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Topic subjectRoles Revisited: Narissa ais Shiyanne
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104, Roles Revisited: Narissa ais Shiyanne
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(H-Elf AVA) (None) Narissa ais Shiyanne, Priestess of the Scarlet Web

Something is different about her, a radiance glow of youth surrounds her being,
as if she has been reborned again. Long raven-black hair still covers her crown,
shiny and lustrous as ever; gone were the streaks of grey that can be seen at
her temples. Her beautiful face, unearthly, is filled with wisdom and maturity;
her large deep blue eyes with dark eye- lashes burns with sensuality, tinged
with unhindered fires of lustful passion; men find her alluring and tempting, a
fantasy in their dreams.

She does not powder her cheeks anymore, for the vigor restored to her brings
out the colors of youth. Her lips are sultry and kissable, painted in crimson
red, having a moist wet look. Slender hands and legs move with grace; her silky
gown designed with opening slits cut her hips shows those pearl-shapely legs
seductively. And her bosoms are well-defined and firm, her waist slim and lithe.

She beholds your eyes, making you gap in total abandon. Savage lusts rushes up
your loins as you fantasy to embrace her and lose your person in her embrace.
Just being in her presence stirs your innermost wonton desires - to be touched
and experience the pleasures of careless lasciviousness.

Role :
1. Her Childhood and Family.
It was not an easy childhood for Sha'Narissa ais Shiyanne. She was the only
girl in a family of five - her parents and two elder brothers. Born into a low-
classed family who lived in the shanty outskirts of town, her father was mostly
out of job and an alcoholic. Her brothers took after their father, any coins
earned was spent on gambling, woman and drinking. Her mother was a waitress for
a rowdy inn, the only one providing for the family.

Almost all her childhood, she can only remember beatings from her father. He
was drunk mostly and usually came back home reeked of alcohol. In his stupor,
he would beat her senseless and when her mother came back from her work at the
inn, he would beat her up in the morning.

2. The Night of Rape.
Maybe the gods chose to mock her, for despite her being battered by her father
and lack of food, she grew into a beautiful girl and were soon receiving
whistles and stares from many a young lad at the age of fourteen. She took
after her half-elven mother's figure of high-boned cheeks and blue eyes, while
her father's human heritage of black hair and height. She had dreams to marry a
rich man and leave the accursed place.

It was a matter of time before the rape took place.

While her mother was working, her brothers conspired to have her for them-
selves. So while she was sleeping, they crept into her room she shared with her
mother and ravished her, tearing her nightgown and bruising her womanhood. She
pleaded with them, cried for mercy and called down the wrath of all the names
of gods she could remember upon their soul. But they were silent; nor did her
brothers relent their evil deed.

The door opened and a silhouette outlined the doorway. Her father had returned
and in his hand was a bottle of spirits. Upon seeing her naked body and her
brothers by her side, he dropped his pants and enjoyed himself with them.

3. The Morning After.
Morning came. She chose to believe it was a nightmare that would fade in the
light of the sun. It never did for the scars haunted her each time she closed
her eyes. She was close to killing herself.

Her mother came to her, and laid a comforting hand on her daughter; she too
knew that one day it would come to such an end. She was helpless to stop
anything but cried with Narissa.

"My child, forgive me. It is beyond my strength and help, do not hold it
against your mother. I can only offer you this words : Seek out Jazur and learn
of her ways. Serving wenches and outcasts swear that she protects her own. Go,
Sha'Narissa ais Shiyanne; never come back again."

The very same day, her mother hanged herself.

4. The Spirit of Jazur - Lust.
Lust. It can drive a man or even a woman to do beyond what they thought he
could not do. It can be controlled, and yet in each and every breathing
creature, the basic instinct will arise and when unleashed, a man can be a
beast, oblivious to his cares and surroundings; a woman into a prostitute
leaving her family and children in search for the one she desires.

Such is the power of lust. And for countless eternities, man has sought to tame
it with a disciplined mind and lifestyle, only to be consumed in his own
desires again when alone in the dark. Thoughts, visions, cravings, desires,
pleasures. They haunt him till his dying breath, bringing him to realization
of his own folly.

Only a disciple of the Devouring Serpents can one be at the brink of excitement
and yet it does not consume her. For such is the art and skill of drawing the
mortal weakness of a person; in his cry of anguish to be fulfilled, he exposes
himself to his nature and a disciple can manipulate him to bow to her wishes
till he is released from his cage.

