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Topic subjectBuilding the temple of the minotaur god
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=203
203, Building the temple of the minotaur god
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The background to this log is as follows.

I am a minotaur priest, though I have not yet been empowered by my god,
Rhegma, who created the minotaur race. As his priest though, I am working
on building a temple to him.

I spent a lot of time working on it myself, before deciding that I should
get some slaves to do it instead, so I go out hunting for them. Most of the
people I find won't submit, and either end up dying or escaping. I think
I managed to get one elf mage to do some work on the temple's roof, but that
was it. A few characters chose to die rather than do my bidding.

I'm on my way back to the temple construction site now, when I spot
an anti-paladin. I'm not really that hostile to him, but being evil guys, we
end up coming to blows pretty quickly.

One thing I should point out is that minotaur speech sounds fine to the speaker, but
other people can barely understand it, because their cow's tongue mangles language.

For example, when I say:
"Speak the name of the God so that he knows it, Swepser",
others hear
"Thbeak de nnamme oov de good thoo he knnoowth id, Shwebther"
On with the log...

<100%hp 77%m 81%mv 6440tnl> People near you:
(PK) Swepser Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Thurthath A Large Crossroads

<100%hp 77%m 81%mv 6440tnl>

You yell 'Submit and work on the temple'

Swepser yells 'WAT?'

<11 Fire A-P> (PK) Swepser the Mercenary
*13 Min Sha* (PK) Thurthath the Prophet

<100%hp 77%m 81%mv 6440tnl>
You stop using a small iron edged hatchet.
You wield a pitch-black longsword.
You are skilled with a pitch-black longsword.

<100%hp 77%m 81%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser has arrived.

<100%hp 77%m 81%mv 6440tnl>
You yell 'work on the Temple of Rhegma'

<100%hp 80%m 85%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser says 'Wat you say?'

<100%hp 80%m 85%mv 6440tnl>
You say 'build the Great TEmple'

<100%hp 80%m 85%mv 6440tnl>
About 400 pound and 13 feet tall this is a healthy young
fire giant. His savaged rough face and huge unkempt black
hair and pinpoint black eyes do not radiate intelligence.
Strength and determination, yes. His arms are scared with
black bumps, perhaps some sort of plague or anthrax from
his childhood. With a closer look at the giants face you also
see closed scares from the same kind of pox. His hands are
large and scared, several of the fingers deformed. Only
strength and will allows this giant to hold on to his weapon.
Truly a disfiguring disease.
Swepser, a male fire giant, is in perfect health.

Swepser is using:
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn around neck> a pitch-black cloak
<worn around neck> a soft leather cloak
<worn on body> a greenish-brown shirt
<worn on legs> black iron leggings
<worn on feet> some leather traveling boots
<worn on hands> a pair of work gloves
<worn on arms> some black leather sleeves
<worn as shield> an orcish shield
<worn about body> (Glowing) a shaman's robe
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> a charred leather bracer
<worn around wrist> a charred leather bracer
<wielded> (Humming) a cruel battle axe

<100%hp 80%m 85%mv 6440tnl>

You say 'or perish'

Swepser says 'I not know you say'


Thurthath paws the ground angrily.

(By this stage I'm a bit sick of trying to make others understand me, so I give up.)

You say 'Begone'

You glare at nothing in particular.

You point in a westerly direction.

<100%hp 82%m 90%mv 6440tnl> Swepser says 'You move cow'

<100%hp 82%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser yells 'Die, Thurthath, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction.
You failed to blind Swepser.
Swepser wounds you.
Swepser mauls you.
Swepser is in perfect health.

<88%hp 79%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice wounds you.
Swepser parries your slash.
Swepser is in perfect health.

<83%hp 79%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Swepser is in perfect health.

<83%hp 79%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
Swepser appears to be blinded.
Swepser is in perfect health.

<83%hp 76%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your slash wounds Swepser.
Swepser has a few scratches.

<83%hp 76%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Swepser has a few scratches.

<83%hp 76%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
Swepser turns slightly green, but it passes.
Swepser has a few scratches.

<83%hp 69%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser deflects your slash with his shield.
Swepser has a few scratches.

<83%hp 69%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Swepser has a few scratches.

<83%hp 69%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
You lost your concentration.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your slash.
Swepser has a few scratches.

<83%hp 65%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You are blinded!
Someone has a few scratches.

