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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectQuests and stuff
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8697
8697, Quests and stuff
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to see quests used as a method to get more people running around alone.

If Thera were smaller, this would be a great way to make groups not necessarily the be all end all method to do things, and regardless of the risk due from other players, I'd like to know there's enough exp quests to take a character from 1-20. (or possibly 45-51 but there can be exp quests intended for these character levels by making it so that a mob must be slain or a particularly dangerous area traversed, nothing that would require a group to do but... well, you get the idea.)

While it might insult the quest writer that everyone and their dog AND their cat AND their MOM knows how to do a quest, if it results in more thieves dying because they tripped a warrior on his way to return Bob the Farmer's shell necklace that belonged to his dead wife slain by rabid Taglos so they can take the necklace because it has her soul bound to it due to the sentimental value and give it to Korgoth the Necromancer for his experiments (or possibly two thieves actually do mug said warrior), then it might counterbalance things if players looking for kills can realize said warrior IS ON A QUEST and doing SOME ORDERED SET OF CONDITIONS even if they aren't sure exactly what. This also will teach newbies not to do the same damn thing over and over again, at least for a couple of RL hours, if they don't want to eat through 2 con in one day.

For the most part though I'd just like to see more exp quests, to a lesser extent skill quests (specifically for difficult things to practice like parry or ironhands or unarmed defense or parting blow/cutoff (for those of us who aren't going to grab a damage redux'd/Rager character to practice these things), and fewer item reward quests unless said items are unique. (i.e. tack on a 2k exp bonus to that quest at a certain gate for example in addition to the high level but relatively common items...)

It could be I just need to get up off my ass and explore more, or stumble on more mobs with the correct level ranges... but restricting to level ranges seems a little retarded unless the area writer has an EXTREMELY good reason related to the quest reward for this. (case in point, the massive exp bonuses related to the happy boots quest are not available to anyone in PK range... why? I might want that 5k exp down the line when there's too many jerkoffs in my pk range SOLO PRACCING or PREP GATHERING)

Anyway, it was just a thought. Even if the size of Thera isn't reconfigured, it would still be a way to cause more player encounters and less of people cowering in out of the way areas for RL hours at a time doing stupid crap...

Sure it might mean we run through a few character's con faster, but I'll adapt. Won't you?
8747, Agree with all but making Thera smaller~
Posted by Ekirhal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM