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Topic subjectWhat about giving players a way of giving hint to newbie players.
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7508, What about giving players a way of giving hint to newbie players.
Posted by Tirach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let us say you are playing a cabaled player or a communer which needs to stay in role a whole lot more than a normal player to be able to continue stay in that position, or you have a player sho don't want to ruin RP (say a super evil guy)... You can still stay in role and give hints to a player.

I have been in many situations where I have been unable to help a player because of RP where I am pretty sure this was a player so new to the mud he would need my help.

I was thinking something in the lines of:
hint NewbieName I cannot help you because of my role play, try ask paladin name, or acolyte name instead. Don't be offended by what I do, its just RP.

"newbie sees":
Nasty duded hints you, 'I cannot help you because of my role play, try ask paladin name, or acolyte name instead. Dont be offended by what I do, its just RP.'.

and as he does this he can stand there mocking or whatever he would do to stay in role.

Maby let this be a togglable loglevel for wizlog command aswell so you have the possibility to monitor missuse aswell.

I think CF could need this because of the upswing of newbies coiming our way. It would be easier to help people for experienced players who really cannot help someone for the risk of loosing empowerment or the like.

Just an idea to make the mud a tad more newbiefriendly, even if the name is carrion fields :D
7511, RE: What about giving players a way of giving hint to newbie players.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Let us say you are playing a cabaled player or a communer
>which needs to stay in role a whole lot more than a normal
>player to be able to continue stay in that position, or you
>have a player sho don't want to ruin RP (say a super evil
>guy)... You can still stay in role and give hints to a
>I have been in many situations where I have been unable to
>help a player because of RP where I am pretty sure this was a
>player so new to the mud he would need my help.
>I was thinking something in the lines of:
>hint NewbieName I cannot help you because of my role play, try
>ask paladin name, or acolyte name instead. Don't be offended
>by what I do, its just RP.

I don't think you need a command for that.

You're close. Just think about comic book villains that talk
too much and dial up the evil:

Fool! Do I look like Paladin Frank over in the Soup Kitchen? Or the kindly Acolyte healer, Trevor, who gives aid to any who ask?!

Fool! Do I look like the baker just west and north of the market square?

Cowering worm! Pray for help if you can't find a paladin or healer to save your worthless hide!

Here! Scavenge these pies covered in dirt from the ground, like the mongrel you are.

Ha! Yes, I suppose I could tell you that X is found near Y, but what good would that do a fool such as yourself!

Am I to stand here giving you directions like Jasper at the Guiding Light in Voralian City? I do not think so.

7512, Poetic. (nt)
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Avast! Blop the bilges and poop the party, is gonna be a bumpy ride mateys! Hargh!
7515, RE: What about giving players a way of giving hint to newbie players.
Posted by Tirach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is what I have done up to now. But what about those total newbies... Won't matter much to then, since they would not even know how to put things in their sack, if they found one. Can allways find a way to roleplay something which can hint them in the right direction.

I just hope that the evil players will start doing this, would be soo nice to see evil stellar rp in other places than cabal channels or close quarters. I think newbies would enjoy the feel aswell :D

Maby atleast give acolytes the 'sight of the newborn' so they see a special (new) flag where (sanc) would be for people who tagged newbie true in creation... And maby the possibility to remove such flags when they see it fit (with spesific rules and so on I guess). Just some tools to easier welcome new players.

Acolytes today has pretty cool powers when it comes to helping and aiding others, but it would be cool if they could get some tools to better aid the newer players in the game so they come to the point where the mud starts to become a fully fledged enjoyable place to be. Today its not a very welcoming place for a newbie :D

7517, RE: Answering yes to the newbie question
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) No mechanical advantage is going to happen for answering yes
2) Other characters can't target you for answering yes
3) Other players don't get to decide for you when you're not new

We're open to ideas that affect everyone equally.

If they can't manipulate objects, at all, and you can't figure
out a way to explain it to them IC, then pray.
7532, RE: What about giving players a way of giving hint to newbie players.
Posted by thornheart on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Generally, whenever I play any type of character, if someone asks me for what seems to be OOC help, I will give them whatever help I can, regardless of my role. Sure I'll talk in character, and I might berate them for asking me of all people, but I won't forego giving help to a new player if they ask. I used to do this quite a bit as Rhowyn, a Scion necromancer.

Maybe it's just my general empathy to the new player (Lord knows I made my mistakes), but if someone asks me, I'm helping them.

(If the question is an advanced question, such as 'where do I find a good axe for level 35, I won't answer that kind of question unless it's obvious the player is VERY new and kinda stumbled his way to level 35)