<83%hp 65%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Someone's slice injures you.
Your slash wounds someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 65%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction
You lost your concentration.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 61%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Someone utters the words, 'sausabru'.
You feel momentarily ill, but it passes.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 61%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Someone's slice misses you.
Someone's slice misses you.
Someone parries your slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 61%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction
Someone turns slightly green, but it passes.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 54%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Someone utters the words, 'sausabru'.
You can no longer find the strength to wield something.
You feel very sick.
Someone's slice misses you.
Your punch misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 54%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in someone's direction
Someone looks very ill.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 47%m 90%mv 6440tnl>

Someone's slice misses you.
Someone parries your punch.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<79%hp 47%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
Someone's kick injures you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<75%hp 47%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

<75%hp 47%m 90%mv 6440tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<75%hp 47%m 90%mv 6440tnl>
You can't see a thing!

<75%hp 47%m 89%mv 6440tnl>
The earth trembles beneath your feet!

<75%hp 42%m 89%mv 6440tnl>

You can't see a thing!

<75%hp 42%m 89%mv 6440tnl> Someone has arrived.

<75%hp 42%m 89%mv 6440tnl> You can't see a thing!

<75%hp 42%m 89%mv 6440tnl> The earth trembles beneath your feet!

<75%hp 38%m 89%mv 6440tnl>
Someone has arrived.

<75%hp 38%m 89%mv 6440tnl>
Someone leaves north.

<75%hp 38%m 89%mv 6440tnl>
You lost your concentration.

** I guess he's running for the healer, so I run too.

<73%hp 38%m 67%mv 6440tnl> You pay someone 525 copper coins.
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You can see again.
Your vision returns!

<73%hp 38%m 67%mv 6440tnl>
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless'.
Commune: 'bless'.
Commune: 'protection'.
Skill: 'poison'.
Commune: 'detect invis'.
Commune: 'infravision'.

<73%hp 38%m 67%mv 6440tnl>

You pay the healer 1275 copper coins.
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<100%hp 38%m 67%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser has arrived.

<100%hp 38%m 67%mv 6440tnl> People near you:
(PK) Swepser At the Altar
Dhanentok The Golden Heron
Sivill Common Road
(PK) Thurthath At the Altar

<100%hp 38%m 67%mv 6440tnl> The Cathedral

A pretty fountain is here.

<100%hp 38%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
People near you:
(PK) Swepser At the Altar
Dhanentok The Golden Heron
Sivill Midean's Square
(PK) Thurthath The Cathedral

<100%hp 38%m 66%mv 6440tnl> At the Altar

A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
Swepser is here.
A farmer from the fields is relaxing here with some friends.
(White Aura) A healer is here, selling his spells.

<100%hp 38%m 66%mv 6440tnl> You wield a small iron edged hatchet.
Your skill with a small iron edged hatchet is adequate.

<100%hp 38%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction.
Swepser is already blind.
Swepser misses you.
Swepser misses you.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 35%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser gives the healer some coins.
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Swepser.
Swepser is no longer blinded.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 35%m 66%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice injures you.
You dodge Swepser's slice.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<95%hp 35%m 66%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
You failed to blind Swepser.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<95%hp 32%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice wounds you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 32%m 66%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's kick misses you.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 32%m 66%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
Swepser appears to be blinded.
Swepser has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 29%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
You dodge Swepser's slice.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 29%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 26%m 66%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser shivers and suffers.
Swepser's poison hits him.
You no longer see in the dark.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<89%hp 28%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<89%hp 28%m 70%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip scratches you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<88%hp 28%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<88%hp 28%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<88%hp 28%m 70%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
You failed to weaken Swepser.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<88%hp 22%m 70%mv 6440tnl> Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip grazes you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 22%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 22%m 70%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 22%m 70%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
You lost your concentration.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl> Swepser's trip misses you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<87%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice mauls you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<81%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<81%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip grazes you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<79%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<79%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<79%hp 19%m 70%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
You lost your concentration.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<79%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl> Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip scratches you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<78%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<78%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
You dodge Swepser's slice.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<78%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip scratches you.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<77%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is covered with bleeding wounds.

