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Topic subjectEzekiel got me thinking on Dio's.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=8023
8023, Ezekiel got me thinking on Dio's.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I hurt myself.

But what if Berserker Deathblow was based upon the amount of shielding a Mage had slaped on himself, and/OR the number of opponenets the Berserker was fighting.

A Berserker getting ganged by 5 would have DB x 2 + 1 per ganger + 1 per resist of tanking char.


Being attacked by 3 warrior or what ever, would give him DB x 5
Being attacked by a 2 warriors and a mage with a warrior tanking would again give him DB x 5. However, if the tanking warrior had a magical shield on it would raise it to DB x 6.

I suppose there would have to be a cap at some point.

I'm not saying Berserks lose DB all together, just that it only be X2 in aone on one fight (Sans Barriers).

Ezekeil justified it as anger over cowardice, I could see that or a maddened glee of joy, or deseration. What ever.

That's all folks.

8024, RE: Ezekiel got me thinking on Dio's.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could see that making a certain amount of sense, but...

The thing is, when I've played Battle berserkers, I pretty much NEVER get killed by mages. The last time a mage killed one of my Ragers I think crushing hand as an invoker spell was involved if that gives you any idea.

What tends to kill me comes in three forms:

1) Shamans. I think even right now a shaman totally has the advantage on battle berserker. I don't see how the game would be more fun if we made that a bigger advantage.

2) Gangs of 3 or more people. Ok, your proposal addresses this.

3) One person catching me when I'm already maledicted or beat to #### and finishing me off. In your proposal, I don't have much of a deathblow at this point.

Personally, I don't think deathblow is a broken. That said, I think a thing you have to keep in mind is that a lot of situations that other characters have easy or even possible answers to, Battle (especially Battle warriors) can't.

For example, if I'm playing a normal warrior and I'm getting beat up raiding Empire, it's not a big deal for me to quaff return and either hide out or use the NPC healer to get right back in the action. If I'm Battle, I need to run for it on foot. This may entail some fights along the way in which I need to kill or drive off my enemies to survive.

I don't think I'm awake enough right now to explain it very well, but what it amounts to is that I think for Battle to be fair/balanced, it's okay for some of their fights to be easy. It's okay if that random thief that jumps them half-dead on their way back to their cabal takes a deathblow and has to get out of there. All this is balanced by the fights that are hard or impossible for them.
8025, That says it all for me.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I got to thinking that it would end up being a gravy train of people Train-Ganging a Berserker.

Thanks for the response.