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Topic subjectTweaks to the antiquated "consider" that will make it more useful on PC's.
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7242, Tweaks to the antiquated "consider" that will make it more useful on PC's.
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How about adding a new line to the read-out for "consider" that would be an indication of that player's PK record versus yours in a way consistent with that character's alignment and class?

For instance, if used on Dullameh or Zorszaul it might look something like this:

con dullameh
The perfect match!
Dullameh's reputation as a mass-murderer of clergymen and defiler of sacred sites has spread to the four corners of the world.
Dullameh is about the same size as you are.

Now, when used on, let's say, Lariya, it would resemble...:

con lariya
The perfect match!
Lariya is known far and wide as a champion of the Light and protector of the meek.
Lariya is smaller than you are.

Also, Imms should be able to tweak a character's "reputation line" if they want to. For instance, in Lariya's case (since I believe she was the Talon of the Phoenix) it could be like this:

con lariya
The perfect match!
The revered Talon of the Phoenix stands before you, blazing with righteous fury.
Lariya is smaller than you are.

Of course, the idea swings the other way too, so that someone who gets consistantly beat-down will have a less than intimidating reputation line.

con sevarecan
The perfect match!
Sevarecan is the brunt of many jokes in the kobold wrestling league.
Severarecan is about the same size as you are.

Now, as for further improving the command, I suggest that certain things be made visible "at a glance" through using "consider".

If you have 'detect magic' up, it should show the condition of their magical aura the same as if you looked or glanced at them. It should show you their health level (writhing, convulsing, etc). It should show exactly how they might be bound (blindfold, gag, feet, hands, etc.), as well as their current position. It should show you if they have blood on their hands, which would indicate a recent fight with another PC (useful for Tribby investigations). It could also show whether they appear to be drunk or not. You could even show possible physical maledictions. So here is a sample of how the new thingy might look...

con mekantos
The perfect match!
Mekantos should really not be considered much of a threat. He's just an arial.
Mekantos is about the same size as you are.
Mekantos's magical aura blazes, showing great power in reserve.
His feet are bound.
His hands are bound.
He is gagged.
Mekantos's flesh is ashen and riddled with plague sores.
You can see blood leaking from a slashed artery on Mekantos's left arm.
Mekantos's right arm looks to be twisted at odd angles, as if it were broken.
Mekantos is sleeping.
Mekantos is covered in someone else's blood.
Mekantos appears to be inebriated.
Mekantos is in perfect health.

There is a bit of redundancy there, I know, but damn that looks so USEFUL! I am sure one of you fellas can pretty-it-up way better than I can if you like the idea.

Anyway, toss that around.

Another Mek joint.
7258, The Zodrimauk factor:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of course, the idea swings the other way too, so that someone who gets consistantly beat-down will have a less than intimidating reputation line.

Therein lies my main problem with the 'reputation' line idea. It would potentially empower the type of character who seeks out the weakest opponents and only fights them. I'd be hesitant to put another tool in that type of character's arsenal.

As for the expanded condition information- we've previously talked about expanding the Assess command (or making a parallel command) that does something like this. Bundling it into consider (or look <name> ) is a possibility, as long as it sticks to very obvious factors and doesn't get too spammy.

7256, one drawback
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If someone had a reputation, you've either heard of it, or you haven't. You've either heard of Dullameh, or you haven't.

One of your proposed changes would mean that everyone has effectively heard of everyone else.

Also, it means that that necro you avoid, you suddenly realise is a weakling. So you too decide to kill him. End result, already struggling character gets killed even more often by people that would otherwise be avoiding him.

Similarly with broken bones. Sure, for realism, I think it makes sense to be able to see them (or plague). However, the players that get seen sitting around, say, galadon, waiting for kotegaeshi and kansetsuwaza to wear off are not going to be your sharpest pk'ers. Now you are proposing hanging a sign around their neck saying that they are messed up, even more than hp wise.
7259, My first thought is...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By the time you me and see you shouldn't be messing with me, I'll be bashing you.
7254, F'ing GREAT idea. I'd love to see consider more useful. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
7249, I'm horribly against this. Here's why.
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thieves, assassins, anyone who can get complete stealth kills, and is sneaky.

Some people kill more than people think they do.
7253, Uhh...
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, stealth classes should, by nature, be opportunistic. This makes their whole strategy that much more possible and effective. I can live with it.
7255, Let me explain some more.
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could see, if I was an excellent pker, rping someone who pretended to not be deathfull.

That dude with perfected assassinate who hangs out in the Inn sometimes and rps being a pacifist. That sort of thing.

There are allready IC ways of knowing if someone is deathfull. namely CB among other things.

I can see many roles wherein you would not want people knowing via mechanics how deathfull you were.
7246, RE: Tweaks to the antiquated
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the jist of this idea, but I think we need to be careful we don't start taking away too much from existing abilities... the Rager scout power comes to mind, and something that healers have too.

We should consider that every Theran isn't going to be versed in this stuff. While your average citizen in 2004 might know about "arteries", know what plague spots look like, and be able to tell if someone is covered in someone elses blood, I'm not sure your average fire giant warrior could tell. Perhaps something less specific, like "Mekantos appears to be suffering from some malady." could be used to cover a range of things, like weaken, plague, poison, crimson, etc.

As for the first part, it almost sounds like the Tribunal "judge" ability, only for pks not flags. I can't currently think of anything wrong with that, and it might help newbies know who to avoid, among other things. We would have to come up with some guidelines though.

7247, Thanks for the response (and here's some re-hashwork on the idea)
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the jist of this idea, but I think we need to be careful we don't start taking away too much from existing abilities... the Rager scout power comes to mind, and something that healers have too.

I agree. But if I'm not mistaken that Scout power shows lots of things that would not be visible to the naked eye, such as magical protections (invoker shields among them), body-boosts ala transmuter stuff, etc. What I want consider to do is give a constant read-out of the things that should be obvious, but have just never been considered a priority. For instance, there should be no question about whether or not anyone would be able to look at someone and see blood spurting from an artery, a compound-fracture on some limb, plague boils, etc (the list is really long). This would be a HUGE strategic tool for those who are willing to use it. I mean, if you conned an opponent and saw that they had a broken arm, a bleeding artery, the scourge and were at half health you'd be MUCH more inclined to strike if you were feeling opportunistic. On the flip side, you still wouldn't be able to see if that same person had full invoker shields, haste, enlarge, stoneskin or any of the other stuff that might enable him to roll over you (but a Scout still could).

We should consider that every Theran isn't going to be versed in this stuff. While your average citizen in 2004 might know about "arteries", know what plague spots look like, and be able to tell if someone is covered in someone elses blood, I'm not sure your average fire giant warrior could tell. Perhaps something less specific, like "Mekantos appears to be suffering from some malady." could be used to cover a range of things, like weaken, plague, poison, crimson, etc.

Maybe it could be based on intelligence and wisdom? That'd make sense. I was hoping to keep it a tad more specific than just "Mekantos is suffering from some malady," though. For some things that would be harder for the untrained eye to really discern, maybe lump them into classifications...example: plague, scourge, and poison could all give the same status indication, which could be "Mekantos appears to be stricken with an illness."

For boneshatter, kansetsuwaza, vital and kotegaeshi (I'm sure there are more that deal with internal injury/bonebreaking) it could be something else entirely. The point is just to get some kind of specific idea of what the problem is, while not being completely precise. Still, though, obvious wounds should be...obvious.