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7542, Guildguards
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a question as to why certain guildguards have been beefed up recently as much as they have. (Area attack, more HP, more damage etc.)
It just seems a little out of whack to me that while lowbie guild assaults were very dangerous but somewhat possible before, it's just plain out of the question now before 45 or so from the looks of things, with or without tribunal around.
It was my original impression that the guildguards were to offer a modicum of protection to most characters underneath the level 30 threshold inside their guild from other classes, and also delay attackers long enough for Tribunal to rectify the situation.
Now it seems like each guildguard fights better than a ####ing cabal outer guardian, and given the IC importance and percieved power balance (with outer guardians of cabals being far more dangerous, potent and lethal due to the cabal items), it looks a little out of whack.
Can someone take a second look at this, if only to tell me to shut the hell up?
7543, RE: Guildguards
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a question as to why certain guildguards have been beefed up recently as much as they have. (Area attack, more HP, more damage etc.)
I'm not aware of any such changes offhand, though I don't remember directly comparing Voralian City guards to other cities. If you have specific guildguards in mind, email them to the address below and I'll make sure they're roughly the same from city to city.
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