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Topic subjectI am a bit disturbed This is what hurts CF not the Imms not the cabals but this
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9317
9317, I am a bit disturbed This is what hurts CF not the Imms not the cabals but this
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having an honest conversation with a friend, that
I don't play in game with, but talk to on occasions.

So he tells me that he's at 9hitroll, 43damroll,
and not even mid-ranked yet, and looking for a
better weapon.

I suggest an area to look in, and he finds
a mace.

Given that I know he is a rager app since he just told
me, I suggest that he show the mace to a rager to know
if it's magic or not, based on its desc.

His retort is "#### that, i need a better weapon"

And I just lost one friend..

That is petty, and the kind of #### that
corrupts the essence of CF. This is the kind of behavior
that is becoming more rampant, and I do hope it is
equally met with force.

There is nothing wrong with the Imms, the Cabals, the Playerbase,
BUT there are "players" that just don't seem to give a #### about
enforced rp, and try, to powergame the system.

43 ####ing damroll, and your going to break role for a better weapon? #### you dude, I hope you get banned one day.
9363, Heh...They come and go.
Posted by Karakan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you really think you have lost a friend because of such foolishness, then he didn't sound like a very good friend to begin with. I'd give him a few months until he changes his tune, he still sounds like he hasn't fully absorbed what it means to be a part of the CF community.

I've been here since right after the beginning of CF. The only imms that pre-dated me that I am aware are still in existence are Galadriel and ShadarHaran's current incarnations. I can speak with both an Imm perspective, and that of a mortal from the last 6 years in saying that CF is just as good now (if not better) than it was way back when we averaged 100 players at a time. Honestly, back in CF's busiest times, RP was usually rather lacking on a large scale. Even the "Elite" cabals like Shadow and Masters cabal channels were flooded with blatant OOC chatter.

Usually, people do not realize how silly they are being until they have had time to reflect back on their earlier characters in logs and see how far they have come. I wish I had logged more of the early days so I could prove to people that things really weren't any better back then. The only difference between then and now is back then things were newer and fresher, and everybody had potential to be famous. Now, everything has been done, but there are a lot more choices and opportunities to keep the game from getting old.

I think we all suffer from powergaming syndrome from time to time. It is healthy to do this so you try to make a better character that stands out. Once the magic of the perfect class/race/cabal/eq wears off, you still have to learn how to live with the other members of the mud... if you alienate everybody because you strive to make a perfect character, then you will not have a very fulfilling time with CF and will likely grow bored and leave.

Karakan Aka Lloth/Jezral/Khargqwzxdds
9350, Hey no thread stealing This is about asking for more strict rule enforcement nt
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
9332, Less caustic response than
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I'll be your Huckleberry" was. Loved Val in that movie.

You cheated as much as the person you helped.

You gave information to him OUTSIDE the game that puts other players at a detriment. Pretty much the equivalent of gear exchanging between charaters in my opinion and definately breaks the spirit of the game.

Your ex-friend's approach to CF is what CF is about: killer over the top mayhem. Which works well when CF has a large PB to offset killer characters. Want to see more of this? Look at the way the Storm Giant warriors of late of been playing.

What you are complaining about, with respect to his attitude, and what you did, out of game aid, is what makes CF insanely difficult for NEW players or even old players no longer in the loop.

So thanks, I appreciate the vindication of my "wonking" that CF needs to be looked and tweaked to offset the declining playerbase and to offer more avenues for a player to go than pure PK. Players like Eshana's make the game a lot of fun.

CF is supposed to be a killer game driven by BIGTIME evils. No matter what anyone says, break it down, look at the facts, it is EVIL vs the rest. Oldest and best driver of any storyline. Sure there are subplots and twists, but the underlying driving force is Evil.

That said the game works best when enough players can be found to rally against the current Evil force threatening Thera. Hence the issue of a low playerbase causing so much trouble with respect to:
1) Roleplaying falling off to be replaced by item envy and PK fests.
2) Cheating, like you and your ex-friend engaged in.
3) Power PKers with the knowledge of the game crushing everyone.
4) Supps, Skills, Spells, Powers all based on the game having a large enough PB that people can find answers to in game obstacles via inter-player interactions.

Thankfully there are still enough veteran players willing to trickle down items and information IC along with coordinating counter strikes to make CF fairly playable in spite of the above facts. It is when the above players take a hiatus or worse give up that the dung hits the elephant.

Gumbldink's player admitted that Qulenit was that for the Fortress if you need an example. If you need more read the goodbye posts of players who have given acknowledgement to those that aided them. Big problem is that the Qulenit's of Thera are fewer and fewer these days.

A self centered player with knowledge could really rule Thera at this time. With or without using one of the Evil prestige classes.

And finally, most players who are not pure PK nutters will want to have some fun outside of that scope while still having a chance to live through an onslaught. If I have to take notes on each and every little flaming thing I find in Thera, when I could be roleplaying, you just killed the game for me.

Then look at that same idea for a new player, they take a third of the classes mentioned for new players and they get no WAY to identify. Note taking? While you are gathering the blue Galadon gear so you are not naked, not likely.

So it is great to hear all the vets with their precious tidbits of knowledge lording them about to show their superiority, means they are about and playing the game one would hope. Unfortunately that sort of thing does nothing for the player slogging through the mire that is CF to the player (re)learning the ropes in an even MORE hostile world.

CF rocks the house with Overkill gameplay but that only works if you have enough people at the table to fill minimum number of seats needed to keep it balanced.

Personally it would seem that if CF broadened it's appeal to other types of players, non-PK focued, it would fill up quicker and be more engaging that it already is. Non-PK focused players can be brought into the PK mindset more readily if they have other options available to them after being slaughtered, looted, and rolled off into a ditch.

"Aw screw it, I am going to go basket weaving for a while and blow off some steam."

Sadly it would require the Imms/Imps of CF to acknowledge the need for a game balanced between RP and PK. That seems highly unlike with the staunch defense of PK being force fed into every nook and cranny of the CF experience.

Advertising will not address any of the issues I noted either, just end up with quick spurts of players that may tail off even more dramatically as players get frustrated and possibly take others with them.

Doucha Dobra.
9333, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally it would seem that if CF broadened it's appeal to other types of players, non-PK focued, it would fill up quicker and be more engaging that it already is.


I personally feel there's a healthy balance between the PK and RP aspects of the game, and it's my impression from reading the boards that the players and staff are in consensus that your vision for CF isn't something they want. You frequently post to request or imply "safe" areas, "safe" options, etc., but our model is based on the concept that nowhere is 100% safe.

You're looking for a different game than CF. That's fine-- not every game appeals to every player. Your crusade to the contrary, we won't be making wholesale changes along these lines.

