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Topic subjectHand to Hand & Material Vulnerability
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878, Hand to Hand & Material Vulnerability
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looking for an Immortal response on this, and any input from whoever. Thanks.

I was wondering if you guys ever tinkered with the idea of Hand to Hand having some sort of nifty drawback... like... and maybe you'll think me sick but here goes!

A dark-elf assassin, using hand-to-hand, fighting against an elf who is wearing a lot of mithril armor. When he makes contact, he might suffer some sort of damage because of how mithril reacts to them. This would obviously be based on a set of rolls, and whatnot.

I doubt the combat system actually states that the hands hit such and such a body part for such and such damage. That is, unless you guys really revamped a lot of it. A GENERAL (i.e. MURDER, not any of the specific skills) weapon/h2h attack wouldn't consider a specific part of the body.

So that's just an idea that would be cool. You *** DEMO *** someone with your fists, but receive some backlash for it from singed hands, or something.

I just think that would be fairly cool, and another drawback to hand to hand. This probably will throw game balance into a slight shambles re: h2h, so another idea to counter this sort of thing is to make something akin to 'brass knuckles.' You could make various materials. 'iron knuckles' would hurt elves moreso, of course, but wouldn't be a weapon... you'd still be using the h2h skill. 'Spiked knuckles' would be like spike-toed boots, and even cause some bleeding, and whatnot. 'Leather Gloves' and such would maybe add a little more damage, etc.

Just a few ideas.

"The S is for Siq."
879, RE: Hand to Hand & Material Vulnerability
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Material vulns are annoying enough as it is without this. What I would like to see is elves and drow wearing gloves able to use mithril/iron keys!
882, Amen!
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's about time it is like this. As a drow/elf I cannot pick up these things, and it's damn annoying. I mean I'm not wearing them but using a cloth, etc to pick it up and put in my sack. Yet, I'm thinking the Imms have a reason for race setback, haven't they? Ouch.