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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectOffline notes suggestion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=7770
7770, Offline notes suggestion
Posted by Rade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
New command: email
Syntax: email Rade@rade.com|none

When this command is used, notes sent to your character are also sent to you via email so you can read them offline. If you do not wish to recieve any more emails, use the none argument to remove them.

Maybe even have settings so notes sent to all are not forwarded to your email, only ones specifically addressed to you, etc.
7771, RE: Offline notes suggestion
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While there are snippets out there that will do this...
Primarily they are used for emailing the admins when
something goes wrong or as a part of a shutdown process
They could be fiddled with a bit and do this for characters
(just passing note info to something like sendmail.)

The problem would be:
If I owned a server and had someone using it for a mud,
and all of a sudden it starts spewing out emails....
(Think of the notes sent to ALL and think of how many
characters exist at any given time)

I'd throw a fit.
(and them off the server)

Though it might go over well for imms to have notes
passed through for followers/empowerment characters
to thier chosen diety.

For a split second I thought prayers would be cool too.
but they'd have to be sent to everyone who could have
heard them, and then I thought of the people who pray
X is overpowered. you guys all suck. I'm quitting this stupid
hey lord X ya there? hello? (repeat 20 times)
most of which translate to:
(And I almost prayed this once back when entropy was still around and I was looking for some stupid fun)
pray I'm a loser looking for attention!
Of course maybe thinking like that is why my characters never
pray much. hehe.
Seems I'm back in babble mode, fixing a comp, installing software and can't go to sleep until it is done. *sigh* brain's not up to snuff right now. (If it ever was)