And she despised those who indulged themselves excessively in any form.

5. Homecoming.
The village elder and council never found the person who committed the brutal
murders. There was no screams nor visible struggles throughout the night. The
neighbours confirmed they heard nothing. The only clue common amongst the
corpses was each man had a twisted smile of wicked pleasure on their faces.

Some suspected Narissa's ghost to haunt the family, for she was assumed dead.
Others claim that it was a prostitute whom was late in payment that did the
murders. Many villagers however swear that Jazur the goddess walked the lands
once more, seeking revenge for her own.

6. The Spread of Lust.
She enjoyed watching the twisted smile of pleasure upon many a corpse. As they
approached her, trying to catch a glimpse of her person, or even lingering more
than a few moments capturing the ecstasy with unblinking eyes, they were struck
down mercilessly. Waves over waves of pure lasciviousness rolled over them,
their eyes rolled white as ecstacy embraced them, weakening their strength and
resolve, their wills eroded to the passions of desire.

Pain can along as their spirit and soul were sucked from them, their bodies
gave out in fatigue and wrecking pains; but chose to numb themselves in the
height of their excitement. How can they withstand the holiness of pure lust
that surrounded Narissa, the awakened disciple of the One Desire? Will they not
be stirred with utmost lust and embrace her totally, consumed by their endless
desire to be wanted and touched? Will they not fall and worship at her feet,
begging a quick end to their sensual cravings and be released?

Now they have seen who they really are - those that resist their urgings will
find pain, those that succumb will find pure ecstacy of pleasure... and pain.

7. Can I learn to love... again?
A hideous grin baring blood-stained teeth appeared on his face. The felar
warrior learned in the dark arts of demonic magick scoffed at my words. He did
not seem to waver at my prayers against him, time and again shook off the
curses proclaimed on him. He was a person not to be stifled with.

Launching a clawed swipe at my face so swift and hard, he knocked me down on
the ground. Standing imposingly before me, he laughed mercilessly. However, I
perceived he chose to slay me not, for though my prayers did not affect him, he
summice a similarity of spirit within me, and I of him - Lust. He hungers for
power beyond measure, he chose his own making and refused to bow to any one,
including the gods. I use my prayers and my body to make them weak in the knees,
to cloud their minds with excitement and blind their eyes with desire. Yes, we
walk together though with different end. He was my mortal companion, my heart
tells me. Had I become weak and fall into the trap I so much preach against?

Holding his paw before me, he helped me to my feet. A thrill of excitement
rushed through me- when was a time I treated like a lady again instead of being
an object of desire? Instinctively, I snuggled against his chest, playing with
his ears and feeling the strong lines of muscles beneath the battle-scarred fur
of his. Yes, I had made myself vulnerable to him. Was that a failure? I cared
not. Even if my life was taken this very moment, I had chosen to bond myself to
him. I could hear the fluttering of his heart, something he couldn't comprehend
too; a part of him wished to embrace me, another part repelled viciously.

Summing up his anger, he pushed me aside roughly. Growling beneath his breath,
he warned me not to touch him again. I hesitantly raised my hands to feel his
face, before he swiped my arm away, causing bleeding marks on my arm. Tasting
the blood in my mouth, I smiled seductively at him. He turned his face away,
angry at his own confusion and weakness.

He is gone now. And my heart mourns for the loss of him, his strength and will
to obtain power. Many have fallen before us, we were a perfect combination of
brawn and beauty. May his name be engraved upon in my heart, his strength lives

8. Focus of hate and bitterness.
I can feel the power in my prayers, the arousal of lust and desire strikes each
time I see my foes fall and crumble with sweet ecstasy etched on their faces,
oblivious to the pain that was inflicted upon them. Soon, I will reach the
pinacle of my faith and I shall emerge a new religion of hatred against the

Yes, all the years of anger building within will explode before them. My body
will be a vicious tool of desire, my words caressingly as they succumb to the
lust of their passions. I will gather a female following, dedicated to bring
the man to their knees in weak humiliation and overturn the tides of
discrimination against us. Lo behold! A time will come when we will stride
forward in strength, breaking their wills over us, submitting and serving us.

May they fear the name of Sha'Narissa ais Shiyanne as she raises a new standard.
Oh I yearn to see the day of the Rose with a Bloodied Thorn. For now, I will
use them to gather strength and power.

