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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectSuggestion regarding the new tick system.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9742
9742, Suggestion regarding the new tick system.
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since this does impair the mana intensive support classes that generally don't enter in combat, how about making a toggle for transmuters and healers. One that would put them in a more calm state of mind. They would regen 0 hp's while this toggle is on but they would get half of the amount that would have been regened to health added to their mana regen? If they entered combat, the toggle would automatically be switched off. Or instead of adding half of what they would have received in hp's, you could make the toggle regen their mana as if they were sleeping even if they are standing, while still not regening hp's.

The way it is now, healers and transmuters sleep 24 hours a day while ranking, perhaps with this toggle they wouldn't have to be narcoleptics. Just a suggestion to help compensate for the new system.

9743, Whilst it isn't an awful idea
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think it has a great deal to do with the change in tick system.

I have played my healer, bards, and transmuter all without timing the tick, and my regen has been enough for the job I've needed to do. It just means that I spend my time sleeping unless I'm actually doing something. That has implications for game balance that your suggested change would affect. For example, being asleep makes me more vulnerable. Sleeping to get that regen is the price of the regen.
9744, I don't have fun while sleeping
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And given that I don't have fun while sleeping, the idea of playing a paladin, healer, or conjurer without being able to sleep before the tick begins to reak of mind numbing boredom instead of barely sustainable good-funness. This is coming from somebody who has played a bunch of healers lately.

I assume there is some acknowledgement on the part of the imms about how much it sucks having to sleep all of the time. Otherwise, black channels and the Acolyte-equivalent (blanking on the name) probably wouldn't have been implemented.

That people support this change might be the saddest testiment about the current playerbase that I have ever seen. Labelling people trying to maximize their fun at the expense of nobody as "number crunchers" is assinine. People who sleep before the tick aren't the rank 26 duergar axe specs of old. They're people who'd rather be aware of what's going on instead of playing something that's just as effective 33% of the time if they're AFK reading a Maxim while squeezing out cornloaf.

Who did this sleep-before-the-tick phenomenon hurt? If you can answer that reasonably well I will change from somebody who's probably done with the game because of real life AND this ####ty change to somebody who's probably done with the game because of real life only.
9745, Question for you...
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The change wasn't made because it was harming anyone in a game mechanics way, it was changed for RP reasons. So my question to you is, how often do you run around and take 5 minute naps every hour on the hour in real life?

That is why they changed it and why I don't oppose the change, I just think that for game balance, certain classes need a little tweak so they aren't forced to sleep constantly. Not very realistic to expect a healer to stay sleeping 24 hours a day and only wake up long enough to commune a healing spell before going back to sleep either.
9746, Funstick
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it's not hurting anyone then don't change it. There's plenty of stuff going on that could be changed for RP reasons. We could have to take breaks in the middle of ranking to take a dump or sleep 8 hours every night starting at 11PM. If there's no tangible upside to a change, aside from "realism" or "RP" then to me it's a change that needn't be done, much like lockpicks and blackjacks.
9781, RE: Question for you...
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How often do you run around for days on end without sleeping at all? How often do you eat pies morning noon and night for years at a time?

Realism at the expense of fun isn't worth it.