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Topic subjectTo much praise and belittlement.
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8702, To much praise and belittlement.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My area solution idea. At the least, this would shrink the areas a bit yet still maintain some diversity

Nix the third continent. Blend Galadon with Seantryn Modan, or just use Seantryn but add in Galadon's shopkeepers.

1) Seantryn sewers first.
2) Ceawlin Keep, but re-add a few of those items somewhere else in the game.
3) Cut out Hardan forest. Good idea, appreciate the work, but it's not needed at this point.
4) Farewell Jade Mountains.
5) Coastal wetlands can be removed.
6) Seantryn Harbor isn't really necessary, it's just another place to hide.
7) Ship Graveyard. When's the last time you went there?
8) Xvart lair. Neat place, but it's not really good for ranking or gearing, just a quest. Goodbye.
9) Crystal Island. Eh, your choice. I don't think it adds much to the game, though.
*) Although Corte isn't really part of the southern continent, just get rid of it. I love the fact that it adds some danger to teleporters, but that should be addressed some other time.

1) Place the Lallenyha village in with the goblin village, and make that all one area.
2) Maybe have Aturi take the place of the ruined keep's little village, but make it all one area.
3) Move Nonveil somewhere south of Galadon or Arkham.
4) Move the entrance to Organia somewhere around the new pass of Gol-galath.
5) Place the entrance to the Elven Vaults on Mt. Calandryl. Adds a decent little risk element.
6) Now, the Dragon Sea and the Aryth Ocean become one area, but with similar entrances to the few underwater areas.

Looks good in my head! Ideas? Bust them out. I still believe that Thera has become a bit vast. Cutting out and blending a few of the mentioned areas would help in my opinion.

--And subsequent comments--

People go there to not be bothered, which allows you, a general you, to exclude yourself from the purpose of the game; roleplaying and playerkilling. I'm guilty of this as well, and I just don't think it's conducive to the mudding environment.

It's not about safety. Ranking groups should encounter each other, battling/bartering/balking to be -the- group in that area. As well, with a shrinking playerbase, players shouldn't be able to hide out from other players for hours on end just to avoid dying. The point, I suppose, is to reengage interaction, even if such must be forced. Reducing areas does this, especially areas that lack depth (added CF history), flare (immersive creativity), or purpose (ranking & gearing).

Where is the gratification if there is no gravity of consequences, anyway?
8707, RE: To much praise and belittlement.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't reply to this idea the first time you posted it, but the second time around I've decided I dislike it enough to respond. That is all. :)

If you get rid of all the areas "nobody ever goes to", then nobody will ever feel "safe". If they don't feel safe then they won't do the unsafe things that, when I happen to find them in one of these less-traveled areas, allow me to kill them.
8704, Lets make a global where while we are at it.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And give everyone nightgaunts! =P

I want Thera to get bigger, not smaller.
8703, Not a chance.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) A lot of people play MUDs precisely because they like exploring. We've been keeping the total number of areas fairly constant, but it's primarily by merging smaller areas as we add new ones. This means you can cover Thera in the same number of 'where' checks, but there's generally a lot more to do.

2) You mention Theran history in one breath, then mention picking up areas and moving them from continent to continent in the next. Those things are at odds. This is very secondary to #1, however.

8705, I would like to see Eastern broken up into 5-10 smaller...
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
#1: More realistic (Though still unrealistic) to hear battles over shorter distances. I for one think of out door rooms in terms of miles. I could immagine hearing the clang of steel 5 miles or so away.

#2: Lessen the benifit of squatting on it, but still leave it as a deadly area. As it is now, it's a full loot waiting to happen.

Northern Road isn't as bad but I'd like to see something similar done with it as well.