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Topic subjectNew Area: Forgotten Crypts
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51, New Area: Forgotten Crypts
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
| 1 - 30 | Grurk - Forgotten Crypts

Forgotten Crypts
Facing the reality of encroaching evil on nearly all sides, the city
fathers and merchants began to seek ways to safeguard the population
of Arkham, in the advent of the city being overrun. Their solution
was to build a massive underground den, where the elite of the city
could hide in the event of invasion. Underground tunnels began to be
dug from the nearly solid rock Arkham was founded on. While building
the last section of tunnel, the engineers stumbled upon a gaping
hole, leading deeper into the Theran rock. Brave workers stepped down
into the darkness. Their screams were a fitting confirmation to the
evil now uncovered.

You are slightly disoriented as strange visions fill your mind.

Whispers and idle chatter are brought to an abrupt halt as a stern-faced Captain raps his fist on the table.

"Gentlemen, I remind you why we have gathered here." He addresses the table.

"We are beset on all fronts with great evils."

"And now with these Rebel Outlanders to the north..."

"I fear we may soon be overrun."

The table erupts with a roar of activity. Most the gathered men react indignant to the news of thier Guard Captain.

"I leave you with this warning friends... We must make plans now to defend our great city."

"Lest we awake one morn' and find ourself unprepared for the coming onslaught."

The table again explodes with chatter as the gathered council ponder over thier Captain's words.

A voice chimes from the head of the table, "What about a massive wall?"

"No, walls can easily be breached. I suggest we build a tunnel system, where we can sit out any extended siege."

Gishka K'ahn produces a map of the city, and begins motioning as he speaks.

Around the table, the men talk into the night, hatching plans for the defense of Arkham.

From Gishka K'ahn
To The Royal Sultan of Hamsah Mu'tazz, all Wise Ruler
Subj *A faded scroll lies here, it's seal broken*

The scroll is faded and torn, but you manage to make out a grim passage:

"...Our attempts at stemming the appearance of these undead are proving to be

in vain. I do hope our previous arrangement is still in tact: 25 royal
bodyguards to assist in our defense..."

The remainder of the scroll is torn, and covered in dried blood.