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Topic subjectRehashed? Race and morale
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8258
8258, Rehashed? Race and morale
Posted by Void on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I am a newbie. So please bear with my ignorance.

While reading the forum, I come across some posts about race affecting morale in a group. From my understanding, this feature has been removed.

I would like to propose a similiar idea.
Character can choose to have their racial-based hate and love-list.

If a race is in the hate-list, grouping with them will lower the morale; conversely, if a race is in the love-list, grouping with them will increase the morale.

For example, an elf paladin may want to put dark-elves and deugars into the hate-list and elf into the love-list.
Another example, a half-elf who is raised by the dwarves after being shuned by both his parents' races, may want to put dwarves in the love-list and elf and human in his hate-list.
It is possible to leave both lists empty.

To prevent abuse, characters can only put in one race in the love-list for every 2 races in the hate-list.

The list should not be permanent as character may change their opinions of other races because of in-game experience.

Additionally, to prevent misuse of the system, the list may not be allowed to update too often? For example, the list can be only updated once per death or after every 5 levels?

1. May encourage more racial-based grouping and rp.

1. In-game enforced rp, which can be a bad thing.
8260, RE: Rehashed? Race and morale
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To my understanding race still (at least postiviely) affects morale. I don't believe it's the case with humans grouping with humans, for example, whom don't have nearly as much of a racial identity as elves c elves.

The racial hate-list might already be in effect in some manner, and the concept itself is alright, but is way too abusable, I believe. For example, it would give an even greater boost to permagroups, and it would make (in a small sense) rp into more a of number-crunching thing.

It seems you are cognizant of the importance of racial preferences for rp, and if you continue to bear this in mind your rp will stand out, which in itself will be rewarding enough (both in that you will likely enjoy the character more, and other players are more likely to promote excellent interactions with characters they see roleplaying). I think you've done a good job of identifying the pros and cons here, but in my opinion the cons far outway any benefit something like this would give.