9334, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Personally it would seem that if CF broadened it's appeal
>to other types of players, non-PK focued, it would fill up
>quicker and be more engaging that it already is.

>I personally feel there's a healthy balance between the PK and
>RP aspects of the game, and it's my impression from reading
>the boards that the players and staff are in consensus that
>your vision for CF isn't something they want.

The players and staff that remain, love the game as is, the rest voted long ago with their "feet". CF was developed with a large, very large playerbase averaging over a hundred during peak times of the day and rarely dropping below fifty at night. No where close now so it makes sense that the game mechanic is going to be a bit off with respect to functionality.

This is what happened to RS, the over-the-top gameplay got old, fast, with a small playerbase so it's functionality died along with it. This is what is happening to Avendar, which is realistically dead. CF does not want people voting with their "feet" I would hope, and again advertising is not going to alleviate the current issues of mechanic and game enjoyment.

I do not "need" or even want safe zones. Just more zones of minor relative safety where I can RP with an enemy or friend or someone I have never met without freaking out every second with "where" "c armor" "c blah". It is stupid to watch a bard recital with all the flaming supps, skills, and crap going on... counter productive for immersion into Thera.

I have seen a heck of a lot of players die in the Inn and the guards there are not going to safe you from a level 20+ pker, heck a lower level PK happens when they bring along their buddy to deal with the guards. And of course that is roleplaying as well. Hmmm... I have been ganked in the Inn from level 15 on actually.

I would not, and have not been recommending ANY area safer than the Inn but only the people who played RS would know that, sadly. If someone from RS, who is more gentile than I, could please explain the capital Cimar, Galadon equivalent, to everyone here it would be appreciated. Loved the populace of Cimar that would disappear and re appear depending on time of day as appropriate to them.

And as for my view that you, the Immstaff, want to thrust PK into into every nook and cranny regardless of functionality of CF for enjoyment or the new player:


Made to facilitate kills not roleplaying. ;)

Sure PK can focus and facilitate RP, but the reverse is true too, wreck my little craft area and steal all my things... ooo I am going to get you! Especially if you made more money selling them that I did or turn out better products! :P Love the economy skills would like to see that aspect really advanced more.

It is your rain, your parade, your baby, your whatever.
But if you take a poll of people within a specific focus group, say CF veterans and Imms, you sure as hell are going to hear what you want! And it is not the best group to poll in this case because it is declining in size.

If I am looking for a broader market... I know I had better poll a broad spectrum and heed all the trends I see, never knowing when one could be an avenue to greatness. It is not selling out an idea to take a core concept and broaden it. It is a smart thing to do from any perspective.

Thanks for read, the staunch naysaying, and the tiny bit of interest you show by reading each nutty post of mine. I ain't against you, I want CF to prosper, and live long, I just look through the biased glasses of a roleplayer and avid explorer of all things non PK. Maybe I am right out to lunch, I do not think so, I will admit, a wee bit, that I just may be over the top.. but hey that is what CF is based on!

mrltmrls is my friend's nick and it means "My reality, my rules." So I guess I lose because that is the response I get here. Sadly he lost all the players for his table top roleplaying games even though I suggested to him to broaden his world and quit pigeonholing his players into specific class/race roles. He agreed but it was too little, too late.

9337, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just look through the biased glasses of a roleplayer and avid explorer of all things non PK. Maybe I am right out to lunch, I do not think so, I will admit, a wee bit, that I just may be over the top.. but hey that is what CF is based on!

"Over the top" is an understatement. Everything's a three-act play of late. With somber violins.

Edit I'll add: With occasional now-deleted tirades-o-swearing that won't be tolerated.

CF is based on the interplay between RP and PK. (Hence the name.) We feel that the PK aspect of the game intensifies the RP, not vice-versa. Again, that may mean it's not the right game for you, and that you'd be happier here if we shifted that focus. However, taking that course would also piss off a lot of other people, and fundamentally change something we're quite happy with. I'm just trying to make sure that you understand that you're barking up the wrong tree.

9338, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>CF is based on the interplay between RP and PK. (Hence the
>name.) We feel that the PK aspect of the game intensifies the
>RP, not vice-versa. Again, that may mean it's not the right
>game for you, and that you'd be happier here if we shifted
>that focus.

You contradict yourself here. Interplay means give and take. And yet you say RP does not intensify the PK? Whoa boy. Pico, and Julius both discussed the need for RP focused and enhanced PK. That sounds exactly like your "vice-versa". This "we" you speak is not the people I used to read and hear about and associate with CF.

Anything that ties a player to CF via an enhanced atmosphere makes PK all the more sweet. Being able to do things that I can lose to a pk event makes them all the more precious. Ever notice how those two young female characters are attached to their ducks? To the point of doing whatever it takes to prevent losing them? That is RP driving an increased PK experience for both. Also there is a character who loves having a doll, another great non PK foil to make her PK experience more intense and she strives to keep or recover her keepsake!

Sadly duckie and dollie access is minimal.

>However, taking that course would also piss off a
>lot of other people, and fundamentally change something we're
>quite happy with. I'm just trying to make sure that you
>understand that you're barking up the wrong tree.

I have never once said throw out the baby with the bath water. That is you and yours prevailing view of anything different. Would more people for the avid PKers to hunt piss them off? Would more ways to interact in game piss off players? More things to do when not PKing would drive people to distraction and make them go elsewhere to play with pretty pieces of string? I would hope you have a better base player than that.

I have never said get RID of PK! I have, repeatedly, said put in places and things that compliment and augment the overall experience on CF. And that definately INCLUDES PK! I have played a lot of games, and PK is what gives the spice to the menu, I agree wholeheartedly, but having different dishes and different spices makes the meal enjoyable.

Oh and if it has not been noted, I hate Nepenthe's online persona. I bet he is a great guy in person, but online I want to take my virtual rope and hang his avatar! I know the feeling is mutual. :P
9351, Since you keep bringing up RS....
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say, as the person who played RS there, that it wasn't the way you seem to have idealized it at all. Cimar wasn't as safe as the Inn at any level. What happened to RS was that it just plain wasn't as good as CF. It's main draw was CF players, and while certain aspects were very well thought out and cool, in the end, it just plain wasn't as interesting. I stopped playing RS and let Gurd autodelete (even though at the time I made the decision I was more or less unbeatable) because it just plain wasn't as fun. Partly because of low pbase, but mostly because it just wasn't as fleshed out and as full a game as CF is/was. The only RP I ever got on RS was people complaining when I killed them. Guess what? Killing people is roleplaying, which is something you just don't seem to understand.