<77%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<77%hp 16%m 70%mv 6440tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Swepser's direction
Swepser looks tired and weak.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<77%hp 11%m 70%mv 6440tnl> Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip scratches you.
Swepser shivers and suffers.
Swepser's poison grazes him.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes you.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 13%m 75%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop misses Swepser.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 13%m 75%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 13%m 75%mv 6440tnl> You pay the healer 300 copper coins.
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Your mental fatigue lessens.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl> Swepser's trip misses you.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl> At the Altar
You are standing before a large golden altar devoted to the gods of Tar
Valon. Small shrines to the various gods lie in alcoves along the length of
this cathedral and the gods are also symbolized in the stained glass window
above each alcove. The cathedral continues to the north.

A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
Swepser is here, fighting YOU!
A farmer from the fields is relaxing here with some friends.
(White Aura) A healer is here, selling his spells.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser trips you and you go down!
Swepser's trip scratches you.
You dodge Swepser's slice.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl> Your kick wounds Swepser.
Swepser leaves north.
Swepser has fled!

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser has arrived.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl>
The Cathedral

A pretty fountain is here.

<74%hp 20%m 75%mv 6440tnl> At the Altar

A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
Swepser is here.
A farmer from the fields is relaxing here with some friends.
(White Aura) A healer is here, selling his spells.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Your chop hits Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's trip misses you.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl> Your kick misses Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser gives the healer some coins.
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Swepser.
Swepser is gushing blood.

<74%hp 20%m 74%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser shivers and suffers.
Swepser's poison grazes him.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes you.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser deflects your chop with his shield.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl> Your kick wounds Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl> Swepser gives the healer some coins.
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser parries your chop.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>
Your kick misses Swepser.
Swepser is writhing in agony.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser's slice misses you.
Swepser's slice misses you.
Your chop injures Swepser.
Swepser leaves north.
Swepser has fled!

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser has arrived.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser leaves north.

<72%hp 22%m 79%mv 6440tnl> They aren't here.

** snip

<71%hp 26%m 78%mv 6440tnl> Ogier Square

Swepser is here.
A ships' captain is walking through here.

<71%hp 26%m 77%mv 6440tnl> Swepser yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'

Your chop hits Swepser.
Swepser leaves south.
Swepser has fled!

<71%hp 26%m 74%mv 6440tnl> People near you:
(PK) Swepser On the Southwest Bridge
(PK) Thurthath Tower Road

** chase into Galadon.

<72%hp 30%m 57%mv 6440tnl> People near you:
(PK) Swepser Large Kitchen
Niscen Music Guildhall
Shadolkar The Hidden Room
Kione Large Storage Room
(PK) Thurthath Inside the North Gate

<72%hp 30%m 57%mv 6440tnl>

High Road

A citizen of Galadon hurries through here.

<72%hp 30%m 56%mv 6440tnl> High Road

A poor, abused dog is here.
A poor, abused dog is here.

<72%hp 30%m 56%mv 6440tnl> High Road

A citizen of Galadon hurries through here.

<72%hp 30%m 55%mv 6440tnl> High Road

<72%hp 30%m 55%mv 6440tnl> Park Road

<72%hp 30%m 54%mv 6440tnl>

Alas, you cannot go that way.

<72%hp 30%m 54%mv 6440tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<72%hp 30%m 54%mv 6440tnl> People near you:
(PK) Swepser Large Kitchen
Niscen Music Guildhall
Shadolkar The Hidden Room
Kione Large Storage Room
(PK) Thurthath Park Road

<72%hp 30%m 54%mv 6440tnl> Park Road

A plain steel sword lies here.

<72%hp 30%m 53%mv 6440tnl>

A Large House

<72%hp 30%m 53%mv 6440tnl> Large Kitchen

** while I search all the kitchens in town...

<72%hp 30%m 47%mv 6440tnl>
Someone yells 'THis town?'

<75%hp 33%m 48%mv 6440tnl> You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

<75%hp 29%m 48%mv 6440tnl>
You yell 'Tir Talith'

** now he knows I am close.

<75%hp 29%m 48%mv 6440tnl>

You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You feel protected.

<75%hp 26%m 48%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser has arrived.

<75%hp 26%m 48%mv 6440tnl>

Swepser leaves east.

<75%hp 26%m 48%mv 6440tnl>
Swepser has arrived.

** still chasing. I lag a bit and lose sight of him.

<78%hp 33%m 41%mv 6440tnl>
People near you:
(PK) Swepser Northern Outskirts of Galadon
(PK) Thurthath Eastern Outskirts of Galadon

** He agrees to work on the Temple with me though, so we go do that for a bit.
** We gather some tools and other useful implements, and then go and quarry
** some stone from some nearby caves, before hauling it back.
** We decide that we should have others doing the work for us though.

