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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectShield Dedicate Paladins
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8251
8251, Shield Dedicate Paladins
Posted by Brian S on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a simple thought for shield dedicant paladins. I know a lot think that paladins are good just the way they are, but I thought of a small few improvements that would improve a shield spec just a little without making it too overpowered.

First Shield Jab: I thought maybe add three different kinds of strikes to it, random like the knocking off the feet. Each one would target a different part of the body. So you'd have the chest being knocking off the feet chance. You could strike their arm and have a chance of disarming them with the shield and lowering their str. A head strike might blind them for a 0 tick like a dirt kicking and affect their wisdom/int for a little.. If a leg strike, lowers dex and reduces mv. For the maledictions, I was thinking SMALL, (-1 to each one), but cummalative. I think the randomness and low chance of success would balance it out, while giving the shield spec a little more utility.

Second Shield Bash: Can we link Shield Jab to a shield bash success attempt so that if a paladin used the shield bash, you'd get a chance to strike at them with the shield jab. Sorta like a thief cheapshotting or a orc savage feeding. Most people I know consider shield bashing a waste as is, and this would seperate more the shield spec over a two-hander paladin.

Thoughts or suggestions?
8253, Another strange idea
Posted by NewTrapper on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What about another specialization for paladins that uses polearm? They always had it learned, and it was quite the popular weapon among Crusaders and the like - with mounted combat of course. Maybe give them charge set, some spiritual charge...hell, maybe even some sort of distance?

Just like to see more variety besides just shield/2handed-mace&sword
8252, thoughts
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What's wrong with angel's wing?

Personally I'm not keen on skills that both lag and maladict at the same time.

I also think that shield dedicants have enough going for them without needing increased maladictions (because angel's wing can give a few). Shield jab is already an unblockable strike.
8254, RE: thoughts
Posted by Brian S on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In regards to Angel Swing, I forgot honest about the maledictions ability on that. Scrap the mals, but the other utilities to the shield spec I don't see why not. None of those would lag an opponent, and even a normal shield jab will not lag every hit. (Maybe one in 5 hits knocking down). I'm just a big fan of the flashy stuff, and I figured this would be appropriate to them.