You didn't even play CF when the playerbase was as large as you say, and when it was that large, the RP standard was very low, and it was 1000% less "safe" then it is now. Try hitting pk at 10,000xp with giants who got bash at 100% at level one, then talk.

You can't justify every point with a decline in pbase, because quite frankly, you don't know what you are talking about.
9354, Yup.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can't justify every point with a decline in pbase

Yup. At the risk of repeating myself, MUDs in general have had a decline over the last couple years, largely due to new competition from commercial MUD-like games. Even a couple years ago, your options for RPG-type gaming online were very limited. Now, that's not the case. I still believe MUDs offer options that MMORPGs don't, notably depth, speed of change, personal impact on a world, content customized to an individual, and the greater storytelling freedom you have when you're not constrained by what graphics are available. We like to think we provide a gourmet meal, but a lot of people like eating at Wendy's (*).

To me, accounting for that marketplace shift is a lot more believable than blaming it on every game feature you want changed (even if that feature predates any decline, thus weakening the proposed causality even further), like the duration on Plague.

It's especially spurious logic to say "Carrion Fields has had a playerbase decline in recent times. You should steal more ideas from these two other MUDs that have had steeper declines."

* Quasi-related TMS quote of the day, regarding MUDs with pay-for-perks schemes: "Of course Viagra MUDs are popular, but not for their quality so much as their ability to allow even the most insecure and impotent to feel that they're something as long as they've got a valid credit card."

9358, RE: Yup.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's especially spurious logic to say "Carrion Fields has had a playerbase decline in recent times. You should steal more ideas from these two other MUDs that have had steeper declines."

I mentioned repeatedly that those were code snippets available to anyone. You are slanting this to be in your favour yet again. Hell Arm OFFERS their code snippets if you ask.

Yep. At the risk of repeating myself, MUDs in general have had a decline over the last couple years, largely due to new competition from commercial MUD-like games. Even a couple years ago, your options for RPG-type gaming online were very limited. Now, that's not the case. I still believe MUDs offer options that MMORPGs don't, notably depth, speed of change, personal impact on a world, content customized to an individual, and the greater storytelling freedom you have when you're not constrained by what graphics are available. We like to think we provide a gourmet meal, but a lot of people like eating at Wendy's (*).

1) Competition by games that offer more rewards for a player who not only spends time but money. I stood beside your posts about the problem with that on the forums of TMS.

2) I repeatedly said that Muds have more to offer from MMORPGs with respect to RP and that muds should strive to go in that direction.
Hence your declaration of "PK driving RP" statement falls apart based on your own logic here.

3) Storytelling. Now wait a minute you and Valg and the rest of the playerbase are complaining about people going outside the Box. Storytelling is all based on GOING outside the box. Again I am 100% behind you on this concept, not implementation though.

To me, accounting for that marketplace shift is a lot more believable than blaming it on every game feature you want changed (even if that feature predates any decline, thus weakening the proposed causality even further), like the duration on Plague.

Malediction latency and strength was set up during CF's peak time. Hell the majority of skills were and the way there were set to interact with each other definately was. If there is a marketplace shift it could be because people take the avenue that offers more return early on in their playing experience and NOT suffering the ill effects of overkill skills/supps/spells.

Sure I died on WoW but heck I could die a few times trying to figure things out without suffering a character mangling detriment. Add graphics to that and you have competition for those starting out in gaming. The ones CF really really really wants.

All the vets in the world won't help without fresh blood Valg, and without opening up to ideas to facilitate fresh blood you get RS/Avendar results.

Done, done, done. Chow.
9369, RE: Yup.
Posted by Sandello on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sure I died on WoW but heck I could die a few times trying to
>figure things out without suffering a character mangling

Low death penalty was one of the reasons WoW got boring as hell after about a hundred hours of playing. There was no adrenalin rush, and skill did not matter much. A player with little skill could easily have as powerful character as the most skillful player.

>Add graphics to that and you have competition for
>those starting out in gaming. The ones CF really really really

Make CF to be WoW without graphics, and it will loose all of its players. Except for you may be.
9370, RE: Yup.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's open to new ideas. He's just not open to ####ty ones.

And right now pretty much every person who plays or is in any way affiliated with CF disagrees with your view for the game.

Maybe it isn't the entire world that's wrong. Maybe it's you?

I'm pretty sure the Imms would rather maintain their core of veterans and their vision for the game, rather than water it down to cater to the MMORPG-type players. A huge amount of players doesn't make the game a success. A quality game with a loyal (even comparatively small) playerbase does. But if that's what you prefer, there's still some big MUDs out there willing to take your time and cash.

BTW, thanks for reminding me how much better CF is than the "competition" out there. Obviously, you agree or you wouldn't spend so much time here.
9356, Final post on this.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since you are not catching on, I DID play CF a fair bit, back in the Day. The RP was restricted to high level characters, I will admit that, but once you started to interact with, while ANY level they brought you on board. If you were a rampant PK freak and level sat between 11 and 25, there you sat, with your crappy RP.

This is why Julias and Pico were talking about having RP drive PK. To
get around that issue.

Also your point about Cimar justifies my examples for an area of moderate safety.. almost mininal at times, for new players to grow up in. You could level in Cimar, you could run there to hopefully prevent a gang bang with some luck. Etc.

I have been playing CF on and off for over fifteen years. I went off with the other games because they promised more roleplaying emphasis throughout levels OR because they promised all new areas with all new skills etc. Why do people leave CF? They leave because CF is not rewarding their efforts well enough, which could be a symptom of the need for a more broader brush applied to the game's offerings.

Anything else you want to try manipulate into supporting your point of view? Oh and Gurd was just a flamin' beast. And I disagree with the lack of RP but sadly the RPers tended to Imm. Matrika, Gawinn, etc etc and get fed up with the rest of the players.

I think I have adequately argued my point of view, with respect to all aspects of CF, so this will be my last post on it.

I tried another character with intention of taking advice of Rogue and others, but I can not get into it at all, I hate the idea of competing for gear, for leveling partners, and for worrying about getting skills up. I suck at munchkinism, much to my own chagrin, about as much as I suck at PK. Go figure.

As Bill the cat would say "Ack... thppppppptttt.........wubble."
9357, RE: Final post on this.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have been playing CF on and off for over fifteen years.


9359, RE: Final post on this.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay I challenged with time, I started University in the mid eighties and have been mudding pretty since then in one form or another. When you have mudded that long, it blurs, blurs, blurs.

I guess everything I said is wrong, thanks for pointing that out, I will now trundle off to the kitchen and shoot myself for your dining pleasure.

9362, If only it was. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

9371, Care to name some of your characters?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I distinctly remember you saying you had only played cf for a matter of months in some of your earlier posts.

