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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectOn healers
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=7654
7654, On healers
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Could create food be changed to put the bread in the healer's hands? Having to get your group leader to stop so you can pick up your bread can be a pain and I'm not sure there's any real game balance issue.

2) It doesn't make sense to me that thornheart is healable and spores is not. One is a thorn growing in your heart, the other is spores growing in your brain. Make the curability uniform one way or the other? Probably in the direction of thornheart uncurable without healing sleep...that's fine....the world needs more druids.

3) Make it possible to increase the effectiveness of cures/heals by pouring more mana into them? You quickly get tired of spamming "com 'cure poi' nabburak" when he eats a fillet and gets poisoned. I'd rather double the mana and only have to do it once or twice.

4) Fix gate such that gating to a "lion" takes you to the nearest lion, be it PC or NPC? Generally make gating to a shapeshifter sensible. Sucks when you know they're somewhere regening in their regen form and you can't for the life of you gate to them.

5) And the BIG ONE. Give healers more "mass" prayers. Mass fly, mass sanc, mass bless, mass frenzy, etc. Do what you will with mana costs, just please streamline the process of preparing your group.
7878, RE: On healers
Posted by Isengrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In my opinion, and ive played healers for quite sometime and rather effectively at that. Healers "need" nothing, a well played healer is a juggernaut. As long as you arent in it to rack up pk's. That being said I wouldnt mind seeing some new nifty sups or skills for healers just for the heck of it. That could really be my only complaint about healers, they get boring real fast, so new tricks just to pep them up would be fun.

Not that im getting much mud time in any more. So the whole post is moot.

Much Love
7688, RE: On healers
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>2) It doesn't make sense to me that thornheart is healable and
>spores is not. One is a thorn growing in your heart, the other
>is spores growing in your brain. Make the curability uniform
>one way or the other? Probably in the direction of thornheart
>uncurable without healing sleep...that's fine....the world
>needs more druids.

I'm 90% sure both of these spells have identical curing conditions for everything that can/can't cure them, FYI, though both are very, very hard with anything short of HS in a healer's arsenal.
7662, RE: On healers
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5) And the BIG ONE. Give healers more "mass" prayers. Mass fly, mass sanc, mass bless, mass frenzy, etc. Do what you will with mana costs, just please streamline the process of preparing your group.

The reason that we didn't do that with the defensive spells for transmuters was that it streamlines getting a large gang coordinated. We used primarily offensive spells instead there, because they gain more utility as the transmuter faces larger numbers of foes.

7656, RE: On healers
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>3) Make it possible to increase the effectiveness of
>cures/heals by pouring more mana into them? You quickly get
>tired of spamming "com 'cure poi' nabburak" when he eats a
>fillet and gets poisoned. I'd rather double the mana and only
>have to do it once or twice.

This would be unbalanced. Dude is at 50hp and getting the tar kicked out of him. You blow your wad and heal him up to 1200hp. He then absorbs 900hp of damage in the next round, flees, quaffs. That seem fair to you?
7657, I really just wanted the cures upped. Hence the example.
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Poor choice to include the more general "heals" in there.
7655, RE: On healers
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1: food. This is bad incase you actually have your hands full, good if your underwater. Or walking. Pain if your making food for another.
2: Thornheart and spores I aggrea wholeheartedly in you on that point. Make it ither way, allow cleanse to have a minor chance of curing them perhaps.
3: Stonger cures... bad bad idea. Healers with another is extreemly powerfull in the way they are. And them fillets as you put it are quite a high rank spell.
4: Gating is powerfull as it is. They are not meant to be killing machines. A strongsuit of shapeshifters is their ability to be able to be hard to target at times.
5: Mass spells I only see the transmuter having. Mass sanc... *drool* The only one I could see work is a mass blessing spell. Or a chant bless .

A new point or not, healers with lagging equipment is quite powerfull, a defending healer is extreemly powerfull, heck fighting the empire with a healer present makes raiding extreemly difficult, much moreso than any other cabal. Healers in themselves could perhaps gain some supplications a bit earlier, and get some that are special for their faith. That is something I would enjoy seeing. Spells according to sphere/faith. Toss inn one or two at the final ranks. Heck you are actually a high priest of some GOD... or DIETY if you prefer that.

Just my few cents