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Topic subjectHealing/Regeneration Rates
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9081
9081, Healing/Regeneration Rates
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it just didn't take **SO** damn long to heal hp/mana, and especially moves. I understand that changing the regeneration rates for pc's would have lots and lots of balance affects, perhaps there's some way to make a hidden flag that marks you as ranking, after a bit, since you're getting in your stride and minizing the severity of your wounds, and can improve your regeneration rates, and goes away after being attacked by a pker, or if there's a hostile (not in your group) pker in the area, etc.

I wouldn't want this to make casters and healers less desirable/useful in a group, but I think a reduction of downtime for ranking would be awfully nice, and more fun. I think healing downtime is part of what leads to the half-mudding, half web-surfing phenomenon. Just an idea. I don't mind ranking, just the sleeping.
9093, RE: Healing/Regeneration Rates
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats what separates a good group from a bad group. Also obviously you wouldn't want this to spill over into PK, regen/moves are vital aspects for landing PKs as a number of classes (rangers, druids, shamans and necromancers just to name a few).

You can get items to slow you, also this increases the value of having a transmuter or bard in a group.

I just tend to think this doesn't need to be fixed per se. There's a reason some classes have slow, crusade, heal, refresh, etc. By increasing regen, you are in essence toning down those things in favor of warriors, who in my opinion are already overplayed and overly good as is.
9094, RE: Healing/Regeneration Rates
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I'm just whining. *sigh*
It's just a tad aggravating when you're not a super-evasion class, or your mana pool is just *too* large. I guess it just sucks most when trying to rank solo, silly as it is. Sometimes it's just necessary...
9088, On this one, I don't agree
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ranking isn't about spam killing mobs with the most powerful spells you can, then resting.

It's about killing them efficiently, which can include picking your spells/supps so as to enable fighters to kill them more easily, without tiring yourself out.

I didn't like playing a drow-warrior much because of his regen, so I took whispers to fix that. Other than that, regen is only something I've noticed as a problem for moves.