Also, those players that left cf were, in general, not wanting "safe" zones, which no matter how you dress it up is indeed what you are asking for. I am pretty sure that many of the newer players left for that reason though. However, the challenge was what attracted me to cf. It isn't a "first mud", in my opinion. It's a mud to move onto when you want more of a challenge.
9335, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The problem here, really, is that you've decided CF is a certain way that it actually isn't, dismiss all evidence to the contrary, and interpret seemingly unrelated posts as in some way supporting your view.

Alternately, the problem is players that stomp their feet and say "I'm leaving!!" and then don't leave. :)
9339, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The problem here, really, is that you've decided CF is a
>certain way that it actually isn't, dismiss all evidence to
>the contrary, and interpret seemingly unrelated posts as in
>some way supporting your view.
>Alternately, the problem is players that stomp their feet and
>say "I'm leaving!!" and then don't leave. :)

Now that I am calm. They are leaving. 100+ days, 50+ nights averages
are no more. See my kinder and more interesting thread with Valg.

And since you are telling me how wrong I am, contrary to
facts present and available. How about chiming in on what Rogue
did? A simple Imm hint of "Please refrain from doing that." would
show that you like the game to be fair and balanced. :D You bait, here let me bait back. ;)

Oh and I hate you only online, you are pretty a handsome wonderful
guy in person. But online I want to hold you down, drink your blood,
and gouge your eyes out. Probably a mutual online experience.

9340, You didn't read Nep's post closely enough
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He didn't anywhere state that nobody is leaving. It's just that the people who are leaving, do so quietly, and the ones who flood the forums with all their theories with what is wrong with CF, and the reasons why they have decided to quit, that don't leave (even when said same people are subsequently banned)
9341, I'll be clear:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See my kinder and more interesting thread with Valg.

You seem to think that I have a different opinion of you than Nep does. I assure you, we're on the same page on this one.

What's painful about this thread is that you present yourself as a paragon of roleplay, but even a cursory examination of Pmenoa's deletion thread indicates that the staff (Lyr, Eshval, Nep, myself) and playerbase (Dorn, Gnome Boy, Wilhath, WhiteRaven, Rogue) were agreeing that Pmenoa was a horrid character.

We make an effort to try to preserve some measure of civility here, but you seem to insist on provoking everyone instead of listening to anyone. But please don't mistake that civility for approval.

9344, Blunt for blunt.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have NO inkling where you think I feel justified by, in approval, or in agreement with you. If I did, why would I be arguing with you?

Now let me address the RP. I am NOT a paragon of RP or PK in any way shape or form. Sadly a paragon of PK is seen as a paragon of RP too often but that is not the issue at hand. I AM one who knows damn good RP and RP atmosphere when I see it because I HAVE seen it.

I remember Valg's mortal Lich spreading plague and doom throughout Thera and a stern wise Warlock summoning a gentle Acolyte to cure me while I lay dying in Galadon from it and then helped me find my way to a safe place. Not enough players for a low level player to experience that often enough. Not enough players for there ever to be a hope to stop a Lich as well played as Valg's was.

My character at that time went on to become a maran, was liked, got a fair bit of good byes and way to try when I con died! Now it is all about item envy, and PK stats. Heck Rogues reply to mine was filled with bias about PK and the like. Pmenoa did use introspection, gave a damn about NPCs and VNPCs alike, always balanced actions with respect to what I could glean off of the helpfiles. I used an alias to set up think as 'tell self' just so I could roleplay whether alone or otherwise. Pmenoa went off to fight evil , almost every chance he got, as a Maran, he failed miserably, not his faul but mine because I am not a STELLAR pker. I followed the High Elf and Maran guildlines to a T only to get the crappy end of the RP stick handed to me. Not cool.

Dorn, I had barely any interactions with, and from what I read he had no idea of what happened. Rogue, well let us look at this thread for what my take on Rogue's judgement. Gnome boy blatantly abused my character IC and OOC and worse was the type of Killer Gnome that was mentioned previously, please make up your minds on that, you want to take his word yet you despise his time of character? Whilath calls the pot black being the kettle. etc.

Now to my RP again. It was neutered, destroyed, and mangled by a level of politicking and mandate ignoring within the Fortress beyond anything I could believe exist. I clearly pointed that out, with appropriate quotes from the help files. And finally, Valg, you poll a favored pool for the foundation of your statement once again about my skill at roleplaying. Maybe if I had been the type to initiate mud sex with Eshana I would 3l33t.. but that ain't my thing and I was glad she wanted a love affair not smut.

I know I had excellent interactions with many in game and worked to make sure they did as well, if I could understand their character within the scope of Thera's atmosphere. My character was rude to selfish and bizarre version of goods, I will admit that but again according to the help files that is what a HIGH ELF would do. But people using OOC knowledge of Eshana to hit her up for gold and
similar things going on drove me nuts.

I asked, IC, if the two had met and NO they had not met in game. Wait a minute, that is no better than the issue this thread speaks of. In game stuff is icky because when there was a larger playerbase a bit of OOC collusions would get ironed out by a swift smacking by a group of skilled veterans. Now not only are they more predominant in the overall % due to lack of players, they are effecting the RP of CF dramatically.

I may rage against the storm, but I see the storm.
9346, RE: Blunt for blunt.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> I followed the High Elf and
>Maran guildlines to a T only to get the crappy end of the RP
>stick handed to me. Not cool.

I'm going to have to disagree here. No surprise.

1) Something you have to realize is that RP does not render you magically impervious to the RP of others. RPing well is not an "I win" move in this or most games, although it is rewarded in this one. For example, if you play a character who calls the god of rage stupid to his face, the fact that it might be in your RP to do so in no way shields you from the fact that it is in his RP to crack you in the head with something blunt and heavy for it. The fact that it might be in your RP to always think you're right and act like everyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid, crazy, or ####ty doesn't mean those people who think you're a dirty, dirty misguided crackwhore shouldn't treat you like one.

You didn't get shafted because these players weren't roleplaying. You got shafted because they were.

2) To pick apart one point of your RP not 'fitting the Maran guidelines to a T', from what I could tell, your character wanted to war on every cabal with evil characters.

Okay, so let's think about that for a minute.

You raid Outlander, and let's pretend you could actually kill the evil Outlanders. So far, so good.

However, in the process you're going to have to kill a lot of neutrals. Sometimes okay, sometimes not. You're also almost certainly going to have to kill the good-aligned Outlanders, who serially outnumber the evil ones severalfold. They're probably going to have something to say about you murdering their guardians and violating their most sacred land.

So now you're a character who finds it acceptable to kill any number of goods who basically don't want to fight you in order to kill evil.

