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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectPlayer to Player Selling
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8060
8060, Player to Player Selling
Posted by SPN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am just throwing this as an idea out there, I have no clue how hard it would be to implement this...

I think a command to assist in the selling of items or bartering of items from to player to player(PtP) could be used. In the past I have had a problem with and have participated in recieving items and running off before the payment has been delivered. The main thing I figure that might be gained from this is a chance for commerce xp to be given from PtP selling, as well as a chance for people who wish to ensure they get their payment do.

I guess this would work in that both players would actually RP out the haggling, then the player with the item would initiate the exchange through a command like: "Cost Item Money Player". The buyer then would have like 20 secs to put in a command like: "Buy Money player". Things to make this more interesting is that they amount of money the buyer puts in could be lower and then the agreed amount. Then two players haggle skill is given an opposed roll and if they seller wins he notices it and yells out something akin to a botched steal, and have it be considered breaking the law like theft.

This could possible even be a commerce skill.

After writing all of this I am not so sure this idea would really add to the rp and or CF enviroment, but it is an idea none the less.
8061, RE: Player to Player Selling
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The main thing I figure that might be gained from this is a chance for commerce xp to be given from PtP selling,

This won't happen. Collusion is too tempting.

as well as a chance for people who wish to ensure they get their payment do.

Caveat emptor. If you're selling things on the street instead of to an established business, you're taking your chances. There's a number of RP solutions to this, like getting reliable people to hold the items for you, but it's fully intended that scams are possible.
