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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectHealing curse
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7296, Healing curse
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, I like the idea of this as a sect leader/emperor power. However I have one major gripe with it, and that is that it is too powerful. The fact that it can stop all healing to the person, no matter how many times they try, is what I have beef with. Granted it should be reasonably powerful as not everyone is able to use it, only two. Yet being able to stop all healing attempts is what I find a little hard to get over.

Let us take, hypothetically, someone in a locked room, a healing curse healer gates to him and proceeds to attack him. Another healing who also opposes the empire healer gates in. The Empire healer then curses both people, and lays down a healing curse on both. At this point it is already over. The healer is unable to heal the person trapped in the cell, as well as themself. All they can do is sit back from the screen and watch themselves die.

My idea involves making healing curse similar to the way in which manacles work now. Instead of having it stop everything everytime what about letting it stop some, if not the majority of healing attempted on the character. Or let healing occur more, yet have it affected by the curse and therefore heal less.

Echos along the line of:

You attempt to heal your wounds but the healing curse overwelms you.


Despite your healing curse you manage to heal some of your wounds.


You attempt to heal the wounds of PersonNeedingHealing but the healing curse overpowers your attempt.


As you concentrate on healing PersonNeedingHealing you manage to feel a weakness in the healing curse.

Something along those lines perhaps.

This is just an idea which I thought I would put out here. Thoughts would be welcome.

7347, RE: Healing curse
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is a very strong power, when it works. However, it's expensive to use, and it doesn't work as often as you might think.
7332, Healing Curse, and a side note
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think healing curse is fine as-is. I'll make an effort to watch, well, the one character who has it a little more. If there's a tweak, however, it's likely to be a small one to the duration, mana cost, or spell save. I don't anticipate a change to the general nature of the power.

This side note is directed to the person very vocally bitching about healing curse in game. That's without question the ####tiest roleplay I've seen on CF since I've come back. Your character has no in-game concept of game balance as such, and complaining about the overpoweredness or game balance of something is weak. Be glad it's not my job to police your cabal.
7333, FWIW
Posted by Balrahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All these special imperial powers only really show their sickness when they're stacked on a class that does not normally receive them. I.e. Emperor.

Healer with healing curse? Eh. Shaman with healing curse? More dangerous, but still eh. Necromancer with healing curse? Suddenly we have a problem. Same thing with piercing gaze, imperial tactics, et al. Maybe you could consider reducing their effectiveness for Emperors? I know I cringed at the thought of an Emperor with all four.
7334, RE: FWIW
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll try to keep an eye on the next Emperor, also, and see what I think about that. No question it's tough, but whether or not it's too tough.
7336, I don't think it's THAT bad.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gay in the extreme, but hardly overpowered. The timer on it is plenty short, and that helps balance out it's power. The only thing I think might need to be looked at (As well as for sigil) is how hard it is to save against.
7343, RE: Healing Curse, and a side note
Posted by Blobqirt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I have no idea who the person vocally bitching is, but I am glaf it isn't me. I thought I would bring it up here to get your (and other imms) opinion to it, which I have, so I am happy.

Thank you.


7362, Thank you for calling the person out.
Posted by Vinson Wentzell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm getting tired of them sending me a tell everytime I healing curse them. I cannot speak to the duration, but it's one of the more expensive abilities I have and it can be very difficult to land. I can call it on the Watcher and other mobs 6 times and have it fail every time. It's just as bad if not worse on players with decent saves.

On a side note, if the two individuals involved have the situation logged I'd love to see it. It's been one of the high points of the character.
7320, Healing curse is fine.
Posted by Jhishesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had it and had it used against me, both. It is fine.

And as an aside, if you think that once a healer has cursed you and healing cursed you all you can do is sit by and watch your screen as you die, you're not playing the game right. With virtually any class.

The only thing I might change with healing curse is that it is unable to be removed by healing sleep. It defeats even that. I might consider changing that. But otherwise it's fine.
7315, Get same saves for $$$ (insert your Deity) sake.
Posted by NNNick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It becomes very hand to land when guy is even moderately protected vs spells.
7303, I've always thought it was retarded.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But not overpowered so much because of the short duration on the timer. But then I still think the entire Empire is retarded and should never have been brought back, so I may be biased.
7349, RE: I've always thought it was retarded.
Posted by v_vega on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
let's make a deal, you try and play an Imperial and I'll see to it that my next char will be a fortresschar and we'll both see the other side of the coin. ooh and when you've done playing it, do email your chars name and I'll pay for your pbf, istorp@agera.ssu.se, mucho love from vega
7308, also regarding natural regeneration
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healing curse also stopping natural regeneration, is sort of strange, as shapeshifters go, it also stops the regeneration of a snake. Which do not make much sense. As this is not a magical ability the snake has. I asked about this a long time ago, but it was said it was as it should be. I have fond memories of being jacked while in a regen form, and got a healing curse on me, dying ever so slowly. Just because of that durn healing curse. And with their inner doing the same, makes it worse...

Got my vote.
7307, I vote no. n/t
Posted by Xenoroyal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7302, Its not only empire who deals healing curse....
Posted by Tirach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Transplendant arcons do aswell... I found out fighting a conjurer a while back... That was pretty nasty..

But I sponsor your idea...
7301, RE: Healing curse
Posted by WhiteRaven on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it would be ok if there was some way to cure it, remove curse, redemption, whatever. Having to just sit there and wait it out is a huge drag.
7300, Vote up!
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healing curse is horrific.