That's not really Maran, as I understand it. It's not even really good anymore, I'd argue. If your character had been able to back up his talk with action I'd probably have made him neutral. It's valid roleplay, it's just not good-aligned.

At which point you've fallen off the elf wagon too.
9347, Wherein I get irate
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw NOTHING from Pmenoa that spoke either to goodness or to being a good Maran. Meanwhile, the Acolytes and other Fortress members you've taken to bludgeoning with your nonsense WERE doing things for good PCs and NPCs alike.

The Fire Incident: We were putting out fires and you claimed to have been fighting those in Darsylon. I call ####. When I went there shortly after you logged off, after having argued with Cytherea about your efforts for the cause, the entire city was ablaze. Myself and two others, one of which was Xaerin who has incurred your wrath before, proceeded to do what you should have done. You claimed to have been burnt too badly to proceed. Get the hell out of here. That's using "RP" to shirk responsibility.

The Outlander Incident: You attacked the Huntress to get at evil. The Huntress is not evil. There are many things written in the books about stepping over the line and becoming too much like what you're supposed to be fighting. Pmenoa was a perfect example. In attacking the Huntress you stir up a hornets' nest of goods and neutrals, some of which approach me mad because you carried out an act of war. Terrible RP.

The Lowbie Felar Warrior Incident: After Gumbldink was deleted I rolled up a goodie felar warrior named Grrogruh (now deleted). I approached you in the Inn and asked you for a flower or root so that I might see the darkfriends that were hiding from me. You refused and then proceeded to eat just such a root in front of me. That does not speak to caring for others, being elf-like, or being a good Fortress candidate. Terrible RP.

There was nothing good about Pmenoa that I can think of and, as far as I can tell, you're berating the very same people you should be looking up to for assistance in learning just what it means to RP and PK.
9349, Ugghh, wherein I feel dirty
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"In attacking the Huntress you stir up a hornets' nest of goods and neutrals, some of which approach me mad because you carried out an act of war. Terrible RP."

Not really terrible RP, you can play a Maran that intentionally pushes the line of fighting evil and heads down the path of becoming evil yourself and it could be solid RP.

It is however, stupid to later argue that you didn't get your just deserts when the repurcussions of your fall from grace catch up with you. Please don't make me state anything that resembles defending Psektos's lunatic ranting again.
9355, Sorry.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry Threekla, I did not mean to have you dragged in. Me bad.
I like your ideas and things that you post, a fair bit. So again
please do not sully your rep by being on my side.

9352, Ur are an 8.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a Felar who I could not tell if was evil or good.
So no, you do not get the help. Too bad. Pmenoa was not about
to help an evil by mistake. And if I am thinking about the right
Felar you were a rogue. Pmenoa HATED rogues, ask Patratan, or any
other rogue I dealt with. Too many insta kills and rogues preying
on Pmenoa's allies. Ask REVERN, another good character.

Yet Pmenoa aided them. He knew they were good. I had NO way of
telling that you were at that time, did I? So blunty, stuff it.

Also, if you were playing the Felar I think you are, I did not
like your description or anything else.

Iaayvra, Revern, Earendar, hell a lot of other younger characters, and I DID want to give them things. And help them learn, and even
tried to play the role I had intended with Pmenoa, Cavalier.

Again, you do NOTHING to prove me wrong, but go out of your way to
prove me right. How about we leave off this sparring? Before it gets ugly?

9360, Wherein I throw gasoline on the fire.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's look at this:

>Also, if you were playing the Felar I think you are, I did
>like your description or anything else.

And this:

>Again, you do NOTHING to prove me wrong, but go out of your
>way to
>prove me right. How about we leave off this sparring? Before
>it gets ugly?

In my mind, this proves you to be, if not wrong, an enormous hypocrite.

Essentially, you're saying:

1) I didn't help another character because I didn't like your description/roleplay


2) All the people who didn't help me because they didn't like my roleplay or found me to be annoying/offensive are wrong/powergamers/gearwhores/mongoose/####.

I'll say again: Any of your characters will go farther if you try to learn from people and encourage them to like you instead of deciding there's something wrong with them because they don't act the way you want.

Side note: you and I are both arrogant jackasses. The difference is, I've earned some of my arrogance.
9361, I am a jackass! I can not resist this post, well said!
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Again, you do NOTHING to prove me wrong, but go out of your
>>way to
>>prove me right. How about we leave off this sparring? Before
>>it gets ugly?
>In my mind, this proves you to be, if not wrong, an enormous

The character felt unfleshed, and annoying because it targeted ME as an Exile of the Fortress, Child Like Elf... to get something that a CHILD LIKE EXILE of the Fortress WOULD have reseverations to do. Titles should mean things. OR hell I may have still been the Blasphemous Jackass! To be approached like this was OOC driven, and therefore got the appropriate IC result.

My character feared being taken advantage of by evils. Some Felar rogue comes up to me, when I have the above titles, and begs help. Wait a minute, not going to happen. What rogue, in my character's experience has done the most damage to the Light and him? Saqzawaz.. female Fela assassin. Doh!

In other words I was NOT about to break character over this, if I did not want try to recover Pnemoa at that time I would have stripped off everythin and given it to him but that is a breach of IC style, etiquette and really unbalancing in my opinion. Happens, a lot actually.

Your take on this exemplifies my issue with being FORCED to rp in a certain way instead of being given opportunities to roleplay. Forcing RP on a mud is a BAD idea because everyone is human and mistakes come fast and often.

>Essentially, you're saying:
>1) I didn't help another character because I didn't like your

Yep. Better have a decent handle on both so "I" as a player don't feel like I am helping out a power gaming freak. Then again worked hard at developing my own mastery of emotes, esays, and the like to help work with others, go figure. OH and is this just not the thing which started this ENTIRE thread? OOC help for someone now seen as a power gaming freak?! Allo? Mon petite fem skunk!

>2) All the people who didn't help me because they didn't like
>my roleplay or found me to be annoying/offensive are

I help others, I chat a lot on the newbie channel asking questions that I may have a good idea of the answer to help others. I work at helping others WHENEVER I can in game. I have spent time with absolute newbies instead of leveling up, helping them out.

But too many I have aided move on because they feel the game is too tough and that is sad because, like have I said before, Muds offer the most viable and in depth RP experience out of any game!

>I'll say again: Any of your characters will go farther if you
>try to learn from people and encourage them to like you
>instead of deciding there's something wrong with them because
>they don't act the way you want.

So in other words, play a cookie cutter character that everyone will like. That promotes RP how? I do not care if other characters like mine or not. I DO care about being IC as much as humanly possible and striving to develop a character not have a fixed RP that drones on, and on, and on. Thanks for the idea, but no thanks. I also expect too much I guess on people also wanting to move beyond cookie cutter, that would be my fault then and me being an arrogant jackass.

