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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCabal Idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9395
9395, Cabal Idea
Posted by wretchedmongrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Precursors of the 5 Magics

Synop: Mages of the present speak in glowing terms of the former cabal (masters).
All things magical & great came from them, but they really don't know
very much about what caused Master to fall etc. They simply want it back.

So some of these mages go back in time(through the void) and find some
of the predecessors to the masters, a group of mages just starting to bad
together focusing on discipline and mastery of magic in general. When they
are told from some mages in the future that they were going to build a
great empire of magic but in the end be destroyed by betrayal they get both
enthused and frightened to their cause.

In the end they resolve to try to build Masters better and in a way so that
it will endure forever and rewrite history while they're at it. They will go
to the future (our present) to try to find clues as to how they could change
things both for them & all the other good things that fell to ruin/were crushed

Already they've parted ways with the original masters of the five magics and
have disallowed all people of dark heart from participating in fear that they
would betray them as they already were betrayed once already.

Good/neut mage cabal.

powers - I haven't gotten that far.

enemies: Ragers/Scions
9397, New Cabal
Posted by Ajegrhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Remove alcolytes from Fort.

Good/Neital cabal.

Protectors of knowledge.
Gather and protect knowledge of all kind, especialy of magical nature.

Goodside: Gather/protect knowledge and informations to serve peoples. More peaceful, close to Alcolytes.

Neitralside: Magic/knowledge to right hands. Protect. etc. More to Nexus.

Who can join. Mage/...


Good side: Recall to Cabal. Sanctify room? etc.

Neitral side: Bound,...?

Enemies: Scions/Outlanders/ragers/ renegade mages?
9396, RE: Cabal Idea
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So ummm... Masters. Just non-evil Masters.

Doesn't really address why they were shut down in the first place though.