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Topic subjectHunt and cheap kills.
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939, Hunt and cheap kills.
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems lately that a lot of druids have been rolled for a single purpose. Sit on eastern and call the hunt on people. Its mostly the only way they get kills lately. I know there are limits to when and how you can call the hunt, but they are too broad. It makes no sense to be able to call the hunt on someone whos NOT in the wilderness.

I think it should not be callable on someone who is in a civilized room. Especially on someone whos on the other side of the damn continent on eastern road. I mean, whats this hunt calling in the inn from the roadside shrine? Not sure if that was fixed but anyway.

As the the hunt is now, its lame IMHO. Its the same thing as:
1. No lag on assassinate
2. Stalking at the inn
3. Sunraying for sick sick damage
4. Dual backstab for unspeak
5. Sylvan shaman/paladins/invokers with insect and wall of thorns
6. Every sylvan having those powers
7. Summoning super aggro mobs on eastern and galadon gates
8. Panther form before it was toned down

I think maybe it should be restricted to being called from wilderness to wilderness but be able to track anywhere.
953, RE: Hunt and cheap kills.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never had the Hunt called on me, though I've seen it chew up other people. Mostly because I play hidey classes and don't touch druids during the full moon. Probably the best defense against the Hunt is to never have it called on you in the first place.

Other thoughts:

Know when your PK range includes a druid with the Hunt. Even the Sylvan ones vis fairly often. Also, many druids are DUMB and keep a Treant by their side at all times. "whe treant" = "whe druid". I bet I could kill people as a druid purely by virtue of NOT having a treant and having other people RELY on me to have one in order to discover my location.

Also, know where they're likely to sit in briars. Large Crossroads. Darien Crossroads. Northern Xroads outside Galadon. Eastern Xroads outside Galadon. Field of Rocks and Brush. Entrance to the Holy Grove. Etc. If it's a full moon or you know a druid is online who's prone to sitting in briars, scan before moving onto those squares. Even if the druid doesn't have a treant you can still see his CoW. (As before, I bet I could kill people as a sylvan druid just by putting my briars in NON-STANDARD locations).

For extra fun, learn what CoW's each enemy druid likes to use. The ones I observed with my last character (and who are still alive) seemed to use the same ones over and over again. Forest Witch, Savage Moorcat, Ogier, Kudzu. If "whe treant" doesn't work, start where-ing for the various CoW's.
961, RE: Hunt and cheap kills.
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just so you know, you don't have to be in the same room as the druid for him to call the Hunt on you, so looking around for which room the druid is in doesn't really matter if the Druid can step into your area and call it. It also tracks much faster than normal mobs from the what I can tell. Having said that, I don't think it is over-powered, although it is really powerful, especially in certain situations (only one briared exit from the area with the Hunt after you). Sometimes I wish the Hunt itself wasn't so deathful though. Druids are definitely one of the stronger classes out there.

> Mostly because I play hidey classes and don't touch druids during the full moon.

Wimp. *raspberry*
945, I think you're whining about more than just the hunt...
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You managed to work in no lag assassinations and stalking at the inn. Like many things, you'll see this isn't nearly as cool as you think it is if you're on the other end, using it. Setting up a good assassination is difficult - mine at least end with a failure more than success - Often the no lag aspect is the only way i'm going to get away if I get the assassination, something that seems reasonable considering what goes into it. But then this has probably been said better before.

Don't like assassins at the Inn? Get a ranger friend... see Nurwon's road-ranger style of play.

947, I think I know quit a bit
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
about assassinate. Managed to get it almost perfect without dying. Its cheap and no its not hard to set up an assassinate. Almost any newbie can do it if he knows some particulars. Its not that hard to do.
954, THe things i mentioned in my original post were changed...
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you no longer have no lag assassinations unless you get really really lucky or have a very high skill at it. You used to be able to flee right off the bat.
941, RE: Hunt and cheap kills.
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree the hunt can seem intimidating, but it's supposed to be. It's a very powerful supplication. However, it can be dealt with quite easily, and it has severe limitations. Used properly, yes it can be an excellent weapon. Then again, used properly, so can almost anything. But like all weapons, there's a way to defend against it. In the case of the hunt, numerous ways. It's not the weapon to end all weapons, that many take it to be. Will it kill you if you stand there and go head to head with it? Maybe.

Patient - Doctor it hurts when I do this.
Doctor - Don't do that.
948, From what i know
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and i could be wrong, the only way to defend against the hunt is to be a hero defensive warrior with high dexterity, and if you are not, stay away from the druid where pk on a full moon. That where pk i guess is only if hes in a winderness place. I could be wrong.
950, RE: From what i know
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> I could be wrong.

There are a lot of different things you can do, depending on who you are.

As one fairly obvious solution available to everyone, why couldn't you just run for your life if you're pretty sure The Hunt is about to kill you? I understand this may be hard to believe, but it is possible to track or avoid someone without transportation magic in play.
951, Sure, give away my uber-secret escape from 'The Hunt'
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>> I could be wrong.
>There are a lot of different things you can do,
>depending on who you are.
>As one fairly obvious solution available to everyone, why
>couldn't you just run for your life if you're pretty
>sure The Hunt is about to kill you? I understand this may be
>hard to believe, but it is possible to track or avoid someone
>without transportation magic in play.

Run! Run like hell! Run far, far away! It's amazing how easily that can defeat The Hunt. Granted...it's not a 100% success story, but then what is.
952, Bah! Now the Imms will give the hunt the gate ability! Conspiracy! nt
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
974, Not only that
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't think of too many better places than eastern road to escape the hunt. It a lot worse when your stuck in a small area with only one exit out, briars, and a sunraying druid waiting to fry you.
940, RE: Hunt and cheap kills.
Posted by Boldereth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The hunt isn't that bad unless its a gangbang situation with a summoner really. If it comes after you, run for it and don't run out of movement. Its not as often useable as you think. As for the eastern road plant growth, you have like 2 minutes or so to kill the druid while he's helpless if he does that.