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Topic subjectInvisibility.
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7439, Invisibility.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I can't detect invis, and a groupmate casts invis on me, how do I see myself? Or even show up on 'where'?

Try that on for size, Qaledus.
7443, RE: Invisibility.
Posted by SPN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ever heard of the "Kinesthetic Sensory System"?

Here try this. Put your hand behind your back with your thumb pointing up. You know your thumb is pointing up, but how? The Kinesthetic System allows you to know the position of your body with out you actually being able to detect it with any other sensory system being aware of your body positioning.

I think this could apply to this situation. Even though you cannot see your arm you know where it is, and through memory remember what is on it, also where you are in your surroundings.

Am I looking to far into this...
But then again isn't that what psych majors do...?
7440, RE: Invisibility.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If I can't detect invis, and a groupmate casts invis on me,
>how do I see myself?

The name of the spell is something of a misnomer. It would
more accurately be named 'Invisible to Others'.

>Or even show up on 'where'?

You know you're there, dude.
7441, Qaledus 2 : Dallevian 0
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Foiled yet again.

Thanks for the answers, my curiousity has simply been brewing a bit of late.
7446, Hah, now you're just making stuff up!
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>If I can't detect invis, and a groupmate casts invis on me,
>>how do I see myself?
>The name of the spell is something of a misnomer. It would
>more accurately be named 'Invisible to Others'.
>>Or even show up on 'where'?
>You know you're there, dude.

Excerpt from Straklaw's life!

Mage utters the words 'uizug'
Straklaw fades out of existance.

Straklaw looks down, at his arms, and not seeing them, thinks somehow the mage has managed to chop them off without any feeling.

In a fit of orcish rage, Straklaw's next act is to try charging said mage.

Not realizing that his arms are indeed still there, as well as the two sharp axes in each hand, his "charge" becomes the power of Ax (with Valg's little dot thingies on it), and within the next few seconds, said mage is reduced to a gruesome pile of body parts and entrails.

*** Alright, so that didn't happen, but it does seem like a feasable orcish reaction to it, and would be funny as hell.

Related question though. Why doesn't invisibility affect armor as well? Seems like it must be a very complicated spell, if anything you grab suddenly vanishes (so you're not this magically floating suit of armor), but anything you WERE wearing, but leave behind, suddenly isn't invisible. Are you sure it's like "Invisibility to Others", or more like "Aura of Concealment", where it's just things in a 1ft radius of you are hidden to those who can't detect?