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Topic subjectMarch Role Contest Now Open!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=381
381, March Role Contest Now Open!
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the special thematic
role contest. Now it is time for our regular open admission

As with the last contest, your role must have been completed
before the timestamp of this announcement to be considered.
There is no theme requirement, anyone and everyone can take
part. Those who have won previously can enter, but only
their new entries (written since the role contest they placed
in) will be judged.

To take part in the contest, submit to me, Dalteric, a note
that has a subject of Role Contest Entrant. This note should
be sent from the character whose role you are submitting and
does not need to include your role in the note.

All submission notes must be sent to me by 8:00 a.m. system time
on Monday, March 6th, 2006. Any submissions received after
that point cannot be considered.

Good luck!
385, March 2006 Role Contest Winners!
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We decided to have 3 ranked places & 3 honorable mentions.
 It was a difficult choice*, but here they are:  

1st	Anqaar
2nd	Grunlath
3rd	Candra
Hon.	Cabdru
Hon.	Daggan
Hon.	Thestune

*Semi-Finalist Kevmorn was excluded from the final
adjudication due to deletion.
384, Semi-Finalists & Comments
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Semi-Finalists & Their Individual Comments:

Aeria : The background overview is really well-thought out and written

Anqaar : Very well written, nicely done with good development & revenge

Cabdru : A well written & interesting read

Candra : I really enjoyed the descriptive family history and backstory, seemed like a good story (that you should have done more with!)

Daggan : I've mixed feelings on this role, it’s a really interesting read, but not particularly well written--but still very interesting

Ghimvhall : I think you have an excellent start, and should continue to carry forward.

Greddarh : Insertion of poems and other creatie works always a plus. Story is very interesting, though not the easiest to read flow/style

Grunlath : A real page turner, this was pretty good role stuff, and your perspective is fun to "hear" from.

Kahltu : A great example of character building, background and current storylines

Kevmorn : I like the updates, pivotal moments and other stuff, its got style

Silvellien : It’s a interesting role, and I do want to watch you in action some

Thestune : This role has a lot going for it, has a very well written background story, and well thought descriptions

Ulthinius : It’s a good role, very long, and sometimes poorly worded, but great detail

383, March Role Contest Now Closed!
Posted by Dalteric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to everyone for taking part.  This was a very
successful role contest.  I received well over 40 submissions.
 Some had to be excluded due to the timestamp of submissions,
or deleting, but 36 roles were around to be judged.

The fun stats for this contest include:

Level Range
1-11	3
11-20	3
21-30	3
31-40	4
41-50	10
51	13

class	Total
a-p	      2
assassin     2
berserker    2
conjurer     1
druid	      2
healer	      4
invoker	      1
necro	      1
paladin	      1
shaman	      1
shapeshifter 1
thief	      4
transmuter   2
warrior	      12

race	Total
arial	      2
d-elf	      2
duergar      2
dwarf	      2
elf	      2
felar	      4
fire	      3
gnome	      3
h-drw	      4
h-elf	      1
human	      3
minotaur     1
orc	      2
svirf	      4
w-elf	      1

Most Common Spheres (>2)
death	       6
concealment	4
creation	3
rage	       3