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Topic subjectIC Information Sources: The Lyceum
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7526, IC Information Sources: The Lyceum
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's terribly unfortunate that Heralds is currently near-death because I've always been a fan of the Lyceum. Of course, the Lyceum has been stagnating for YEARS and I REALLY wish somebody would take the reins on it and make it a more dynamic and vibrant place.

There are a lot of things that could be done there to make it more visually interesting. I'd start with either moving the current "artifacts" into storage and replacing them with a new display or just adding more to the ones there currently. There have been a lot of bards, myself included, that have come and gone and who actually contributed to the "art" present in CF, but I was never approached about having my works placed in the Lyceum. Doing things like that might encourage bards to be more than warriors who sing occasionally.

But, on to the meat of my post. If somebody were to go through the trouble of taking item lore results and word them ICly, or adventure into the Silent Tower/Hell and provide travel hints, or any of the other things that typically get passed around OOC rings could it be placed in the Lyceum or is the immstaff disinterested in having that kind of information widely disseminated even through IC channels?

Oh, and death to the present system of keeping people out unless a Herald vouches for them.
7529, RE: IC Information Sources: The Lyceum
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
New submissions to the lyceum can *generally* be sent to lyceum@carrionfields.com

It's been unmanned but it should be getting attention from a volunteer soon. You can either send submissions authored by a current character, a past character of yours, or by a "ficticious NPC" author with a submission you just want to submit for fun.

The Lyceum is one of my babies, and if my time weren't running out I'd be volunteering to jump-start it myself. If there's still a problem with a stagnant lyceum when I return from MIA, it will be one of the first things that goes on my list.
7527, Now there's an idea...
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It's terribly unfortunate that Heralds is currently
>near-death because I've always been a fan of the Lyceum. Of
>course, the Lyceum has been stagnating for YEARS and I REALLY
>wish somebody would take the reins on it and make it a more
>dynamic and vibrant place.

I always wanted to do a sphere knowledge gnome healer or something, and do just that, some sort of librarian. Always liked the Lyceum as well, a more serious and studious half of the heralds than the barfly, fru-fru poet stuff. :P

Once I hit 52, I gotta contribute somehow.....

>There are a lot of things that could be done there to make it
>more visually interesting. I'd start with either moving the
>current "artifacts" into storage and replacing them with a new
>display or just adding more to the ones there currently. There
>have been a lot of bards, myself included, that have come and
>gone and who actually contributed to the "art" present in CF,
>but I was never approached about having my works placed in the
>Lyceum. Doing things like that might encourage bards to be
>more than warriors who sing occasionally.

I've got a lot I'd like to submit as well.

>But, on to the meat of my post. If somebody were to go through
>the trouble of taking item lore results and word them ICly, or
>adventure into the Silent Tower/Hell and provide travel hints,
>or any of the other things that typically get passed around
>OOC rings could it be placed in the Lyceum or is the immstaff
>disinterested in having that kind of information widely
>disseminated even through IC channels?

I think stuff like that, IC, would spontaniously burst into flames. Knowedge of the Abyss falls under demonology and doesn't stay widely known long.

>Oh, and death to the present system of keeping people out
>unless a Herald vouches for them.

I always prayed "May I please be vouched into the Lycaeum" and I've never failed to get in.
7528, RE: Now there's an idea...
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Oh, and death to the present system of keeping people out
>>unless a Herald vouches for them.
>I always prayed "May I please be vouched into the Lycaeum" and
>I've never failed to get in.

Doesn't that defeat any purpose there may have been to implement it?