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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectTrapper Thieves
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8328
8328, Trapper Thieves
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Experiencing trapper thieves for the first time. A couple of small tweaks would be nice.

1. Let the trap know when the trap has gone away. After a while, the trap crumbles or something and I can't tell when that happens, even when standing in the same room as it.

2. Let the thief know that the trap has gone off if they're only one room away from it. i.e. You hear the mechanisms of a trap spring to the east. This helps with direction traps too.

3. Trapper thieves have excellent defensive capabillities, but at least one offensive ability while tanking would be nice. Maybe increase the damage on weapontrip (since even perfected, it still misses a lot), or replace that skill with something offensive. This could be offset by having to use a dagger for the specific skill. That way, your choices are to use a dagger and a shield, or put the dagger in your offhand to use it for the skill while taking the front.

Questions, comments, flames are all welcome.
8349, My list
Posted by NNNick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
0) Basically trap awareness
Say if trapper is in proximity - I would think he should notice when his trap goes off.

1) More trap types.
As of now - we have faeriefire/sleep/damage traps. Pretty limiting.

Magic trap - Load trap with magic like reagents.
Imagine if you could load pixie powder (dispel magic) or burning oil (weak immolation) or flash power (blindness) or powerful hallucinogen into the trap?

2) Grenade with trap ingredients
Ability to create a weaker but mobile versions of traps would go a long way for me.
And I dont care if this would be on rank 45.
8350, RE: My list
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Magic trap - Load trap with magic like reagents.
Imagine if you could load pixie powder (dispel magic) or burning oil (weak immolation) or flash power (blindness) or powerful hallucinogen into the trap?<<

I'm not saying there are magic traps or not, but experiment with the different damage types. You might like what you find.
8330, RE: Trapper Thieves
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Experiencing trapper thieves for the first time. A couple of
>small tweaks would be nice.
>1. Let the trap know when the trap has gone away. After a
>while, the trap crumbles or something and I can't tell when
>that happens, even when standing in the same room as it.

Agree. I also found this very annoying.

>2. Let the thief know that the trap has gone off if they're
>only one room away from it. i.e. You hear the mechanisms of a
>trap spring to the east. This helps with direction traps too.

I'd let everyone within a room hear it.

>3. Trapper thieves have excellent defensive capabillities, but
>at least one offensive ability while tanking would be nice.

Kick? What's wrong with kick? Seriously? It's not that bad.

>Maybe increase the damage on weapontrip (since even perfected,
>it still misses a lot), or replace that skill with something
>offensive. This could be offset by having to use a dagger for
>the specific skill. That way, your choices are to use a dagger
>and a shield, or put the dagger in your offhand to use it for
>the skill while taking the front.
>Questions, comments, flames are all welcome.
8336, RE: Trapper Thieves
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pretty much agree with everything incognito said, but want to add...you mentioned yourself, trapper thieves already have more defensive skills than any other thief. Now, you want to give them more OFFENSIVE skills than other thieves too? (Except thugs, but then, that's expected). Heck, you at least have damage traps to make use of. Try city ties or a binder if you want to break down sobbing over plinking people to death.
8345, City ties and binder have precision strike -nt
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
8346, and that means?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You specifically referred to more offense whilst tanking.

You can't precision strike whilst tanking, unless I'm mistaken about precision strike firing from circle stabs.

Trapper thieves have disengage to boost their damage whilst not tanking, if they want. I think they now get circle too? When I played a trapper, it was only disengage, and even that was good enough. (You keep autoassist on, and disengage repeatedly, thereby getting the extra attacks as you autoassist.)