** So we go to get some more workers.

<100%hp 98%m 56%mv 6418tnl> A clearing in the woods

A simple wooden cup sits here.
A large, trained wolf is here.
Galird is resting here.

(Here's a storm giant warrior and his pet wolf. Perfect material!)

Swepser has arrived.

<100%hp 98%m 55%mv 6418tnl>

People near you:
(PK) Galird A clearing in the woods
(PK) Swepser A clearing in the woods
(PK) Thurthath A clearing in the woods

<100%hp 98%m 55%mv 6418tnl> Thurthath's group:
<11 A-P> Swepser 100% hp 65% mana 53% mv 49192 xp
<13 Sha> Thurthath 100% hp 98% mana 55% mv 51302 xp

<100%hp 98%m 55%mv 6418tnl>

Galird yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Swepser utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Galird appears to be blinded.

<100%hp 98%m 55%mv 6418tnl> Galird yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Galird's direction.
Galird is already blind.
Galird's slash hits Swepser.
The wolf's bash misses Swepser.
The wolf falls flat on her face.
Swepser fades into existence.
Swepser's slice decimates Galird!
You fade into existence.
Your chop misses Galird.
Your chop injures Galird.
Galird has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 95%m 55%mv 6418tnl>

Galird's slash misses Swepser.
The wolf's bite misses Swepser.
The wolf's bite grazes Swepser.
Swepser's slice wounds Galird.
Your chop misses Galird.
Galird has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 95%m 55%mv 6418tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Galird's direction
You lost your concentration.
Galird has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 92%m 55%mv 6418tnl>
Swepser utters the words, 'sausabru'.
Galird has some small but disgusting cuts.

<100%hp 92%m 55%mv 6418tnl>

Galird leaves north.
The wolf stands up.
Galird has fled!

<100%hp 92%m 55%mv 6418tnl>
The wolf's bite misses Swepser.
The wolf's bash misses Swepser.
The wolf falls flat on her face.
Swepser's slice MUTILATES the wolf!
Your chop mauls the wolf.
You toss your head and gore the wolf with one of your horns!
Your goring injures the wolf.
Your chop mauls the wolf.
The wolf is convulsing on the ground.

<100%hp 92%m 55%mv 6418tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in the wolf's directi
The wolf looks very ill.
The wolf is convulsing on the ground.

<100%hp 85%m 55%mv 6418tnl>
Swepser's trip misses the wolf.
The wolf is convulsing on the ground.

<100%hp 85%m 55%mv 6418tnl>

The wolf's bite misses Swepser.
Swepser's slice decimates the wolf!
The wolf is DEAD!!
You receive 26 experience points.
The wolf's head is shattered, and her brains splash all over you.
Swepser sacrifices the corpse of the wolf to the gods.

<100%hp 85%m 55%mv 6392tnl>
People near you:
(PK) Galird An Incomprehensible Void
(PK) Swepser A clearing in the woods
(PK) Thurthath A clearing in the woods

<100%hp 87%m 59%mv 6392tnl> You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
Galird is here.
Leaping through the brush, a large stag darts away quickly.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Galird is here.
Leaping through the brush, a large stag darts away quickly.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 87%m 59%mv 6392tnl>

An Incomprehensible Void

Galird is here.
Leaping through the brush, a large stag darts away quickly.
Swepser has arrived.

<100%hp 87%m 58%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser trips Galird, sending him to the ground.
Swepser's trip scratches Galird.
Galird yells ' Help! Someone just tripped me!'
Galird yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Your chop injures Galird.
Galird is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%hp 87%m 58%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser's slice mauls Galird.
Swepser's slice misses Galird.
Your chop injures Galird.
Galird is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%hp 87%m 58%mv 6392tnl>
You narrow your eyes and glare in Galird's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Galird is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%hp 83%m 58%mv 6392tnl>

Galird's slash hits Swepser.
Swepser's slice wounds Galird.
Your chop misses Galird.
Galird is gushing blood.

<100%hp 83%m 58%mv 6392tnl>
Galird leaves east.
Galird has fled!

<100%hp 83%m 58%mv 6392tnl> On whom or what?

<100%hp 83%m 58%mv 6392tnl>

An Incomprehensible Void

A single copper coin.
Galird is here.
Leaping through the brush, a large stag darts away quickly.
Swepser has arrived.

