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Topic subjectAll aboutThieves
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=847
847, All aboutThieves
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A. Thief guilds.
I like the part about different Thief Guilds but I believe it's not functioning as it should. I hope to see conflicts between guilds and fighting for recruit memberships. Current situation is everyone joins all guilds for protection which is not supposed to be. Should be like Gangs of New York. :P

What I like to see :
1. If you join one guild, you should not be able to join another. Three guilds namely with guild fees and functions - Galadon, Tar Valon, Hamsah. One benefit will have personal Thieves' Cant channel which will not make a thief step out of shadows while communicating and fencing of goods. Each guild protects their own cities from shoplifting/stealing by other thieves.

I suggest that either the guild you belong to is proficient in 2 different paths, and the rest you scout to other non-guilded places for path learning,


If you join a guild, you are restricted to that path or two, which is a war between different skills. Hamsah could be a smuggler/thug type, while Tar Valon is a research poison/trap and Galadon could be a cityties/binder/push, etc.

B. Contact poison.
Contact poison should be applied not only to weapons and armors (I mean how many people wear/change armor during combat though weapons are fine), but also apply to potions, pills, wands, staves, scrolls.
863, RE: All aboutThieves
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly though, I don't feel like thieves are at all balanced compared to other classes right now. Sure, they have some neat tricks, but do they really stack up against a conjuror with an elemental and transplendant? I don't feel like going all one path is really an option if you want a character that will be at all fleshed out. I would recommend giving thieves something along the lines of a major and minor path. The major, they can go all the way to the top. The minor gets them like the first 5 or 6 skills in a set. Under the recent changes thieves are really pretty screwed if they diversify whatsoever.

Enbuergo, Pro-Thief Lobbyist
854, RE: All aboutThieves
Posted by Sabiene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>A. Thief guilds.
>I like the part about different Thief Guilds but I believe
>it's not functioning as it should. I hope to see conflicts
>between guilds and fighting for recruit memberships. Current
>situation is everyone joins all guilds for protection which is
>not supposed to be. Should be like Gangs of New York. :P

I wonder though, what is wrong with wanting protection? If you join a guild, you're supposedly committing to not harming a group of thieves and not being harmed by them. Security is hard to come by, and thieves need it more than most. Thieves aren't really about conflict in the sense that warriors or even assassins are, I think.

>What I like to see :
>1. If you join one guild, you should not be able to join

Then everyone would belong to Galadon and Galadon alone, basically.

>One benefit will have personal
>Thieves' Cant channel which will not make a thief step out of
>shadows while communicating and fencing of goods.

One thief path already allows some communication while hidden, and I for one am not sure why the other paths would have such skill in this area.

>Each guild protects their own cities from shoplifting/stealing by other thieves.

They already do. It's simply that the other cities have little to steal from, and therefore few thieves to do the protecting. I ask you, how would you see this problem fixed?

>If you join a guild, you are restricted to that path or two,
>which is a war between different skills. Hamsah could be a
>smuggler/thug type, while Tar Valon is a research poison/trap
>and Galadon could be a cityties/binder/push, etc.

I think it is by design that you don't have to know the skills that a guild teaches in order to find haven there. The two aren't bound together in any way.

>B. Contact poison.
>Contact poison should be applied not only to weapons and
>armors (I mean how many people wear/change armor during combat
>though weapons are fine), but also apply to potions, pills,
>wands, staves, scrolls.

I don't know the feasability of this, but it seems to me that potion poisoning would fall under drink poison, and pills under food poison?
855, It's like a season of the Sopranos where everybody is...
Posted by Young Nastyman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
in Tony's crew, that is, immensely boring. I don't the exact stats but I've played two Galadon thieves up to mid-30's and every time I was going to go jack a thief they were on the list of Galadon members. I'd wager that 95% of the thieves, maybe more, are at least members of the Galadon's guild. And, if they're members of the Galadon guild the rules don't just apply in Galadon but worldwide. What that means is if Jack is also a member of Hamsah guild but Joe is not, Jack cannot kill Joe for coming onto Hamsah turf because he's bound by the Galadon rules.

