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Topic subjectEvil Conjurers.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8845
8845, Evil Conjurers.
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are they going to be addressed? Would it be possible to at least change it so that barbed devils give barrier? In my opinion goodie conjurers are heads and tails above their evil counterparts. Angels are just as good if not better than demons, since they also come with sanctuary. Angels do not turn on their masters near as often as demons. Even the lowest archon grants sanctuary. The devils grant aura and with the change to barrier it isn't even as good as sanctuary. The upper tier devil maledictions are nice, but you can't control if they do damage or weakening spells, which is another hindrance. Please at least allow the barbed to do barrier. It would also be nice if evil conjurers could learn something to focus their devils powers into maledictions or damage spells.
8859, Demons and Devils
Posted by wretchedmongrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've recently played an evil conjurer, and I must say that the ice devil is pretty awesome as is. It is a huge step from ice devil to the barbed one which is next below it in power. The other devils are borderline useless.

As for demons... there are only two that I would even consider using at all. The harmentia and mors-gravis are great. I can also see a few specific instances where the challegha would be useful. The morosa is a complete waste of time in my opinion though. I've been forced to dismiss every single one i've called almost immediatly because it attacks me with a spell.

A bit more variety between the demons would be nice, I think they all have physical attack types for one. It would be a nice bone if there was one that had a defilement attack or something of the nature. Maybe also have another that does more physical combat skills (bash/disarm/kick/trip) and maybe some hand to hand spec skills at the cost of a few less attacks per round. Right now there are a few that cast some nice spells in combat, so i'd say to leave that alone.

Doing this would go a long way towards making demons closer to angel power. One of the chief problems a conjurer faces is poor lagging potential, and angels bash a lot more than any demon. Also angels have an attack type that is more potent to more people in general than all the physical demon attacks.

I also have a possible idea for making devils more viable. Perhaps a 'devil' command that allows the conjurer to issue a demand to the devil for it to cast a particular spell immediatly. Give it a timer & maybe make the devil get angrier at its binder each time its used.

Also for the record, my familiars thus far have been faerie dragon, imp, and another imp. Familiars dont make or break a conjurer, but it seems to me that imps still suck in comparison to ravens, owls, and even quasits.
8849, RE: Evil Conjurers.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Are they going to be addressed?

On the list.
8846, Would you still feel that if goodies couldn't nightgaunt?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because that's the change I'd like to see made. Prevent goodies nightgaunting. Allow neutrals to do it maybe every ten nights, and leave evils as is.

I think half of the point of a conjurer is that you can't control what your creatures do, so you need to pick the best you can and hope it works. For example, against those enemies your demon just can't be down, you'd probably want your devil, in the hope it would wither or rot, but then, as you say, it might spam unholy word instead.
8848, RE: Would you still feel that if goodies couldn't nightgaunt?
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have you played an evil conjie? They are the most annoying feast or famine class in the game. They need a small revamp at the least.