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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEcho of Mordrids post on Dios
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=7597
7597, Echo of Mordrids post on Dios
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An idea was tossed in the air geared towards
ranking exp.

Something along the lines of increasing exp
as more pk's are logged in.

I'd like to ask the Imms to throw this idea around,
and think of the possible benefits that this can bring.

Just a couple off my head.. More PK, more gear circulation,
more players on at once, less early morning log ins for safe pk
because when there are more around, you learn better. Not to mention, when more are around, you learn better!!

Anyways, throw it around if your interested, I think this is a
great idea. Again, just to echo Mordrids post, as it's his idea.

I just thought I would bring it here.
7611, RE: Echo of Mordrids post on Dios
Posted by Rade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The following ideas have popped into my head over the past few weeks, and I haven't really thought them through all the way. Anyways, since we're talking about this, here they are in their virgin form. Please be gentle.

Idea 1)
PK gives you experience:
Good/Evil kills Evil/Good - 500xp
Good/Evil kills neutral - 300xp
Evil kills Evil - 150xp
Neutral kills Anyone - 250xp

Perhaps in order to stop people from multikilling newbies for experience, use a system similar to AP soul.. more experience for more skilled players.

Idea 2)
I would like to see all the non-newbie in game quests bumped. I recently took over an hour doing an in game quest where I had to kill certain mobs (each was about 50xp). Its difficult to do this given my class/rank, and only people of my class/rank can get the quest. My reward was basically a help file by example for a spell which is pretty clear in the help file, and 2k experience. Meanwhile, I could've spent that hour spamming spells for probably 1000 experience, and I'd have more spells mastered.

Idea 3)
Make learning skills be affected by the number of people in your group. This way tanks don't need to wander off, if they're tanking for two buddies, their parry/dodge/whatever skills will be going up pretty rapidly, and less so if they wander off by themselves.
Nothing major, maybe like a 5-10% increase in the odds that a skill/spell will increase if you are taking blows and in a group.

7612, RE: Echo of Mordrids post on Dios
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Idea 1)
>PK gives you experience:
This has been brought up many a time, and generally viewed upon as anywhere between a bad idea to a very bad idea.

>Idea 2)
>I would like to see all the non-newbie in game quests bumped.

It sounds like the quest you did wasn't exp oriented but had a different intrinsic value. You are right, most quests give less experience than you could get in an equal amount of time ranking with a group of 3. I view them as a way to get exp. when groups just aren't available. My vote would go to more quests rather than more exp off the existing ones. Especially more quests that boost a skill %, of which I only know a few.
>Idea 3)
>Make learning skills be affected by the number of people in
>your group.

To some degree this is in place already because skills go up faster against higher ranked mobs than they lower ranked mobs. It generally holds true that if you are grouped, you are fighting tougher mobs.
7609, My point
Posted by Moridin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm just saying:

Ranking = Boring (most of the time)

PK /= Boring

So bring more risk of PK into the ranking scenario, and up the ante on reward the higher the risk of PK.

Possibly, this scale could be tweaked to help balance the pendulum swings of good to evil and evil to good.

In my experience, its been much more fun to level when its possible that a pk group is going to come crashing down on my leveling group.

If the concept doesn't have legs, its not my fault its all Valg's fault. Obviously.
7610, More where scope expansions would help increase pk risks
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing, but if you are going for higher likelihood of PK while ranking, more tweaks to the where command to allow for faster hunting/finding would do the trick. Imagine if one step off eastern into the grove and where covered the entire past, or one step off the hamsah docks and where covered all of the eastern continent, you can bet your bippy pk ranking in those places would be risky.

I think their are two related reasons PK risk during ranking has decreased - more areas to rank and player aversion to getting jumped while ranking. How many times have you heard a mage groupmate refuse to rank in Aridhol because he didn't want to get jumped by villagers? When once, viable alternatives were fairly rare, now they are fairly common.
7598, RE: Echo of Mordrids post on Dios
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If all of the people in your PK range are friendly, why would we reward that with more XP?

How can the code tell who is friendly and who isn't? Alignment and cabal aren't enough.

7599, My code knowledge is Zero but
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm guessing align based, just as how it works now for killing mobs. Except it would span over the pc's.

Here's "my" idea on it though..

Good/evil reap this benefit.

The fact a neutral has nearly unlimited rp possibilites, so much more so than a hard up good/evil align.

Neutrals also arent actively hunted, at least as much, just because of race, as elf...dark-elf, orc, storm giants, etc are.

So... More evils about, more learning for goods.

More goods about, more learning for evils.

Neutrals get ####, because they already have a ton of freedom and I think this is how the balance factor comes in. Increasing the non-fence-sitter characters.

This is unbiased too, because I play almost exclusively neutrals, but outside the box, I think we're on to something.
7604, RE: My code knowledge is Zero but
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Do we get to apply a negative bonus to your learning when you
are a good, and the balance is tipped to good? Since there is
obviously very little risk to being out ranking?

Just playing devils advocate here.

Im not against an idea like this, it would be very tricky to
code and implement fairly.

7605, Low risk Low reward imho nt
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7601, I didnt read the last line but... just to add
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If align/cabal/race isnt enough...

I guess we could try something of a lesser degree.

More benefitting for high-profiles pk'ers to rank faster,
because the more pk's you have fought with/died to/killed... since that stuff is logged to some degree I'm guessing (bear in mind again, I know #### about code) would be the 'little more'.

Just for a really simple example,

Lets say a Jinroh caliber pk character, 20 pks are on, and he's killed 19 of them. He ranks really well tonight.

Push the big killers faster to hero, to get them quicker to their caliber.

This is a bit off from my ... Mordrins original idea but, if just align alone cant differentiate the learning curve, PK stats should.

If 20 of my pk range are on, and 19 of them have killed me.. Well... i could think of a couple ideas for that...

But just for the sake of the post... can PK'd interactions help?
7602, RE: Echo of Mordrids post on Dios
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could you keep a toll of the number of times you fought with/died to another PK, then cross that with the number of remaining people in your PK range?

Sort of like this:

Six people in range, you've fought with or killed/died to three of them, so you'd get a xp bonus for being logged in.

Six people in range, you've fought/killed/died to one of them, you don't get much/any bonus.

This way it would take a certain number ratio 'in range PK enemy:in ranger PK friendly'. If alignment/cabal aren't enough, I was thinking along the lines of past PK records could help out. Chances are, if you've fought someone before, you'll fight them again.

To counteract the people who would probably just attack and fun to get their number up, make it so only death/kills add to your total.

Hope it helps.
7603, Just people you fought wont work
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That has too much room for abuse.

It would have to only be affected from deaths, i think.