Somebody needs to become the patron saint of thieves and get the guilds into working order. 1 guild per character and you can only be a member of the guild if you practice only its skills. As a compromise, expand the territories. Increase the prices to 100 gold for joining the guild and make the person who joins a member of every guild wherein their path's skills are provided. So city ties thieves get Galadon and every other guild where city ties skills are taught.

Path-mixers CANNOT join a guild at all, period.

Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would love this. It would actally make thieves, thieves. What better way to become more profitable than steal from another thief? Having all thieves be all luvvy dubby like they are now is worse than the way APs all get along like Paladin. It's sick. I think this would really promote more independat thieves (since most people want to mix paths) and come up with their own group of thieves IC instead of everyone joining the Galadon Guild so they wont be the only thief getting their throat torn out by them because they wanted to be original. I know I've played a few thieves that joined the Galadon Guild and didn't learn a single skill from the guild, I just joined so I wouldn't get jumped. Yes, it's stupid, and I even say abusing, but the way it's set up now, it's the only smart thing to do. Anyway, I cosign
857, Tangent:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having all thieves be all luvvy dubby like they are now is worse than the way APs all get along like Paladin. It's sick.

Agreed about APs. And it's worse when you think about how profitable it is to kill other APs off. If you win, you can get the normal charges for the kill, plus the possibility of being able to Leech some more. If you lose, your charges probably aren't destroyed... they've just found a new owner for now, and you have a nonzero chance to recoup them later.

It's not usually practical to have no allies, but why you wouldn't just pick your friends from other guilds is beyond me.

858, RE: Tangent:
Posted by A_druiD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe then an additive to the guild wars, where as you get prostege for killing off thieves of another guild, maybe the same system that AP's unholy blessing goes. Now coming up with a prize or something for thieves to get, or a skill they can obtain, or ECT. would be something to see.

851, Yeah, thieves are like a brotherhood of paladins right now
Posted by Young Nastyman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's no way to align one thief against another because all of them belong to the Galadon-guild. My preference would be that guilds only accept those that practice their path alone. Galadon only takes city ties thieves, etc.
849, RE: All aboutThieves
Posted by DwE on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>A. Thief guilds.
>I like the part about different Thief Guilds but I believe
>it's not functioning as it should. I hope to see conflicts
>between guilds and fighting for recruit memberships. Current
>situation is everyone joins all guilds for protection which is
>not supposed to be. Should be like Gangs of New York. :P
>What I like to see :
>1. If you join one guild, you should not be able to join
>another. Three guilds namely with guild fees and functions -
>Galadon, Tar Valon, Hamsah.

Good right here. I am awash in a see of thieves that all get
along or just assume the others are all guild members. Let
Hero thieves recognize where someone is a member of their guild
for crying out loud.

>I suggest that either the guild you belong to is proficient in
>2 different paths, and the rest you scout to other non-guilded
>places for path learning,

Or just sell blackjacks, trap/poison ingredients (or even buy them
from thieves) at the main paid guilds. They're paying for more
than a clubhouse. Two guildmasters is pricy, but some basic
supplies should be affordable..

>If you join a guild, you are restricted to that path or two,
>which is a war between different skills. Hamsah could be a
>smuggler/thug type, while Tar Valon is a research poison/trap
>and Galadon could be a cityties/binder/push, etc.

Disagree. It's ok if people make the hard choices.

>B. Contact poison.
>Contact poison should be applied not only to weapons and
>armors (I mean how many people wear/change armor during combat
>though weapons are fine), but also apply to potions, pills,
>wands, staves, scrolls.

I think you're less likely to notice violet stuff all over
your weapons and armor than these items. I could swing on
wands, maybe staves, but definitely not scrolls, potions or
pills (too likely to affect color/smell and be noticable).

Side note: Big shout out to whichever Imm allows us to just
walk away when mind controlled. Have to be quicker, dirtbags!
850, I think being able to add poison to...
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
potions and pills would be a great idea. Imagine quaffing return only to be caught by emetic poison! OUCH!
852, RE: I think being able to add poison to...
Posted by Rade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imaging quaffing your counterfeited return potion and getting emetic poison nt