>Side note: you and I are both arrogant jackasses. The
>difference is, I've earned some of my arrogance.

I have earned my arrogance through Armageddon, Batmud, Geas, Avendar, RS, CF and a hell of a lot of other muds I have spent years or months on assessing them. Batmud and Arm I think are the two oldest, but I am getting old and curMUDgeonly so I guess I can not say for sure.

Again, I have seen many a RP enforced mud with mega PK violence and I know what is good atmosphere for such and what is going to drive me, and other players away. Sure I sucked on CF starting out, in my many visits, and still in many aspects of the game, but I do not SUCK in knowing what makes a notable story arc and what does not, what makes a game fun to learn, and what does not, what makes players feel involved at all levels. ;)


Ayep, we lock horns too damn well, need some Quake or other nasty action on the side so we beat the snot out of each other and be happy.
Hmm.. maybe a mega battle version of CF where everyone starts with race/class/alignment specific gear at hero level? Just so you and Valg can blast my useless in PK arse to hell and back? :P

Finally I speak with emotion because I love roleplaying, I am definately not the best at it, more of a supporting character. But seriously the days of the PK focused mud are numbered, just by what everything Valg has noted in his posts. So why not open up the spillways for more RP stuff in CF?

Crap, I can not spell when I am speaking from the heart, give me an old essay on the physiology responses to flight any day! :P
9364, RE: I am a jackass! I can not resist this post, well said!
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Several points that should probably be made clear.

You're perfectly welcome to play whatever role you want on CF. But you have to understand that OTHER people are playing their roles also.
And if your character happens to annoy every other character in the game (including your own cabal), and also the Imms, then you're in for a tough time. Remember, they're ALL playing their own roles. Imms included. If you annoy them IC, they won't treat you well IC. If you annoy Imms IC, they can cause bad things to happen to you, IC. This is all an IC viewpoint. People don't like you OOC because of the way you act on these boards. A completely different animal.

Nepenthe isn't saying your role idea is a bad one, only that it requires a more skilled player to pull of successfully. As much as you are convinced otherwise, you are not a skilled CFer.

You also seem to be confusing yourself that there are only two viable roles: extreme and cookie cutter. There are an infinite number of possibilities where you can play a likeable character that still goes against the grain. Think about it.

But you won't think about it. Because you prefer to whine and complain and convince yourself that your vast mudding experience (which pales in comparison to most of the Imms here, btw) means you are always right and everyone else is always wrong. But from an objective view, that clearly isn't the case.
9366, Bless your black heart for putting this better than I did. (n/t)
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I assume it's black, anyway.
9365, Unpopular characters: A digression on Onirakoth.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to apologize to the forum readership in advance, because I can already tell that this post will come out more as a flame than I actually intend.

>So in other words, play a cookie cutter character that
>everyone will like. That promotes RP how? I do not care if
>other characters like mine or not. I DO care about being IC as
>much as humanly possible and striving to develop a character
>not have a fixed RP that drones on, and on, and on. Thanks for
>the idea, but no thanks.

The fundamental difference of opinion that we have here is that you think people didn't like your characters because they were original / non-cookie-cutter, and I think people didn't like your characters because you have a tendency to act like a tempermental and socially retarded asshole when you don't get your way.

If you were around earlier in the year to interact for Onirakoth, he is a great counter-example of the point in my mind, or alternately a good example of what you say you'd want to play (but don't actually play.) He was this great just evil, evil, selfish Tribunal healer. And you know? While the character was great he was a pretty ####ty Tribunal. He sparked tons of conflict. People, both in his cabal and out, hated his guts.

I'll lay out some of the differences between the two of you, and maybe that forms a roadmap from how to get to where you are to where you want to be.

1) Onirakoth tended to excel first and make waves second. You could try to be snippy about it and claim he didn't roleplay until he got himself ensconced, but that's not how it actually was. More, you wouldn't notice as much how his RP differed from the 'ideal' from his cabal until he was ensconced. It wasn't obvious to most how evil and self-serving he was until after he was the cabal's leader, even though characters who had dealt with him from even very low levels could have told you he was always like that. He made waves as a leader and could get away with it because by that point he truly was the cabal's leader both formally and informally, and the cabal depended on him strongly enough that it wouldn't be willing to toss him aside for a few small things. You can get away with a lot as a cabal leader; you can't get away with a lot as a squire who can't PK and who depends on other people for even the most basic things.

2) Onirakoth was all roleplay unique to the character. If you interacted with any of the guy's previous characters you would never guess that that kind of a self-serving complete bastard character was in him. They were all good/neutral characters, most pretty foofy and reasonably nice.

Contrast this with, for example, three elf warriors that I almost couldn't tell apart if you covered up the names, because they were all demanding, thought they knew everythihg, did not in fact know close to everything, and tended to die a lot.

(Your paladin is, as I've said elsewhere, a much better effort in this respect.)

3) Although Onirakoth could be a terribly frustrating character to deal with, mostly because he was working to get what he wanted and couldn't care less about what you wanted, and generally had some kind of power over you, he wasn't annoying, per se. Yes, you can make a character who is excessively demanding, whiny, talks trash he can't back up, etc., but generally these are not fun characters to play with. It's like being the dude in a D&D game who demands one on one time with the DM for over half the session. Yeah, you can do that if the DM lets you get away with it, but how much fun is that for the other players? Probably not. No one wants to play with that guy. Don't be that guy. It's like being on a field trip in the second grade and the teacher makes you be street-crossing hand-holding buddy with the dude who is always wetting his pants.

To put it another way, a good villain or flawed character is fun to play with, is fun to hate and rage at and try to overcome. A petulant, whiny, or unreasonably conceited character is generally not.
9367, Well said again, no flame sensed.
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure, I can see your point. My frustration at playing an Elf not nearly as good as the one I played before, when I was in the Maran may have shown. BUT all the Elves were supposed to be trajically flawed, too smart for their own good, and looking for a place. I wanted to make that role work, sucked that I could not.

Most recent add:

Hmm.. I add this because I think I may have to give you another point. I had been slowly drawn with Pmenoa towards Herald, I was just unsure if he could assault evil as aggressively, as Pmenoa was evolving into wanting to, as one under Herald's current incarnation. It was Dorn, Leeyantra, Jemr and a couple of other goodies that finally made me put in my application. Leeyantra nagged Pmenoa, IC, to. I should have went with my gut instincts on that and not tried to please others IC. See? I screw up by trying to make others happy too damn much.

Add to that the experiences of my past Maran with respect to the no hold barred approach to playing one.. probably worked better back then BECAUSE there was such a large playerbase. Makes for a ####ty character with ####ty attitudes regardless of how you try to save it.
Now if that is the case, or at least partially the case I can definately see mutual frustration for all involved.

