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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectThief Guilds
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8798
8798, Thief Guilds
Posted by Jimmaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you really have to gain that much money to join a guild, or is there a way around the fee, to get into the guild membership without paying the costly dues. the guild I am reffering to is galadon, I think the dues make it hard for a low ranking player to raise the money.
8799, RE: Thief Guilds
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No way around it. You don't actually need to join a guild though, other places have the same skills to offer as the guilds if that's what you want in there for. If it's to be in the guild, well, need to pay your dues =P
8802, RE: Thief Guilds
Posted by Desmonn_Kinnt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are benefits to being a part of a thieves' network and it is supposed to be harder to join Galadon because it is the richest guild in the land, and theoretically should have the most profitable benefits. Unfortunately there are no benefits if the Kingpin is not willing to RP them for the guild since it is not like a cabal that has a specific enemy or goal other than donating to the guild. I think when I was Kingpin I did a lot to make the guild more of a mini-cabal and get people involved. Hipsin used to just give items to younger members...take them on gold-collecting missions (myself included), and I used to make other thieves targets of the guild, specifically lower ranked enemies so the lowbies of the guild could have a purpose serving the guild. So as far as its concerned it sort of depends on the leader of your guild whether the benefits outweigh the cost. I will tell you this though. Guild Protection saved my arse plenty of times. Having a guild in the busiest city in Thera where you can plan your heists is a heck of a lot easier than planning from Arkham and then heading into the city.

8843, RE: Thief Guilds
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>There are benefits to being a part of a thieves' network and
>it is supposed to be harder to join Galadon because it is the
>richest guild in the land, and theoretically should have the
>most profitable benefits.

HAH! *HAH* I say to you!!!

>Unfortunately there are no benefits
>if the Kingpin is not willing to RP them for the guild since
>it is not like a cabal that has a specific enemy or goal other
>than donating to the guild. I think when I was Kingpin I did
>a lot to make the guild more of a mini-cabal and get people
>involved. Hipsin used to just give items to younger
>members...take them on gold-collecting missions (myself
>included), and I used to make other thieves targets of the
>guild, specifically lower ranked enemies so the lowbies of the
>guild could have a purpose serving the guild. So as far as
>its concerned it sort of depends on the leader of your guild
>whether the benefits outweigh the cost.

Agreed. Most of the benefits of being guilded depend on the guild leader. Or, if there ISN'T an active guild leader, feel free to make yourself that one. Being Bandit King was one of my most rewarding experiences in CF, as it was almost entirely mortal-driven RP that (I like to think) had an influence on the CF landscape.

>I will tell you this
>though. Guild Protection saved my arse plenty of times.

I think that's just a city ties skill, rather than any "guild" benefit. Though it's something I would like to see changed.

>Having a guild in the busiest city in Thera where you can plan
>your heists is a heck of a lot easier than planning from
>Arkham and then heading into the city.

And you *convienantly* discount the strategic location Hamsah Mu'tazz is in, or Voralian city! Even Blackclaw, along Thera's most traversed road! Dagdan...well...yeah, Dagdan's in the middle of nowhere. Why on earth Urog would want to run that hole in the ground, I'll never know.

Anyways, couldn't let you promote Galadon TOO extensively, Desmonn. Hamsah Mu'tazz always was better at beating you little pickpockets into the ground when needed! MWhahaah!

Calheil en'Sariyah, Shade of the Bandit's Guild.
8853, *wry*
Posted by Desmonn_Kinnt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, well I always enjoyed jacking and stealing and
running away as opposed to fighting since city ties thieves
are not all that good at fighting. Although I did
have my fair share of beat downs..with help of course.

Some of my most fun logins were when I'd log in and see you
on my who pk list. It was a heart-pounding race from login to
logout. Sometimes I won..sometimes I lost. But it certainly
beat sitting in the guild RP'ing to myself. HAh.

A worthy foe.

And of course I have to promote my guild. Silly Goose!

Desmonn Kinnt, Former Kingpin of the Greatest Guild in the Land!!

8855, I liked the Galadon guild.
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Toasting to the corpses at our feet at the Galadon Thief guild bar with you was one of Trotat's finest memories.

Trotat Dur-Chai, Shade of the Bandit's Guild.