<100%hp 83%m 56%mv 6392tnl>

Swepser trips Galird, sending him to the ground.
Swepser's trip scratches Galird.
Galird yells ' Help! Someone just tripped me!'
Galird yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Galird parries your chop.
Galird is gushing blood.

<100%hp 83%m 56%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser's slice wounds Galird.
Your chop injures Galird.
Galird is gushing blood.

<100%hp 83%m 56%mv 6392tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Galird's direction
You lost your concentration.
Galird is gushing blood.

<100%hp 80%m 56%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser's slice mauls Galird.
Your chop wounds Galird.
Galird is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 80%m 56%mv 6392tnl>

A shadowed form darts from tree to tree, just barely out of sight.
Galird is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 80%m 56%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser trips Galird, sending him to the ground.
Swepser's trip scratches Galird.
Galird is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 80%m 56%mv 6392tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Galird's direction
Galird looks very ill.
Galird is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 72%m 56%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser's slice decimates Galird!
Galird parries your chop.
Galird is convulsing on the ground.

<100%hp 72%m 56%mv 6392tnl>
Your kick mauls Galird.
Galird is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Swepser's slice misses Galird.
Your chop wounds Galird.
Galird is DEAD!!
You hear Galird's death cry.

<100%hp 72%m 56%mv 6392tnl>

The corpse of Galird is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Galird contains:
a practice sword
( 2) a small garnet ring
a pair of greenish-brown leggings
a well made heavy cloak trimmed with fur
( 2) a leather hunting bracer
a greenish-brown forest cloak
a large sack
some studded leather work gloves
a royal blue cloak
some black leather sleeves
(Humming) a violet whistling potion
a wide bronze belt
a gray brigandine
(Glowing) a Templar's crown
a pair of moss-made sandals
a black cloak
27 silver coins
18 copper coins

<100%hp 72%m 56%mv 6392tnl> You get 27 silver coins from the corpse of Galird.
You split 27 silver coins. Your share is 14 silver coins.

<100%hp 72%m 56%mv 6392tnl>

You get 18 copper coins from the corpse of Galird.
You split 18 copper coins. Your share is 9 copper coins.

You tell Galird 'I need you to come and work on the Temple'

<100%hp 81%m 69%mv 6392tnl>

Galird gets a violet whistling potion.
Galird gets a large sack.
Galird gets a copper coin.

<100%hp 81%m 69%mv 6392tnl> You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
Your eyes tingle.

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
Galird gets a practice sword from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a small garnet ring from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a pair of greenish-brown leggings from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a well made heavy cloak trimmed with fur from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a leather hunting bracer from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a leather hunting bracer from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a greenish-brown forest cloak from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets some studded leather work gloves from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a small garnet ring from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a royal blue cloak from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets some black leather sleeves from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a wide bronze belt from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a gray brigandine from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a Templar's crown from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a pair of moss-made sandals from the corpse of Galird.
Galird gets a black cloak from the corpse of Galird.

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser says 'Now you work for us'

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
Galird wears a black cloak about his body.
Galird wears a pair of moss-made sandals on his feet.
Galird wears a Templar's crown on his head.
Galird wears a gray brigandine on his body.
Galird wears a wide bronze belt about his waist.
Galird wears some black leather sleeves on his arms.
Galird wears a royal blue cloak around his neck.
Galird wears a small garnet ring on his left finger.
Galird wears some studded leather work gloves on his hands.
Galird wears a greenish-brown forest cloak around his neck.
Galird wears a leather hunting bracer around his left wrist.
Galird wears a leather hunting bracer around his right wrist.
Galird wears a pair of greenish-brown leggings on his legs.
Galird wears a small garnet ring on his right finger.
Galird wields a practice sword.

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'come build the Temple of Rhegma'

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
Galird nods.

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>

Swepser says 'Follow Thurthath'

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl> You beckon for Galird to follow.

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser stands up.

<100%hp 78%m 69%mv 6392tnl>
Galird now follows you.

<100%hp 82%m 74%mv 6392tnl>

You say 'you will be spared in the future if you do good building'

<100%hp 82%m 70%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'we have to travel to my city'

<100%hp 82%m 70%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'is far'

<100%hp 82%m 67%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser says 'We collect people to build temple for Thurthaths god'

Galird sniffs sadly.

You say 'you get some coins back if you work good'

You say 'and food'

You say 'instead of death'

Swepser says 'Ypu do good work'

Swepser says 'Then we might let you go'

You say 'we let all go who work well'

Swepser throws back his head and laughs into the night.

You tell your group 'you will need rest for the journey,
even though we could walk around the gate'

<100%hp 88%m 50%mv 6392tnl>

Nidhugg has arrived.

<100%hp 88%m 50%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser says 'Use tat'

<100%hp 86%m 68%mv 6392tnl>

Galird stops using a practice sword.
Galird wields an old pick-axe.

<100%hp 86%m 68%mv 6392tnl>
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel less tired.

Swepser says 'It will better in mine'

<100%hp 80%m 84%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser goes to sleep.

<100%hp 80%m 84%mv 6392tnl>

You pray to the heavens for help!

<100%hp 80%m 84%mv 6392tnl> You rest.

<100%hp 86%m 91%mv 6392tnl> People near you:
Galird Outside the Bahiyaa Gate
(PK) Swepser Outside the Bahiyaa Gate
(PK) Thurthath Outside the Bahiyaa Gate

<100%hp 86%m 91%mv 6392tnl>

Swepser wakes and stands up.

<100%hp 86%m 91%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Swepser says 'Galird know other tat help him build temple?'

Galird says 'i don't know anybody'

You tell your group 'we will not kill him after. Otherwise other people will
not work'

<100%hp 98%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Galird looks at you.

Swepser tells the group 'We make him work til drop'

Swepser says 'You will do good in building temple Galird'

You say 'he knows if he runs I will summon him back'

You say 'he has no choice but to do some work'

You say 'not many are clever enough to work'

You say 'most still refuse, and die'

Galird sniffs sadly.

Swepser says 'You work soon Galird'

** we finally get there.

You say 'the site of the Temple'

Construction Site
The trees have been cleared from a section of the forest, a foundation
of stone laid out at the west end of the clearing. A load of timber,
imported from the west lies here in neat piles. A few workers mill about
here, while carpenters come and go. To the east the trees open up into a
road. Hoof-prints are scattered across the clearing.

(Ghost) Galird is here.
Swepser is here.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser points to the pile of logs in the conor.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>

Swepser says 'Here we build temple'
Thurthath throws his head back and shouts his praise for Rhegma.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Galird looks at Swepser.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser gets a small steel saw from a large sack.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Galird looks at you.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>

You yell 'Creator, we have brought a worker.'

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser gives a small steel saw to Galird.

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser says 'Now, make use of saw'

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'start cutting the logs.'

<100%hp 87%m 88%mv 6392tnl>
Thurthath motions to the pile of logs.

<100%hp 90%m 92%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser says 'Make logs as big as Swepser'

<100%hp 90%m 92%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'when you have cut ten, you can go.'

Swepser nods.

Galird says 'i...can't hold this saw'

Swepser sets down on a boulder, watching Galird.

<100%hp 93%m 97%mv 6392tnl> You stop using a small iron edged hatchet.

Swepser says 'Wat wrong with hands.. now saw!'

You give a small iron edged hatchet to Galird.

You say 'use that'

You say 'but return it after, or die'

Galird stops using an old pick-axe.
Galird wields a small iron edged hatchet.

You wield a pitch-black longsword.
You are skilled with a pitch-black longsword.

You tell your group 'Siv is near'

You tell your group 'he is no danger'

You yell 'Siv, come help Galird work'

Swepser looks at Galird, waiting for him to start.

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'start cutting the logs.'

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser nods.

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Swepser tells the group 'You pick him up?'

Galird says 'i don't know what i have to do'

You tell Swepser 'the gods protect him now.'

** snip brief explanation.

You tell Galird 'you'll get the idea'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl> People near you:
(PK) Galird Construction Site
Siv Windflower Dining Hall
(PK) Swepser Construction Site
(PK) Thurthath Construction Site

You say 'explain to him how to swing the hatchet.'

Galird cut the logs

You smile happily.

You say 'that's better'

Swepser gestures towards the log and then nods.

Galird starts working

You say 'good'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
You get a berry pie from a cowhide knapsack.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Galird is cutting some logs

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
You give a berry pie to Galird.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'that is two.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Galird eats a berry pie.

Swepser says 'Good, told he would do good work.'