Most recent add end

I can not say that IC any of my Elves truly thought they knew it all, but they all challenged norms that seemed wrong to them. Well Pmenoa did, the rest of them died to the point of being unplayable. And now that I look by the three Elves I played, started with a character missed by others, then a character somewhat missed, and finally this one.

BUT... BUT... your attacks on my assessment of CF's current situation are "Against the Man".. toque que... or something like that. I have managed to demonstrate, through your own posts and Valgs, and other player's exactly the support required for my ideas to have some merit, maybe not in any incarnation I offer but merit just the same.

The fact that you stopped to give me what you felt was the requisite help and kick in the balls was appreciated by the way. Well said on your part, and appreciated on mine. But seriously I wanted to try another character taking in Lysterion's, Rogue's, and a few other suggestions but the lack of anything resembling low level RP at times, and the lack of options for non skill perfecting turned me off. Add to that the chore of walking from one end of the world to another to have a decent enough newbie set of gear, including potions, to offset my SUCKY PK ability is just too much.

Now, like I have said, I do NOT have the mastery of CF in any way shape or form to make the first twenty levels fun. That much work to learn the game would take months, and months, now apply that to a brand new player or a vet, dumber than I.. well there just MAY be someone, trying to get in CF? If you managed it, as painful as it may have been to walk in my shoes, you will see where I am coming from.

I know this is bizarre but my experiences early on in CF's history were cool because at low levels I RPed and higher levels took noticed. And RPed back, they nutured me, they coddled me, they left me in the Underdark by accident during a raid on the Fortress. :P Of course I was so sickeningly sweet that even my enemy, that mega-well played Storm warrior in the Village, helped me out! Maybe I am just stuck with being a player of pathetically happy characters. Sucks to be me then. And I tried a couple more warriors, Storm I sucked at more than the Elf, a healer, I loved the RP I got for that, and a magic user of some type which got munched and crunched because I only had a tiny grasp on gear, gear for a warrior.(I excelled at RS mages because of my neurosis and psychosis allowing me to envision evil ways to manipulate the spell sets)

Sure, roleplaying may have been atrocious at low levels, but I got past it each and every time by rping from the get go with higher level characters. Sure that hindered my munckinism, a lot, but it really really brought out my RP. Arm and CF I credit with making me so appreciative of great RP, not that "I" was the instigator, but I was one who went with it.

Elf warriors worked best for some RP I wanted to try, I HATE playing myself, the happy healing hugging type... you want >>>>BIG HUGS<<<< here you go! I wanted something more dour, troubled, and standoffish, apparently I got them all right, but also ALL wrong. In the Elves I wanted to try to downplay the Int card by showing they are fallible, and not as wise as they could be. Did not work.

Haelstrom got frustrating simply because there was no viable avenue of communication with the Outlander Druid who constantly PKed him. Haelstrom had befriended several Outlanders, he saw them as honourable in having dedicated themselves to something, but that one character was no talk, and knew where to find me each and every time.
It was boring logging on and dying, logging on and dying with NO RP at all about it. I had asked, repeatedly, that the other Outlander, and Outlander prospects speak to him about, but no one did. Sure I knew OOC WHY he was doing it but to have no RP about made it feel like Deathmatch Quake and me with one thumb and no fingers on my left hand.

I had wanted Haelstrom to start out whitecloakish and then have to find his way out of that mire to something more. He would have let anyone of the Light, non mage, kill him rather than fight him. I got a good response about that from Villagers and goodies. Mages I was going to have trouble and I knew it, but that was supposed to be the character's foil, it was neat to play but for the constant smearing by one player. Heck the instant he logged on I wanted to log off because I knew in the next two minutes I would be dead! But I didn't!;)

It is that smearing, smearing partially due to the strength of all the communes he could throw at me and partially due to me of course, that I say is endemic to making CF a hostile place for new and old players. If I could have been off doing some herb gardening or the such after that, the player was very good about NOT mega smearing but letting me have a wee bit of cooling off usually, I would have been able to alleviate the frustration and unrewarding multiple deaths. I hope that makes sense to you, I know you may not have experience in games with more RP options, I think you probably do, but I really think CF could rise above almost all the other games out there if it only broadened it focus to include both: PK driven RP, AND RP driven PK. :)

You want to draw and keep new players? You may have to make the game a bit more friendly to them simply because there are not the ton of Acolytes or Vets to take the time to help out new players. Even if all the Imms made such characters, where would the fun be for them?
New blood will require draws and things to keep them here, show a MMORPGer that they can enjoy RP and killer conflict you may just hook them.

Oh get mentioned on a Tech TV show if you can. :P I bet it would do wonders.
9372, It's not bad rp if i think you're a knob in RL.
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Elf warriors worked best for some RP I wanted to try, I HATE
>playing myself, the happy healing hugging type... you want
>>>>>BIG HUGS<<<< here you go! I wanted something more dour,
>troubled, and standoffish, apparently I got them all right,
>but also ALL wrong. In the Elves I wanted to try to downplay
>the Int card by showing they are fallible, and not as wise as
>they could be. Did not work.

Elves have the highest int, not wisdom. That's Gnomes, of course elves aren't the wisest race in thera. The helpfile damned well indicates that they can be aloof snotty twats, one sure indicator that they aren't the wisest.
9417, A quote I heard once
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think Dale Carnegie said once

"You will win more friends in a month by being genuinely interested in them, than you will in a year by trying to make them interested in you."

Show respect to other people who obviously know the game well and learn from them. I've got a lot of respect for Nep, and again and again he tries to tell you how to be a better player. So I see two things.

1. Admit Pmenoa sucked it up and that you can do better and keep going.

2. Hold to your high and mighty position, and go buy World of WarCraft and let the people who love CF play.

9373, Except
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I wasn't a rogue.
2) You never looked at me so your problem with my desc is impossible.
3) I'd gotten exp for what I'm sure was hasrole/desc
4) I was wearing good-only gear so you're problem that I might have been evil is illegitimate.

Finally, I'm through with you. Do me a favor, email me at gumbldink@gmail.com and let me know who all of your characters are so that I can delete any of my own that might be forced to interact with you.

Go play Riftshadow and Avendar.
9348, I've mainly just been watching this train wreck from the side
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But if you think it's ok to start wars with cabals that are fundamentally not enemies of the Light just to get at the evils inside, you are wrong. That is not being MARAN or Maran. It is not your place to deem neutrals as evil. All in all, sounds like a ####ty maran. The rest of this mess I'm not touching, just thought I'd toss that in.
9353, RE: I've mainly just been watching this train wreck from the side
Posted by Psektos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>But if you think it's ok to start wars with cabals that are
>fundamentally not enemies of the Light just to get at the
>evils inside, you are wrong. That is not being MARAN or
>Maran. It is not your place to deem neutrals as evil. All in
>all, sounds like a ####ty maran. The rest of this mess I'm
>not touching, just thought I'd toss that in.

