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Topic subjectSpire Move to Hamsah?
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7993, Spire Move to Hamsah?
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What if?
8001, RE: Spire Move to Hamsah?
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are criminals in Hamsah thrown into a cell and have their gear removed? I had no idea. Then again, I've never been wanted. That's kind of rediculous, in comparison to other cities.

Also, as far as Galadon being the biggest and busiest... this is not the impression I get. Hamsah always appears bigger and busier IC to me, mostly because of the massive amounts of mobs, multiple shops, large central square, and distinct culture. Also, it is the connecting city of three continents. Galadon by comparison, seems rather plain, bland, and desolate. If this is the large central city everybody claims it is, the area really needs to reflect that. Also, it would be nice if it were more unique in its culture. I understand being a central city, it would have lots of blending of culture, but that wouldn't mean its plain, that would mean it'd be extremely out of the ordinary, with samplings from everywhere. This could be reflected in a large market, with many mobs, citizens, foreigners, shoppies from galadon and from every trading city in the world, most notably tribunal cities. I think the first step towards giving Carrion Fields its own unique flavor, is to give Galadon a unique flavor. That's the first city 99.9% of newbies see, and it IS supposed to be the central city in the world. I think. Right now, its mediocre pizza.
8012, Answers.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Are criminals in Hamsah thrown into a cell and have their gear removed? I had no idea. Then again, I've never been wanted. That's kind of rediculous, in comparison to other cities.

Their gear is removed and they are manacled by the guards and thrown into locked prison. I recall watching a cloud criminal starving to death there when I played Tribunal, as it didn't get into my mind to dismiss guards and call new ones inside the cell. However, the guards will throw the criminal to prison when he wounded enough to be captured, if I've understood correctly, instead of doing it to a chap in full health.
7998, Sure. Also..
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's also move Refuge to fields of Balator, Village to western edge of Desert of Araile and Fortress to Tahril mountains. Thus, we'd have Scion and Outlander neatly pincered between two enemy cabals. All cabals in one neat cluster. Nah, let's just keep them where they are.

So, Spire in Hamsah would make it be practically next door to the Chasm, concentrating Cabals more to one location.

IC standpoint: Galadon is the largest city of Thera, so it is logical that Spire is located there.
8004, Hadn't really thought of the Chasm, but it's next door to Empire as it is.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fair points I suppose.
7996, The question is why?
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why would the Spire be moved from the capital of the world to a much less busy city? I can understand where you're coming from from an OOC standpoint. You love the Spire because it coincides with your RL sensibilities and draconianism, so moving it to a city where criminals get thrown into a cell and left to rot is lovely. Yes, put Outlander at the extreme disadvantage of HAVING to enter Hamsah to take the Scales. It'll be great fun when they all end up in a cell and we can shoot them like fish in a barrel.

My last character was a Magistrate and even I think this would be unfair OOC and nonsensical IC.
7997, I agree
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One summoner could cause the entire wanted outlander population in their pk to lose their gear and be thrown in the cells.
8005, They can do that now, in Galadon.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In a round about way.
8003, Eh... With out calling you an idiot....
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was thinking of placing it, geographically, in the Center of it's protected areas, so a Lowbie in Seantryn didn't have to cross an ocean and Seantryn everytime there was a raid.

I'm anything but draconian.

And I hadn't thought of the cells.

At least you didn't type anything in all caps so as to look like a raging lunatic.

7994, RE: Spire Move to Hamsah?
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
More Outlander raids and water shifters.