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Topic subjectRegarding the Mummy Quest
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=72475
72475, Regarding the Mummy Quest
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some clarification and general commentary:

To my knowledge, there is no way whatsoever for an Immortal, no matter how high level, to manipulate a necromancer's "chance" directly. There are certain things any 53+ immortal can do (or not do) that will ultimately have an impact on the quest (e.g., role rating), but those are all fairly transparent in that you will know whether it happened to you or not. There is NO karma lever, kill switch or approval process. An IMP with pfile access can obviously do anything to anyone anytime, so if you have a fundamental lack of trust in us then we're at an impasse. I don't know how things used to work, but in my time on staff the only reason a pfile has ever been edited by hand has been to fix a bug. If we wanted a way for immortals to influence this quest (or anything else) we would simply code a feature to allow that.

The necromancer's "chance" is calculated once when the character says "yes" to the question. That isn't ideal and concern was raised the last time we had this discussion and Sacer indicated he'd be interested in revisiting that at some point, time permitting.

The "base chance" is the same number for everyone, period. From there, fixed modifiers (not percentages/dice) up/down are applied based on all kinds of things, many of which are clearly quite well understood at this point. Others, less so.

Difficulty aside, at an average of roughly 1.6 mummies per year, I don't feel like we need to lower the bar because they're too rare.
72477, RE: Regarding the Mummy Quest
Posted by ExExplorer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>process. An IMP with pfile access can obviously do anything
>to anyone anytime, so if you have a fundamental lack of trust
>in us then we're at an impasse.

yes, we are at an impasse

Fri Jun 11 12:45:12 2004 by 'Sebeok' at level 47 (311 hrs):
Upped her success chance from 75 to 85 for the incubation process.

72478, RE: Regarding the Mummy Quest
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Except you ignored the comment right before it which says this: alternate Becoming-quest

Which maybe indicates this quest did not operate along the standardized lines of what the mummy quest is today. I don't know if this was around the time of the first mummies being introduced, when the quest was not fully automated like it is today. But it is known I think that lich chances can be altered by Imms, so presumably mummies could be initially as well. However, what once was the case no longer is.

Plus your reference is 15 years old.

I suggest you leave CF if digging up selective pbfs from 15 years ago that don't even prove the point you are trying to make to counter a general post from an Imm is how you like to spend your time.
72481, RE: Regarding the Mummy Quest
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The comment re alternate becoming quest simply refers to the mummy quest being an alternative route to a lich quest.

The quest back then is the same as it is now. I think I would have been the first though, had I not died.
72483, RE: Regarding the Mummy Quest
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
/me shrugs

I don't know, but presumably Seb would've had pfile access back then. I wasn't around. If that's how they rolled back back then, that's fine, and clearly he made it transparent by commenting in the PBF.

But again:

1) There's no way in-game to do it.

2) To the best of my knowledge, it's never been done offline in the time I've been on staff. If it has, I would expect a similar PBF comment.

Also, if someone on staff ever suggested doing this I would only be supportive of increasing a character's chance (because of how amazing they were), never decreasing it. That said, it's automated for a reason and I can't imagine ever being inclined to put our hands on the scale for that path specifically.

Now, as someone somewhere pointed out, the Lich quest is different. The immortal running the quest can influence that roll, and that's very much by design as it's a RP-heavy, one off immortal run quest. That said, to my knowledge on the incredibly rare occasion that power has been used it was only used in the necromancer's favor.

Anyway, I'm done with this topic.

72485, My memory is hazy but
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think sebeok might have been an imp.

Also I may have benefited by being first
72488, Sebeok was an IMP, yes. (nt)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
72476, Only 1.6 mummies a year?
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
End contraception now!

nobody deserves 3/5ths of a mum