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Topic subjectYet another idea for a new cabal
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8531, Yet another idea for a new cabal
Posted by wretchedmongrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I know this is far from a complete idea, but if anyone likes it, I think it can be expanded upon.


Charter: The world as we know it is stuck in the dark ages where men and women are locked in constant pointless struggles to promote their own ideology by the sword. The divine (neutral god) looked down upon the masses and took pity on them. The barbarian masses would be reformed, and he presented a gift to those few mortals he thought worthy of his favor. Armed with the divine power of the (insert cabal item) they would go forth and bring order to the masses and bring them into enlightenment.

The violence and the prejudice that breeds it must be stopped in order for society as a whole to begin its ascension. Those who will not see reason must be destroyed for (insert god’s name) vision to be realized. Those who will lend a receptive ear must be brought to put down their blades and work for the betterment of all.

The key to realizing Thera’s potential lies in mens collective minds, bodies, and hearts. Through learning and teamwork we will build a world where the hungry will find food, where the sick will find treatment, and where all shall have shelter. Not just any shelter, but ivory palaces where all shall live comfortable and content.

How it plays out:

They’re basically going to try to stop wars by attacking the aggressors whenever they can. If any cabal is holding another cabal’s item they go and take out the aggressor cabal. Their main enemies would be ragers – for their hatred of all magic, fortress – for their hatred of all things evil, and scion – for their goals of world destruction & the introduction of malicious beings from other planes.

Also as part of their world view they would not be allowed to attack anyone or any passive mob that isn’t attempting to subvert/subdue another group.

Neut only membership.

Possible powers: Damage bonuses to cabals who hold other cabal items, a portal in their cabal HQ that will take them to all other cabal outer guards & only be open if the Utopians have their item, enhanced learning – like advanced magic from warlocks, give bonuses to class skills they already have, speech of reason – stop any combat you’re not engaged in for 0 ticks, request that works on good & neut mobs.
8538, No, here's why.
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The game doesn't really have the numbers to support the current cabal structure, much less adding one.

Optimally, scion/outlander/battle have ~5-8 people on at any given time.

Empire something like 15

Trib around 10.

Herald, however many.

Those are the number in my head that would make the wars sensible.

Right now, that would mean that at any given time, 80% or so of the currently logged on players would have to be caballed.....
8535, This sounds somewhat like neutral Empire or UN peacekeepers.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree that a new neutral cabal is welcome. However, I would not like to have it as a civilization or nature cabal. I do not see why the cabal would be neut only. Why are lightwalkers banned? Lightwalkers are not necessarily Marans or intolerant. If you can develop something magey from this, then it might work well. However, the same thing magey sounds pretty much like the image I had of Nexus.
8537, RE: This sounds somewhat like neutral Empire or UN peacekeepers.
Posted by wretchedmongrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Empire is civilization through conquest.

This would be civilization through balance.

The reason why lightwalkers would be banned is because they'd have to kill goodies because they're killing evils. Also the ends justify the means, not a typical goody concept.

While Empire tries to take all the items, this cabal would would fight to have all the others keep theirs.
8543, RE: This sounds somewhat like neutral Empire or UN peacekeepers.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Empire is civilization through conquest.
>This would be civilization through balance.
>The reason why lightwalkers would be banned is because they'd
>have to kill goodies because they're killing evils. Also the
>ends justify the means, not a typical goody concept.

Lightwalkers do not have to kill anyone. Think of Acolytes of Golden Sun. Whom do they have to kill? And these are people that are bound by cabal duties. An uncaballed goodie has even less obligation to fight and kill anyone than an acolyte does. Killing evils isn't a good act. Also, ends do not justify means, as means will define how the ends will turn out to be.

>While Empire tries to take all the items, this cabal would
>would fight to have all the others keep theirs.

We already have one neutral Balance in peace and civilization through order - type of Balance cabal. It is called Blood Tribunal.

We also have one neutral Balance through nature - Cabal. Known as Outlanders of Thar-Eris. A cabal that would be the enemy of your civilization cabal by default, even though it seeks Balance as well.

So, you want to do a prosperity through civilization character? Play a Tribunal.

And what about that 'I don't want cabal x to grow too large'-character. Cabals can be seen as forms of Order to be toppled, so this approach works well with an Outlander.

Personally, I see no reason to make the cabal you suggest. The greatest void in Cabal sector is a cabal for neutral/good magi. Goodies can always go to Fortress, but neutrals magi who do not care for the civilization/nature struggle and seek to advance the cause of magic have no fighting Cabal to go. While joining Herald is a valid option for them, it is not a fighting Cabal and will not bring casus belli against anyone(save for an occasional Herald-Empire war when Empire gets too greedy and starts a war to extort Heralds) to give a good reason for PK:ing people.

However, there is no void in current cabals in the civilization sector. Want civilization? Play Tribunal. Your cabal is simply not required.