9. Focus of hate and bitterness (pt II)
Each time, memories flood my soul as I see my numerous foes coorperating upon
me. Each battle reminds me of the gang-rape that took place many years ago -
the filth with each thrust and leering look of so-called victory. Nay, my
spirit is untainted and my character is of strong forte to overcome the
physical abuse. I am above such acts of defilement, I shall repay their deeds
ten fold, even hundred, till I draw my last breath.

See how the knights of Light call upon my name to battle like a customer to a
whore. See how they yearn to be fulfilled in their name of religion and abuse
their power. See how they draw strength in their numbers and challenge me, only
to overwhelm me in their brutal strength and bastardly ways. They are no better
off than the beasts of the fields, where numbers reign in power. Even the
warders of the forests attempt such deeds with sneering looks at me as they
tear my clothings and leave me naked. Their rigidness and limited understanding
has blinded them into folly. I will show them their weakness and free them of
their oppressive thoughts.

Yet again, I am above their ways and thoughts. I am Sha'Narissa ais Shiyanne,
the one woman who will stand above the ways of men and their deeds. They will
tremble at my name.

10. Of the New Foundation - Empire
Of late, an organization based on Honor, Civilization has awoken. I have had
the opportunity to speak with a certain drow healer, Thornarcrull and an arial
Warrior Kalmah. Yes, these are the people whom I gladly travel with - for they
are honorable and fearless. Rumors has it that we will be the foundation of the
new Empire, never will woman be looked down upon and frowned. They will never
be objects of liecientiousness and of second class. Within the Empire, a woman
of age will choose her destiny, be it a homemaker, a swordmistress or even a
blacksmith. They will choose as they see fit.

Yes, how I yearn to see the rising of the female counterparts and making a mark
within society. Mothers will have equal say in the family and respect equal to
the fathers; woman will stand in positions of power in political organizations
and guildhouses, their words having equal weightage and power; young females
will choose their mates or even their decision to be celibrate, no one can
arrange marriages nor coerce them to submission; they will gladly and willingly
choose their own paths.

Any act of disrespect to a certain female like molestation or rape will result
in the removal of the male parts. A careless word of 'bitch' will cause a
tongue removed; a groping hand will be severed and hung in the public for all
to see; a rape will end in permanent castration. If men cannot control their
urges, then the urges shall be permanently severed from their beings. A gift
misused is not a gift at all, it will be taken away, never to be abused.

Behold a new order is coming and it will gain footage in the lands, breaking
old traditions of female boundaries and setting them free with unlimitted
hinderances. Let us arise to our pure calling and let it be a beacon for others
to follow.

11. The Most Hated Foe for All Females - Age.
As much as she hated it, she has succumbed to the bane of all woman - Age. No
potions, salves nor spells can halt the unwanted stranger in her life, lest a
divine intervention or favor. It unsettled her, and caused her much irritation
to see a little of crowfeet at the edges of her eyes. Her skin felt a bit dry
and she applies a skin softening lotion even more than before. Her hair near
her temples has greyed abit, though it did not dampen the beauty of her looks

12. Immortalhood.
There is a way to stop the aging process. There must be, and I'd give
everything to attain it. Immortalhood. Yes, I must contain the accursed aging,
the beauty and passion must not fade away from me. I shall be remembered as
Narissa the Beautiful and seductive Temptress. No man will take a second look
at an old lady.

I must seek out my Mistress. Surely she knows how one can sustain her looks and
not be defeated by this curse. Assuredly, I will rather face death and die
beautiful than to be underground, like an old prune, wrinkled and allowing
maggots and bugs to infest my face and body.

I must perserve my beauty at all cost!

13. Renewal of Youth.
The baleful whisper of a divine Being washed over her, stirring her spirit of
powers unknown. This voice beckoned her faith - to ask daringly or face the
fires of its wrath.

And so Narissa spoke, drawing deep within and requesting for her the aging to
halt. Yes, in immortality terms, it is a trifle and simple request; to a mortal,
it means all to Narissa's person. Beauty and seduction, to her is vital to her
being. Even as she spoke, the Being touched her lightly, and youth was restored
to her. Her age changed not, but her body was made alive, tingling with newness.
Grey hair receded and wrinkles faded.

She has experience a second youth!

Thanks for the submission!