<100%hp 98%m 100%mv 6392tnl> You say 'eight more to cut'

You say 'yes, he is a strong worker'

<100%hp 95%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Galird cuts one more log.

You say 'better than weak human mage'

You say 'three'

Swepser says 'Much better than when we got stone, Thurthath'

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
Galird cuts another log.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
You say 'maybe I even give him a few coins for food'

Swepser says 'Puny human not do hard work'

You say 'so that he lives to work another day'

Swepser taps his cheek, obviously deep in thought.

You give Galird 20 silver.

Galird cuts one more log.

You say 'five so far'

Galird thanks you heartily.

You say 'half finished.'

Swepser says 'Yes, if we pay he will do more work'

What's bothering you?

Galird cuts another log.

You say 'don't thank me. I am keeping you alive for the Creator.'

You say 'Mighty Rhegma'

You say 'speak the name of the god so he knows it, Swepser'

Swepser says 'WAT!'

You say 'he might not understand me.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
A grungy man's pound misses Galird.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
People near you:
(PK) Galird Construction Site
(PK) Swepser Construction Site
(PK) Thurthath Construction Site

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6392tnl>
A grungy man is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Galird's kicked dirt scratches a grungy man.
Swepser's slice maims a grungy man!
A grungy man is DEAD!!
You receive 22 experience points.
A grungy man's fingers are sliced from his dead body.
Swepser sacrifices the corpse of a grungy man to the gods.

Swepser says 'You work!'

Swepser says 'Not play'

You say 'don't get distracted.'

You say 'still five logs left to cut'

Galird turns his attention back on the logs.

Someone tells you 'would you care to travel?'

Swepser returns to his boulder and rests once more.

You tell Keldrag 'no. I am making sure Galird works hard on my Temple'

Swepser tells the group 'We better take him back to mainland so he not mess up
temple when we not here'

Galird looks at the number of logs missing.

You tell your group 'yes'

You say 'four left to cut'

Swepser says '3 more or we kill you'

You say 'be quick, and we take you back to main city'

You say 'maybe he is thirsty.'

Swepser shapens his axe with a grim smile.

You say 'you take quick drink'

Galird cuts one more log.

Center of Seantryn Plaza

Clean water flows from a grand fountain made of worn black marble.
A Seantryn citizen glares at you as you pass.
Galird has arrived.
Swepser has arrived.

<100%hp 97%m 97%mv 6370tnl>

Swepser drinks water from the Grand Fountain.

<100%hp 97%m 97%mv 6370tnl> You say 'drink'

Swepser says 'Galird, drink so you work faster.'

Galird drinks water from the Grand Fountain.

** take him back to the Temple.

You say 'two logs left'

Galird says 'this is no life'

Losing the will to live, Galird commits suicide.
Galird hits the ground ... DEAD.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv 6370tnl>
Thurthath clears the cut logs to the side.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv 6370tnl> Construction Site
The trees have been cleared from a section of the forest, a foundation
of stone laid out at the west end of the clearing. A load of timber,
imported from the west lies here in neat piles. A few workers mill about
here, while carpenters come and go. To the east the trees open up into a
road. Hoof-prints are scattered across the clearing.

The corpse of Galird is crumpled over a small dagger held in its hand.
Swepser is here.

** The guy really did it! Suicided in character. Bah, but well done.

You get 20 silver coins from the corpse of Galird.
You split 20 silver coins. Your share is 10 silver coins.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv 6370tnl> You get a copper coin from the corpse of Galird.
Don't even bother, cheapskate.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv 6370tnl>
Swepser growls.

You say 'damn workers'

Swepser says 'Them storm giants no good '

You tell Galird 'damn you. The Temple must be built'

Swepser says 'Might be human after all'

You tell Galird 'you storm giants make worse workers than humans'

You snort.

Swepser says 'We find other slave?'

You say 'well, I think I am done for now'

Swepser nods.

You say 'another time, perhaps'

Swepser says 'Me go back then'

Swepser nods.

You say 'we have done good work today'

You pat Swepser on his head.

Swepser says 'Yes'

Word spreads throughout the land that your victory over Galird has forced him in
to hiding!
Galird stops following you.

** I felt a bit bad about this. Hope this didn't put him off the mud since he seemed new.
** Had to explain to him how to emote.

You say 'no horns, but almost like the People.'

Swepser looks down upon you with a grim smile.

Swepser says 'Not pat my head'

You say 'was checking for Horns'

Swepser nods.