officials, showing fun
>gechoes in all their glory?
>It's been so long since we've heard from any kobolds...

I've set it up so they will get logged going forward. We'll have a web page you can visit to see them set up shortly and I'll make sure we follow-up/announce that.