Hey BUDDY thanks for the support! I simply say 3 Maran against 1 Gnome invoker, Zhyrrial. You lose buddy. Danke for the example.
9345, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Now that I am calm. They are leaving. 100+ days, 50+ nights
>are no more. See my kinder and more interesting thread with

Where we differ here is that you think you have the answers to any of that, and I really don't.

>And since you are telling me how wrong I am, contrary to
>facts present and available. How about chiming in on what
>did? A simple Imm hint of "Please refrain from doing that."
>show that you like the game to be fair and balanced. :D You
>bait, here let me bait back. ;)

I don't believe I'll be doing that.

The reality is that people who play games, like to talk about those games. OOC friends playing the game gets you way-ass less far on CF than any other similar game I've looked at. I will surely be quick to condemn players who cheat to fetch their friends gear and the like. I'll scowl at the passing of item lists and maps. But this? This is too far to go.

As a player, I like to talk about the game. I like to theorize about untested character ideas I think would be good. I like to say things like "Hey, what if I made an arial dagger warrior to be in Empire, with these RP quirks and motivations, and let's say X, Y, and Z are my standard re-gear set after I die... I wonder if that'd be any good?" This doesn't strike me as being that far off that kind of metagame conversation shared among players of the game. There will always have to be a balance between a most fair playing field and trying to scold players for things I couldn't enforce in my wildest dreams and wouldn't especially want to.

Maybe you'll find someone else to 'shame on you' that but I couldn't in good conscience do it. I'm not that much of a hypocrite.

>Oh and I hate you only online, you are pretty a handsome
>guy in person. But online I want to hold you down, drink your
>and gouge your eyes out. Probably a mutual online experience.

Yeah, I wouldn't run you over with my car in the real world or anything. Well, maybe once. Sometimes people just serially disagree.

Incidentally, I've been playing CF since the first year that it was open. I have a pretty good idea of the changes the game has gone through.
9342, RE: Less caustic response than
Posted by appelsien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For that last sentence alone I almost felt a need to give a big sloppy kiss to you. Rather shrewd.

Seriously though. I will freely admit, that this is something I've been guilty of as well on occasion when I was still relatively new to the MUD. The gaming experience at Carrion Fields is immersive, stimulating and thus addictive and will invariably keep drawing you back in. However sometimes you will run into certain aspects of the game that will mostly either frustrate, or simply rub you the wrong way for one reason or another. For example, to this day I still find the experience penalties of a mobdeath to be genuine character killers when I'm confronted with them repeatedly under the same character. You begin to percieve these things as being something that detracts from the fun you have and that they could certainly stand some further customizing in 'the right direction' to further better the game's design as a whole, and you begin to develop a need to openly advocate all of this. With some people, that need can apparantly be rather strong. The irony is that this is a common phenomenon among players, especially those that have just begun to work their way out of the 'newbie' stage, and thus actually seems to be part of becoming a member of this lovely little community. Consider it the thorns on the rose of having many others participate in this ongoing project.

The footstomping is something I grew out of for a large part over time when it finally began to sink in that suggestions are almost always given consideration even if they're not actually taken and mixed in. As a result I no longer make these issues I have with certain aspects of the game publically known on a whim. Obviously that doesn't mean that I don't quietly hope that further customizing is in the works for them, however.

Eh. I've truly been rambling for no reason.
9324, RE: I am a bit disturbed This is what hurts CF not the Imms not the cabals but this
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a question of reasonable doubt. If his character could reasonably think the mace isn't magic, then he could reasonably decide not to check it out with a rager. Unless it's in his role to be absolutely fastidious about checking such details, he's not really "breaking role" when he declines to check it out.

Of course, if we're talking about some mace that glows, hums, and has runes inscribed all over it...then yeah, I agree it's questionable role-play for a rager app not to get it examined.
9327, No its just a blatant disregard for roleplay
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looks like magic
covered in runes
ooc friend told him it was magic (me)

Quote "#### that, I need a better weapon" "No ragers are online now anyways"

In other words, I'm going to play a battlerager, After I get inducted, so it's ok..

I seriously hope and encourage that this kind of behavior is
caught, and dealt with on a regular basis. I'm sure it is,
and I will continue to believe it should be more so. "back-in-the-day" enforcement used to be a lot tougher from what I gathered.

I would like to see more of that, personally.

As game oriented as we are, I would like to think we CF'ers have a bit of pride in how this Mud is ran, and its seriousness regarding gameplay.

It's not a question of role, he knew it, I knew it, and apparently 43 dam roll, pre-20, isn't high enough to satisfy and that 4 more is worth comprimising the foundation of the characters purpose.

This just doesn't sit right with me, and If I were any less controlled, I would be posting only to have my posts removed due to vulgarity and other comments directed to players that do this kind of thing. Note to self, stop making friends with other players.
9321, Agreed, but I'm not sure I'd break a friendship over it
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is the problem with cf though, I agree. People ignoring or amending roles in order to allow them maximum funstick and power.
9322, My friends dont cheat or belittle the game
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least I would like to think so.

I have come to gather quite a bit of respect, and appreciation
for carrion fields, and anyone whom does talk to me, knows
how serious CF is to me.

When I have an active character going, that is my outlet, that
is my entertainment, that is where I express and enjoy my
creative emotions.

There is also a reason why cheating, breaking roleplay, sharing
ooc info, is highly discouraged. When I realize someone doesn't
really care about the area, they just want to know exact steps, or a place doesnt exist, or if someone pre-20 is pushing 45 damn roll but don't give a #### about wielding magic weapons with a rager,
or an outlander wannabe trying to sell me an item..

Things like that really make me feel like the person has no respect, and it's these same kind of people that start the ####
storms about the smallest thing.

I don't have many friends, because I won't comprimise my beliefs, and I won't have anything to do with those whom
comprimise CF's beliefs as well.

Yes, it's a game.. But.. it's My game.

I'm not interested in a friendship with someone whom hurts CF
and doesn't even seem to care. We all make mistakes, it's no secret I've been banned years ago for cheating, or for straight up
losing my temper with an Immortal. We've all been there.

I do my best when I play now, to give back in full force, and to
try and help the new guys on the way. It's gotta start somewhere though. But continuing to talk and converse with another guy, whom is blatantly disregarding roleplay, will only bring me down, as well
tarnish the standard that is kept here.