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Topic subjectCommerce skills
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9525, Commerce skills
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was wondering if the addition insight skills given for commerce should start at 1%? A lot of people may not know that they have to practice it. Also shouldn't it start at 70% since this is not a class-specific skill?
9527, They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't see why something like Appraise should require practice sessions, but something like Inspect Goods shouldn't. It has a different prerequisite (experience in commerce reputation vs. experience in certain thief skills), but it's the same concept.

Also, we want the abilities to have some cost associated, instead of just being a free perk that eventually gets added to most long-term characters. 1 or 2 practice sessions is a pretty minimal cost, even for fairly modest abilities. If you don't think they're worth that much, skipping those skills shouldn't be a big deal to you.

There are more things like this on the horizon, and they'll likely all work like this.

9532, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still waiting for my third skill. I now collect and sell items not for the gold they bring, but for the commerce xp. Woe is me.
9533, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm still waiting for my third skill. I now collect and sell
>items not for the gold they bring, but for the commerce xp.
>Woe is me.

The fourth skill is pretty sweet too.

9534, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Haggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think that the first skill is on-par with the rest of the skills in almost any way. The cost that you adhere, the results you get, and the difficulty of improvement make it seem like its out in left field. Oh and on that note, I don't think the shopkeeper should have to see you to use it. You're watching them, not vice-versa. By the helpfile you should be able to sneak a peek -or- get them to tell you too much. Shouldn't you be able to sneak a good peek while hidden or invisible? Was there a specific reason that this skill costs more to use than a comparable skill that is useful in many more situations but not this one? I'd think the cost would be the same and the utility would be variable.

Now, looking up it sounds like I'm complaining. I'm not really, just wondering if I could be right about this and it could be made more practical for use.

"When will I get my next commerce skill?
9535, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it's plenty good given that's it's relatively easy to obtain, and is nearly a free enhancement to any class.

It costs more than Lore becuase it's presumably easier to get information on an item that you're holding than one behind a counter.

9554, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why not make it much more expensive, and have a higher failure rate, but use the person's "lore" (or identify, or appraise) skill when the actual results are returned? The commerce skill should determine whether the merchant is willing to let you examine an item without buying it. Once you have the thing, your skill at "examining items" should determine how much information you get.
9555, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Why not make it much more expensive, and have a higher
>failure rate, but use the person's "lore" (or identify, or
>appraise) skill when the actual results are returned? The
>commerce skill should determine whether the merchant is
>willing to let you examine an item without buying it. Once
>you have the thing, your skill at "examining items"
>should determine how much information you get.

In the simplest degree, inspect goods deals with items
being shown to you and the others with items you have in hand.
I perceive them as being two different but related things. I
like the fact they can work independently, and they'll gradually
inter-relate in a more flexible and sensible way down the line.
9556, Sure take away my orc lore skill..... nt
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
9562, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>In the simplest degree, inspect goods deals with items
>being shown to you and the others with items you have in hand.
>I perceive them as being two different but related things. I
>like the fact they can work independently, and they'll
>gradually inter-relate in a more flexible and sensible way down
>the line.

It just seems weird that a guy with perfected lore, who can determine the properties of an item immediately upon holding it, can't figure out jack about something a merchant lets him look at. That is, until he masters inspect goods too. I'll give you that they're slightly different skills, but definitely related. If I'm the guy with perfect lore, I'm probably not going to use inspect goods at all. Why? Because it's less time consuming to gather the gold needed to buy the items and lore them than it would be to spam up inspect goods to a useful level. I recogize that I'm still better off with the skill than without, even if I don't get much use out of it, but I'm speculating that it might have been intended to be more useful than it currently is.
9563, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm speculating that it might have been intended to be more useful than it currently is.

Nope. It's a minor perk.

9569, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Nope. It's a minor perk.

I understand that it's intended to be a minor perk; I'm suggesting that currently it's not even that.
9571, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Nope. It's a minor perk.
>I understand that it's intended to be a minor perk; I'm
>suggesting that currently it's not even that.

Do you practice it when you get it?

9574, RE: They're intended to have some cost.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Do you practice it when you get it?

I did, but only because I've never had it before. In the future I probably won't, unless I'm playing a character with extremely high intelligence. Even then I might not.

Please understand- I'm not crapping on the idea of commerce skills, or even this particular skill (conceptually speaking). I just think the way it's implemented right now renders it somewhat useless. That is, unless the improvement rate is ridiculously high, in which case it might be worthwhile to spam it up. But I don't think that's the case.
10859, Fourth Skill
Posted by Wasteland on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My sarcasm detector is in for repairs at the moment. The first three skills come at multiples of 5k commerce exp. I've seen characters on the PBF with > 25k commerce exp and no fourth skill. We're you just having a little fun with this statement or has a fourth skill been implemented and it requires a very large amount of commerce exp? Carn, you can tell me..
10865, RE: Fourth Skill
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>My sarcasm detector is in for repairs at the moment. The
>first three skills come at multiples of 5k commerce exp. I've
>seen characters on the PBF with > 25k commerce exp and no
>fourth skill. We're you just having a little fun with this
>statement or has a fourth skill been implemented and it
>requires a very large amount of commerce exp? Carn, you can
>tell me..

I was joking at the time. }(
