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Topic subjectIC notification of rage deletes
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8741
8741, IC notification of rage deletes
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be useful if there some kind of gecho showing the rage deletes of those 35ish plus, particularly those in cabals. This has several upsides...

1) If I'm in a position of power, say on the Imperial Council, and somebody below me rage deletes and then reactivates I can't really use their OOC goodbye note on Dio's or this forum punish them for showing weakness. If I have some form of notification IC, though, I can demote their ass. Yes, I'm "old school Empire" enough to demote somebody during their time of weakness.

2) It's an additional deterrent towards rage deletion. It's one thing to be humiliated in front of the person that beat you, ie "Admitting crushing defeat..." it's another for the whole world to know it.

3) It allows characters to talk about the person after they've "gone into hiding." I'm the type of player that won't acknowledge that someone is gone until I see their Battlefield post. But that puts me in an awkward position when somebody posts a Battlefield post and then reactivates a few days later.

I don't really want a list of the recently cowardly, just a one time gecho such that only those will have received word. This at least allows for some kind of dialogue on the matter as those who know pass it on to those who don't.
8745, RE: IC notification of rage deletes
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) The reason we added rage-delete-insurance is so that people who delete in a huff can come back. A global announcement that they've deleted makes it much harder for them to do that, and demoting them over it doesn't strike me as necessary or beneficial.

2) If people write a Battlefield post that reveals a lot of OOC information (past chars, etc.) and we can confirm it's the person who actually plays that character, they will generally find themselves unable to return.

8746, I can see that, but...
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...you do tell the person, if it's a PC, that killed them immediately preceding the deletion that their victim is deleting in a huff. That person is then capable of spreading (mis)info about the deletion. I like jasmin's idea of cb's from the inner guardians better than a gecho now that I think about it though.
8744, I thought there isn't supposed to be any punishment for rage delete
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's something that should stay between the player & the imm's.
8742, I could see this for at least two categories of players
Posted by jasmin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Caballed players, and high ranking members of thieves guilds. Have the inner, or the guildmaster, announce that "so and so lost their nerve, and has gone into hiding." The only thing I see with this though, is it would make the person even less likely to come back. The anti-rage delete code is supposed to make people be able to go back and fix things they did when they were mad or upset. Adding everyone's general knowledge of what happened to it, and potential ic consequences, is less than encouraging re-activation. That said, I think if someone posts a delete thread on here, there should be a forced delete, without chance of re-activation.